
Reputation: 407

OpenCL clGetPlatformIDs gives around 230 valgrind memcheck errors

The code:

// g++ -std=c++17 -O0 -g -Wall -Wextra -lOpenCL query.cpp -o query
// valgrind --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes --tool=memcheck ./query N

#include <CL/cl.h>
#include <CL/cl.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

using namespace std;

#define CL_CHECK_ERROR(error)                                    \
  if ((error) != CL_SUCCESS){ cout << "ERROR in " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "\n"; }

int main(int, char * argv[])
  int type = stoi(argv[1]);

  string info_buffer;
  int info_buffer_size = 1024;

  if (type == 0){

    vector<cl_platform_id> platforms;
    cl_uint num_platforms;

    CL_CHECK_ERROR(clGetPlatformIDs(0, NULL, &num_platforms));
    cout << "num_platforms: " << num_platforms << "\n";
    CL_CHECK_ERROR(clGetPlatformIDs(num_platforms,, NULL));
    cout << "- " <<[0] << "\n";
    // cout << "- " <<[1] << "\n";
    // cout << platforms.size() << "\n";
    for (auto& platform : platforms){
      cout << platform << "\n";
      size_t size;
      CL_CHECK_ERROR(clGetPlatformInfo(platform, CL_PLATFORM_NAME, 0, NULL, &size));
      info_buffer.resize(size); // works also with size - 1
      CL_CHECK_ERROR(clGetPlatformInfo(platform, CL_PLATFORM_NAME, size,, NULL));
      cout << "platform: '" << info_buffer << "'\n";

  }else if (type == 1){

    cl_uint num_platforms;

    CL_CHECK_ERROR(clGetPlatformIDs(0, NULL, &num_platforms));
    cout << "num_platforms: " << num_platforms << "\n";
    unique_ptr<cl_platform_id[]> platforms(new cl_platform_id[num_platforms]);

    CL_CHECK_ERROR(clGetPlatformIDs(num_platforms, platforms.get(), NULL));
    cout << "- " << platforms[0] << "\n";
    // cout << "- " << platforms[1] << "\n";
    for (uint i=0; i<num_platforms; i++){
      cl_platform_id platform = platforms[i];
      cout << platforms[i] << "\n";
      size_t size;
      CL_CHECK_ERROR(clGetPlatformInfo(platform, CL_PLATFORM_NAME, 0, NULL, &size));
      info_buffer.resize(size); // works also with size - 1
      CL_CHECK_ERROR(clGetPlatformInfo(platform, CL_PLATFORM_NAME, size,, NULL));
      cout << "platform: '" << info_buffer << "'\n";

  } else {
    vector<cl::Platform> platforms;
    cout << "num_platforms: " << platforms.size() << "\n";
    cout << "- " << << "\n";
    // cout << "- " << platforms[1] << "\n";
    for (auto& platform : platforms) {
      CL_CHECK_ERROR(platform.getInfo(CL_PLATFORM_NAME, &info_buffer));
      cout << "platform: " << info_buffer << "\n";

  return 0;

The compilation:

g++ -std=c++17 -O0 -g -Wall -Wextra -lOpenCL query.cpp -o query


valgrind --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes --tool=memcheck ./query 0 2>query_t0.memcheck

valgrind --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes --tool=memcheck ./query 1 2>query_t1.memcheck

valgrind --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes --tool=memcheck ./query 2 2>query_t2.memcheck

In t0 and t1 cases (.h):

==8877== LEAK SUMMARY:
==8877==    definitely lost: 2,804 bytes in 19 blocks
==8877==    indirectly lost: 1,444 bytes in 9 blocks
==8877==      possibly lost: 152 bytes in 1 blocks
==8877==    still reachable: 3,056,953 bytes in 1,706 blocks
==8877==                       of which reachable via heuristic:
==8877==                         newarray           : 7,192 bytes in 7 blocks
==8877==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==8877== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.
==8877== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
==8877== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==8877== ERROR SUMMARY: 231 errors from 76 contexts (suppressed: 1 from 1)

In t2 (.hpp):

==32316== LEAK SUMMARY:
==32316==    definitely lost: 2,956 bytes in 20 blocks
==32316==    indirectly lost: 1,444 bytes in 9 blocks
==32316==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==32316==    still reachable: 3,056,953 bytes in 1,706 blocks
==32316==                       of which reachable via heuristic:
==32316==                         newarray           : 7,192 bytes in 7 blocks
==32316==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==32316== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.
==32316== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
==32316== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==32316== ERROR SUMMARY: 230 errors from 75 contexts (suppressed: 1 from 1)

Some errors (from the t2):

==32316== 168 (144 direct, 24 indirect) bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 1,201 of 1,366
==32316==    at 0x4C2CEBF: malloc (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
==32316==    by 0xB4DDF64: Priv_Main_Control_Refresh() (in /usr/lib/
==32316==    by 0xB4E669F: ADL_Main_Control_Refresh_X() (in /usr/lib/
==32316==    by 0xB4F3073: ADL2_Main_Control_Refresh (in /usr/lib/
==32316==    by 0xB4F58E1: ADL2_Main_Control_Create (in /usr/lib/
==32316==    by 0x7A50470: ??? (in /usr/lib/
==32316==    by 0x7D6F340: ??? (in /usr/lib/
==32316==    by 0x7D3F8C6: ??? (in /usr/lib/
==32316==    by 0x7D3F91B: ??? (in /usr/lib/
==32316==    by 0x7D44C73: ??? (in /usr/lib/
==32316==    by 0x7D2E7C6: ??? (in /usr/lib/
==32316==    by 0x7A27F26: ??? (in /usr/lib/
==32316== 278 (240 direct, 38 indirect) bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 1,225 of 1,366
==32316==    at 0x4C2D51F: operator new(unsigned long) (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
==32316==    by 0x63C2DD7: ??? (in /opt/intel/opencl-runtime/lib64/
==32316==    by 0x6339563: ??? (in /opt/intel/opencl-runtime/lib64/
==32316==    by 0x6339F61: ??? (in /opt/intel/opencl-runtime/lib64/
==32316==    by 0x634FD84: clGetPlatformIDs (in /opt/intel/opencl-runtime/lib64/
==32316==    by 0x4E3EBD1: ??? (in /usr/lib/
==32316==    by 0x4E3FE83: clGetPlatformIDs (in /usr/lib/
==32316==    by 0x10B77C: cl::Platform::get(std::vector<cl::Platform, std::allocator<cl::Platform> >*) (cl.hpp:2338)
==32316==    by 0x10B143: main (query.cpp:69)
==32316== 286 (248 direct, 38 indirect) bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 1,227 of 1,366
==32316==    at 0x4C2D51F: operator new(unsigned long) (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
==32316==    by 0x63C2F09: ??? (in /opt/intel/opencl-runtime/lib64/
==32316==    by 0x6339563: ??? (in /opt/intel/opencl-runtime/lib64/
==32316==    by 0x6339F61: ??? (in /opt/intel/opencl-runtime/lib64/
==32316==    by 0x634FD84: clGetPlatformIDs (in /opt/intel/opencl-runtime/lib64/
==32316==    by 0x4E3EBD1: ??? (in /usr/lib/
==32316==    by 0x4E3FE83: clGetPlatformIDs (in /usr/lib/
==32316==    by 0x10B77C: cl::Platform::get(std::vector<cl::Platform, std::allocator<cl::Platform> >*) (cl.hpp:2338)
==32316==    by 0x10B143: main (query.cpp:69)
==32316== 512 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 1,252 of 1,366
==32316==    at 0x4C2D51F: operator new(unsigned long) (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
==32316==    by 0x63EEAA5: ??? (in /opt/intel/opencl-runtime/lib64/
==32316==    by 0x63F4526: ??? (in /opt/intel/opencl-runtime/lib64/
==32316==    by 0x63F4B73: ??? (in /opt/intel/opencl-runtime/lib64/
==32316==    by 0x6339486: ??? (in /opt/intel/opencl-runtime/lib64/
==32316==    by 0x6339F61: ??? (in /opt/intel/opencl-runtime/lib64/
==32316==    by 0x634FD84: clGetPlatformIDs (in /opt/intel/opencl-runtime/lib64/
==32316==    by 0x4E3EBD1: ??? (in /usr/lib/
==32316==    by 0x4E3FE83: clGetPlatformIDs (in /usr/lib/
==32316==    by 0x10B77C: cl::Platform::get(std::vector<cl::Platform, std::allocator<cl::Platform> >*) (cl.hpp:2338)
==32316==    by 0x10B143: main (query.cpp:69)
==32316== 1,520 bytes in 10 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 1,290 of 1,366
==32316==    at 0x4C2CEBF: malloc (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
==32316==    by 0xD45BEBD: amdcl::scCompileImpl::Text2Stream(amdcl::_il_string_rec const&, amdcl::_il_binary_rec&) (in /usr/lib/
==32316==    by 0xD463218: amdcl::AMDIL::toBinary(char const*, unsigned long*) (in /usr/lib/
==32316==    by 0xD4646BD: amdcl::AMDIL::compile(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > const&, std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> >, amdcl::scCompileBase*) (in /usr/lib/
==32316==    by 0xD46306F: amdcl::AMDIL::compile(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > const&, std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> >) (in /usr/lib/
==32316==    by 0xCF80AB3: AMDILFEToISA(_acl_loader_data_0_8**, char const*, unsigned long) (in /usr/lib/
==32316==    by 0xCF828B4: if_aclCompile(_acl_compiler_rec_0_8_1*, _acl_bif_rec_0_8_1*, char const*, _acl_type_enum_0_8, _acl_type_enum_0_8, void (*)(char const*, unsigned long)) (in /usr/lib/
==32316==    by 0x82C35D8: aclCompile (in /usr/lib/
==32316==    by 0x79930E7: ??? (in /usr/lib/
==32316==    by 0x799375F: ??? (in /usr/lib/
==32316==    by 0x79A2111: ??? (in /usr/lib/
==32316==    by 0x79A4929: ??? (in /usr/lib/

As you can see, I have tried three different ways to query the platforms (t0, t1 using the C API, t2 using the C++ API). How can I remove the memory leaks in my code? Am I doing something wrong?

From those 231 errors from 76 contexts, my file appears in just 4 (C) or 3 (C++) messages (grep 'cpp' query_t1.memcheck vs grep 'lost' query_t1.memcheck). So, how can I remove those memory leaks if are not leaked from my code? Can I do something there?


==32316==    by 0x10B143: main (query.cpp:69)
==32316==    by 0x10B143: main (query.cpp:69)
==32316==    by 0x10B143: main (query.cpp:69)

==32316== 8 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 53 of 1,366
==32316== 8 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 54 of 1,366
==32316== 8 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 55 of 1,366
==32316== 8 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 56 of 1,366
==32316== 20 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 94 of 1,366
==32316== 168 (144 direct, 24 indirect) bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 1,201 of 1,366
==32316== 278 (240 direct, 38 indirect) bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 1,225 of 1,366
==32316== 286 (248 direct, 38 indirect) bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 1,227 of 1,366
==32316== 512 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 1,252 of 1,366
==32316== 1,520 bytes in 10 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 1,290 of 1,366
==32316== 1,584 (240 direct, 1,344 indirect) bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 1,291 of 1,366
==32316==    definitely lost: 2,956 bytes in 20 blocks
==32316==    indirectly lost: 1,444 bytes in 9 blocks
==32316==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks

Upvotes: 2

Views: 452

Answers (1)


Reputation: 1129

Ran your program with pocl git master in valgrind, results:

==21413== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==21413== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==21413== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==21413== Command: ./query 1
num_platforms: 1
- 0x840df40
platform: 'Portable Computing Language'
==21413== HEAP SUMMARY:
==21413==     in use at exit: 74,145 bytes in 858 blocks
==21413==   total heap usage: 1,058 allocs, 200 frees, 421,333 bytes allocated
==21413== LEAK SUMMARY:
==21413==    definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==21413==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==21413==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==21413==    still reachable: 74,145 bytes in 858 blocks
==21413==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==21413== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.
==21413== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
==21413== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==21413== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)


How can I remove the memory leaks in my code? Am I doing something wrong?

You're not doing anything wrong. The AMD/Intel implementations are not exactly memleak-free :)

Upvotes: 2

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