I need to write a simple program: There will be a Parent and a few programs [children] (started via execl
in Parent). Children communicate to one another in this way: Child I sens to Parent number J, Parent sends a message (something like -- "there is a message to you") to J, J send to Parent number K etc. etc.
And there is a problem -- my program (tested by strace
command) tries to send a message to child and there comes the broken pipe error.
I will be grateful if somebody looks through the code and tells me what's wrong:
Here is the code:
* Arbiter zabawy w Losia
wersja: Alfa 3b
początek edycji 25.01.2009
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include "err.h"
pid_t pid;
FILE *a;
int main ()
// my N players
int N;
N = 10;
//write -- writing from parent to child
//read -- reading from child
int rurka_write[N+1][2];
int rurka_read[N+1][2];
//initiation of N players
int i;
for(i = 1; i <= N; i++)
//tworze lacza
if (pipe(rurka_write[i]) == -1)
printf("wystapil blad przy rurce %d\n", i);
if (pipe(rurka_read[i]) == -1)
printf("wystapil blad przy rurce %d\n", i);
for(i = 1; i <= N; i++)
switch(pid = fork())
case -1:
printf("wystapil blad przy forkowaniu");
case 0:
printf("potomek numer %d\n", i);
if (close(rurka_write[i][1]) == -1)
printf("zle zamykanie");
if (close(rurka_read[i][0]) == -1)
printf("zle zamykanie");
//closing useless descriptors
int j;
for(j = 1; j <= N; j++)
if (j != i)
char str_N[20];
char str_i[20];
char str_0[20];
char str_1[20];
sprintf(str_N, "%d", N);
sprintf(str_i, "%d", i);
sprintf(str_0, "%d", rurka_write[i][0]);
sprintf(str_1, "%d", rurka_read[i][1]);
printf("%d Executing execl\n", i);
execl("./ucz", str_N, str_i, str_0, str_1, NULL);
printf("execl executed\n");
// execv("./ucz", str_N, str_i, str_0, str_1, NULL);
//closing useless pipes
if (close(rurka_read[i][1]) == -1)
printf("zle zamykanie rurki do czytania z potomkna\n");
if (close(rurka_write[i][0]) == -1)
printf("zle zamykanie rurki do pisania do potomka\n");
} //end of switch
} //end of for
//if I am in parent, I'm starting the game
if (pid != 0)
// delay(100);
int l = 1;
while(l > 0)
printf("sending to player %d\n", l);
a = fdopen(rurka_write[l][1], "w");
printf("sending: Wake up");
fprintf(a, "Wake up\n");
char k[20];
read(rurka_read[l][0], k, 20);
l = k;
Upvotes: 1
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Besides the fact that you do not end your cases with a break
(as noted by strager), the main problem is the statement l = k;
. Note that k
is a char[20]
and, when assigned to a int
, you don't assign any of the contents of k
to l
. Instead l
will contain (the value of) the pointer to the array. You will have to do something different here to get the value that is in the array; what exactly depends on that ucz
sends back.
After fixing this and making my own ucz
, the program seems to work without any problem. Of course, it might also be that there is another problem in your version of ucz
Upvotes: 2
About ./ucz -- it takes 4 parameters -- 1st -- number of players, 2nd -- player number, 3rd -- number of descriptor to read from parent, 4th -- number of descriptor to write to parent.
Adding exit(0), return(0), break after exec (or in the end of "case: 0") doesn't help.
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