Reputation: 186
I'm developing an web app using CodeIgniter and requesting data from a Slim REST Api. I'm having problems on my web app to get a response from a Httpful request. I use a base function to make all requests on my CodeIgniter frontend app, It goes like this:
function httpRequest($verb, $endpoint, $sentHeaders = null, $body = null)
try {
require FCPATH . 'vendor/autoload.php';
$context = & get_instance();
$xUsuario = $context->session->usuario;
$headers = array(
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
'xAuthChaveApi' => $context->session->userdata('CLIENT_KEY'),
'xAuthUsuarioID' => $xUsuario['id'],
'xAuthUsuarioToken' => $xUsuario['sessao']['token']
if (isset($sentHeaders)) {
$headers = array_merge($headers, $sentHeaders);
/*=========THE EXCEPTION IS THROWN HERE=========*/
$response = \Httpful\Request::{$verb}(API_URL . $endpoint)
if ($response->code == 401) {
encerrarSessao('Usuário não autorizado! Verifique os dados das suas credenciais e tente novamente');
return json_decode(json_encode($response->body), true);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
show_error('O seguinte erro ocorreu ao fazer requisição aos servidores: ' . $ex->getMessage());
I've tested with both the Web App and the API hosted on my localhost, the App on my localhost and the API on the Hostgator's server and It works like a charm. But when both the App and the Api are hosted on the online server is when I get the error. Funny thing is that the error only occurs on this particular endpoint, I have no problems at all with the others either local or online. I can even call this endpoint on the server with postman and It works fine.
This is the endpoint code I have on the API:
public static function listarImportacao(Request $request, Response $response) {
try {
$dataInicial = $request->getHeader('dataInicial')[0];
$dataFinal = $request->getHeader('dataFinal')[0];
if(!isset($dataInicial) && !isset($dataFinal)) {
$dataInicial = date('Y-m-d');
$dataFinal = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 day'));
$partidas = Partida::whereBetween(
array($dataInicial, $dataFinal)
->with(array('liga.pais', 'timeCasa', 'timeFora'))
->where('flagDisponivel', '!=', '1')
->where('cotacao', '!=', 'null')
->whereRaw('(dataHora >= (now() + INTERVAL 5 MINUTE))')
$meta = Helper::metaArray(Enum::SUCS_STS, Enum::SELECTED);
$partidas = Helper::formatarPartidas($partidas);
return $response->withCustomJson($meta, $partidas);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$meta = Helper::metaArray(Enum::ERR_STS, $ex, 400);
return $response->withCustomJson($meta);
This is the controller function that makes the request:
public function importacao() {
try {
$post = $this->input->post();
if(isset($post['dataInicial']) && isset($post['dataFinal'])) {
$dataInicial = dataAmericana($post['dataInicial']);
$dataFinal = dataAmericana($post['dataFinal']);
setFlashData($post['dataInicial'], 'dataInicial');
setFlashData($post['dataFinal'], 'dataFinal');
} else {
$dataInicial = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('today'));
$dataFinal = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 day'));
$headers = array(
'dataInicial' => $dataInicial,
'dataFinal' => $dataFinal
$partidas = httpRequest('GET', Endpoint::listaImportacao, $headers);
//var_dump($partidas['data']); die();
$dados = array(
'titulo' => 'Importação de Partidas',
'nomeView' => 'partida/importacao',
'partidas' => isset($partidas['data']) ? $partidas['data'] : null
$this->load->view('menus/main', $dados);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
show_error('O seguinte erro ocorreu ao fazer requisição aos servidores: ' . $ex->getMessage());
Is there anything I'm missing here? Thanks in advance.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 4062
Reputation: 221
I had this error also Unable to parse response as JSON and I was sure the returned json was ok. After a long search there was also a php error in the output for a missing variable. That was corrupting the correct json output. So check for php related errors.
Upvotes: 1