
Reputation: 1

How to send an e-mail from database if some condition is met?

I am beginner.

We have:


Table contain columns: Number, State, ExportTime, ImportTime

I need to create a procedure which will send an email from the database (MSSQL) to my mailbox if the amount of the records is bigger than 5 (for records where State=2). That e-mail must contain all rows of that table (if condition is met) in descending order.

Then, the procedure must be performed every hour as a job and connect to server using Linked Server...

I know only how to write two statements with select to get data that I need, but nothing more.

FROM schemaname.tablename
WHERE state = 2
ORDER BY ExportDateTime DESC

  COUNT(*) AS Queued
FROM schemaname.tablename
WHERE state = 2

Any tips?

Upvotes: 0

Views: 8367

Answers (1)


Reputation: 5707

Here's our solution:

First, create the following proc (hat tip to Tony Rogerson, SQL Server MVP)

CREATE PROC [dbo].[email_object_as_html]
    @source_db    sysname,       --  Where the @object_name is resident
    @schema       sysname,       --  Schema name eg.. dbo.
    @object_name  sysname,       --  Table or view to email
    @order_clause NVARCHAR(MAX), --  The order by clause eg. x, y, z
    @email        NVARCHAR(MAX),  --  Email recipient list
    @subject      NVARCHAR(MAX),
    @body_prefix  NVARCHAR(MAX),
    @body_suffix  NVARCHAR(MAX),
    @bcc NVARCHAR(MAX) = ''
        Convert's the specified table or view into an html table and emails it.

        Tony Rogerson, SQL Server MVP
        28 March 2008

        You are free to use and modify this,
        just keep the above in place;
        I offer no warranties, you get this as is.

    IF LEN(LTRIM(RTRIM(ISNULL(@order_clause,N'')))) = 0
        SET @order_clause = N''
        SET @order_clause = ' order by ' + @order_clause

               @body    nvarchar(max)

    --  Get columns for table headers..
    exec( '
    declare col_cur cursor for
        select name
        from ' + @source_db + '.sys.columns
        where object_id = object_id( ''' + @source_db + '.' + @schema + '.' + @object_name + ''')
        order by column_id
        ' )

    open col_cur

    declare @col_name sysname
    declare @col_list nvarchar(max)

    fetch next from col_cur into @col_name

    set @body = N'<table border=1 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1><tr>'

    while @@fetch_status = 0
        set @body = cast( @body as nvarchar(max) )
                  + N'<th>' + @col_name + '</th>'

        set @col_list = coalesce( @col_list + ',', '' ) + ' td = ' + cast( @col_name as nvarchar(max) ) + ', '''''

        FETCH NEXT FROM col_cur INTO @col_name


    DEALLOCATE col_cur

    SET @body = CAST( @body AS NVARCHAR(MAX) )
              + '</tr>'

    DECLARE @query_result NVARCHAR(MAX)

    --  Form the query, use XML PATH to get the HTML
    SET @nsql = '
        select @qr =
               cast( ( select ' + CAST( @col_list AS NVARCHAR(MAX) )+ '
                       from ' + @source_db + '.' + @schema + '.' + @object_name +
                       @order_clause + '
                       for xml path( ''tr'' ), type
                       ) as nvarchar(max) )'

    EXEC sp_executesql @nsql, N'@qr nvarchar(max) output', @query_result OUTPUT

    SET @body = CAST( @body AS NVARCHAR(MAX) )
              + @query_result

    --  Send notification
    IF @subject IS NULL OR @subject = ''
    SET @subject = 'Your table as requested'

    SET @body = @body + CAST( '</table>' AS NVARCHAR(MAX) )

    SET @body = '<p>' + @body_prefix + '</p>'
              + CAST( @body AS NVARCHAR(MAX) )
              + '<br><br>' + @body_suffix

    SET @body = REPLACE(REPLACE(@body, '&lt;', '<'), '&gt;','>')              

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail 
                                  @recipients = @email,
                                  @body = @body,
                                  @body_format = 'HTML',
                                  @subject = @subject,
                                  @blind_copy_recipients = @bcc

Then, using a temp table with your query results, you can call the email proc like this:

INTO #temp
FROM schemaname.tablename
WHERE state=2
ORDER BY ExportDateTime DESC

IF (SELECT COUNT(*) AS Queued FROM #temp ) > 5

    EXEC dbo.email_object_as_html 
        @source_db = 'tempdb',
        @schema = '',
        @object_name = '#temp',
        @order_clause = N'ExportDateTime',
        @email = N'[email protected]', 
        @subject = N'schemaname.tablename results',
        @body_prefix = N'Here are your query results:',
        @body_suffix = N'This email brought to you by digital.aaron @ StackOverflow',
        @bcc = N'[email protected]'

Upvotes: 1

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