Reputation: 196
I need to have a Spring dependency injected into a JPA entity listener. I know I can solve this using @Configurable and Spring's AspectJ weaver as javaagent, but this seems like a hacky solution. Is there any other way to accomplish what I'm trying to do?
Upvotes: 5
Views: 11621
Reputation: 61
Extending a bit the above responses: Since Hibernate 5.3 org.hibernate.resource.beans.container.spi.BeanContainer and Spring 5.1. You can use this to post process loaded domain entities for instance. Instead of using the aspect. See:
In your config:
LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean customCartEntityManagerFactory(DataSource customCartDataSource, EntityManagerFactoryBuilder builder, ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory) {
var mf = builder
mf.getJpaPropertyMap().put(AvailableSettings.BEAN_CONTAINER, new SpringBeanContainer(beanFactory));
return mf;
In your entity bean:
The listener, notice no @Component decoration.
public class MyEntityListener implements BeanFactoryAware, InitializingBean {
private final BeanConfigurerSupport beanConfigurerSupport = new BeanConfigurerSupport();
public CustomCartEntityListener() {"MyEntityListener created");
public void postLoad(MyEntity entity) {
public void setBeanFactory(BeanFactory beanFactory) throws BeansException {
this.beanConfigurerSupport.setBeanWiringInfoResolver(new AnnotationBeanWiringInfoResolver());
public void afterPropertiesSet() {
this.beanConfigurerSupport.afterPropertiesSet();"MyEntityListener initialized");
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Reputation: 14515
Here's a solution in Kotlin (Spring Boot 2.3.9, Hibernate 5.4.29.Final). First part is similar to Matthias' answer. However, the second part was needed even though it's a Spring Boot application.
class EntityXyzListener(val mySpringBean: MySpringBean) {
fun afterLoad(entityXyz: EntityXyz) {
// Injected bean is available here. (In my case the bean is a
// domain service that I make available to the entity.)
entityXyz.mySpringBean= mySpringBean
I already had this datasource @Configuration
in my spring boot app. I only had to add the line of code that puts the BEAN_CONTAINER
property in the jpaPropertyMap
lateinit var context: AbstractApplicationContext
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.datasource")
fun myAppDatasource(): DataSource {
return DataSourceBuilder.create().build()
@Bean(name = ["myAppEntityManagerFactory"])
fun entityManagerFactoryBean(builder: EntityManagerFactoryBuilder): LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean {
val localContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean =
// the line below was the long-sought solution :^)
AvailableSettings.BEAN_CONTAINER, SpringBeanContainer(context.beanFactory))
return localContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1619
Since Hibernate 5.3 org.hibernate.resource.beans.container.spi.BeanContainer and Spring 5.1 org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.SpringBeanContainer you do not need to extra autowiring effort any more. See details of this feature in
Simply annotate your EntityListener class with @Component, and do any autowiring like so:
public class MyEntityListener{
private MySpringBean bean;
public MyEntityListener(MySpringBean bean){
this.bean = bean;
public void prePersist(final Object entity) {
In Spring Boot the configuration of LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean is done automatically in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.orm.jpa.HibernateJpaConfiguration.
Outside of Spring Boot, you have to register SpringBeanContainer to Hibernate:
LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean emfb = ...
emfb.getJpaPropertyMap().put(AvailableSettings.BEAN_CONTAINER, new SpringBeanContainer(beanFactory));
Upvotes: 15
Reputation: 921
You can try this solution
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware;
public final class AutowireHelper implements ApplicationContextAware {
private static final AutowireHelper INSTANCE = new AutowireHelper();
private static ApplicationContext applicationContext;
private AutowireHelper() {
* Tries to autowire the specified instance of the class if one of the specified beans which need to be autowired
* are null.
* @param classToAutowire the instance of the class which holds @Autowire annotations
* @param beansToAutowireInClass the beans which have the @Autowire annotation in the specified {#classToAutowire}
public static void autowire(Object classToAutowire, Object... beansToAutowireInClass) {
for (Object bean : beansToAutowireInClass) {
if (bean == null) {
* @return the singleton instance.
public static AutowireHelper getInstance() {
return INSTANCE;
public void setApplicationContext(final ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
AutowireHelper.applicationContext = applicationContext;
and then
SomeService thatToAutowire;
AutowireHelper.autowire(this, this.thatToAutowire);//this in the method
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Reputation: 30474
Another trick is to implement an utility class with static method that helps you to use Spring beans everywhere, not only in managed classes:
public final class BeanUtil {
private static ApplicationContext context;
private BeanUtil(ApplicationContext context) {
BeanUtil.context = context;
public static <T> T getBean(Class<T> clazz) throws BeansException {
Assert.state(context != null, "Spring context in the BeanUtil is not been initialized yet!");
return context.getBean(clazz);
Upvotes: 5