Reputation: 77
I am trying to write a code to test the service call which is done in my controller . I am trying to unit test that particular function in controller which is doing the service call and bringing the data . Currently i am trying with local json , but it will actually do a service call .
I got to know that first i have to create a spy object but i am getting the error, my goal is to successfully unit test the http call happening in the controller.
i am new to unit testing .Pasting my code , request you to help me please , struggling in this from many days now.Also i have gone through many solutions , they are so different making be confused.Your help is greatly appreciated
Service code :
//xlpApp is the module name
xlpApp.factory('xlpServices', ['$rootScope', '$http', function($rootScope,
$http) {
var xlpServices = {};
xlpServices.getProgramData = function(){
return $http.get(scripts/services/data/unitTesting.json');
unitTesting.json code :
"name":"unit testing"
Controller Code :
$ = {
programData: function(){
xlpServices.getProgramData().then(function(response) {
if (response && {
selectSortingType : function(type) {
$scope.selectedSorting = type;
selectedFilter.sortingBy = $scope.selectedSorting;
Unit Test Code :
describe('myProgramGpmCtrl', function() {
var $controller;
$controller = _$controller_;
describe('service call test', function() {
var xlpServices , myService , $q;
var $scope = {};
xlpServices = xlpServices;
$q = _$q_;
var controller = $controller('myProgramGpmCtrl', { $scope: $scope });
myService = jasmine.createSpyObj('xlpServices',['getProgramData']);
it('Service call test ', function() {
Expected spy xlpServices.getProgramData to have been called.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 52
Reputation: 5226
Try something like,
describe('service call test', function() {
var xlpServicesMock , myService , $q;
var $scope = {};
xlpServicesMock = xlpServices;
$q = _$q_;
spyOn(xlpServicesMock ,'getProgramData').and.callFake(function() {
// we can return promise instead this custom object
return {
then: (callback, errorCallback) => {
callback('data to be passed to then callback');
/* `callback` function should be invoked when you wanted to test the service for success response with status code 200.
`errorCallback` function should be invoked with 500 status code when you wanted to test the api failure
Ex: callback({status: 200, data: <your data here>);
errorCallback({status: 500, data: <your error data>})
You can prepare the response to be passed as you wanted.
var controller = $controller('myProgramGpmCtrl', { $scope: $scope, xlpServices: xlpServicesMock });
it('Service call test ', function() {
There are good resources available online. check here and here
Upvotes: 1