Reputation: 1874
I'm developing an APP, and it uses the Read External memory to read an .db file.
Currently I have a Shared Preferences which can be modified to point to the location of that file in external storage.
I have the steps:
My question: How do I accomplish step 2 (search for a file named my-file.db in external storage)? so I may perform step 3
Edited: Added the actual working method, but now it don't return the location.
//Try to search the DB:
String path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString() + "/";
Files fileLocation = new Files();
String location = fileLocation.searchDB(path);
Log.e("elBacheAPP DATA", "FileName:" + location);
//No DatabaSe was Found!!!
toolbarTitle = "No hay Datos";
public String searchDB(String path) {
File directory = new File(path);
File[] files = directory.listFiles();
if (files != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
//Found it!
if (files[i].getName().equals("elbacheapp.db")) {
Log.e("elBacheAPP DB Found", "FileName:" + files[i].getAbsolutePath());
String location = new String(files[i].getAbsolutePath());
return location;
searchDB(path + files[i].getName());
return "";
This is the output:
12-26 22:13:41.829 7420-7420/com.bachecubano.elbache E/elBacheAPP DB Found!: FileName:/storage/emulated/0/testing/elbacheapp.db
12-26 22:13:41.829 7420-7420/com.bachecubano.elbache E/elBacheAPP: Location:/storage/emulated/0/testing/elbacheapp.db
12-26 22:13:41.832 7420-7420/com.bachecubano.elbache E/elBacheAPP DATA: FileName:
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Views: 91
Reputation: 22637
My first questions would be,
What being said, you can use File.list() recursively starting from Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() to locate the file of interest. I'll leave the details of that up to you, but it's going to go something like,
find(File f) {
if (f is a file) {
if (f is the file of interest) {
yes: do the work
else if (f is a dir) {
for (f2 in f) { find(f2); }
Upvotes: 1