Reputation: 43
I've recently picked up Tensorflow and and have been trying my best to adjust to the environment. It has been nothing but wonderful! However, batch normalization using tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm has been a little tricky. Right now, here is the function I'm using:
def batch_norm(x, phase):
return tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm(x,center = True, scale = True,
is_training = phase, updates_collections = None)
Using this, I followed most documentation (also Q & A) that I've found online and it led me to the following conclusions:
1) is_training should be set to True for training and false for testing. This makes sense! When training, I had convergence (error < 1%, Cifar 10 Dataset).
However during testing, my results are terrible (error > 90%) UNLESS I add (update collections = None) as an argument to the batch norm function above. Only with that as an argument will testing give me the error I expected.
I am also sure to use the following for training:
update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)
with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops): # Ensures, Updating ops will perform before training
with tf.name_scope('Cross_Entropy'):
cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean( # Implement Cross_Entropy to compute the softmax activation
tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=y_, logits=y_conv)) # Cross Entropy: True Output Labels (y_), Softmax output (y_conv)
tf.summary.scalar('cross_entropy', cross_entropy) # Graphical output Cross Entropy
with tf.name_scope('train'):
train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-2).minimize(cross_entropy) # Train Network, Tensorflow minimizes cross_entropy via ADAM Optimization
with tf.name_scope('Train_Results'):
with tf.name_scope('Correct_Prediction'):
correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y_conv, 1), tf.argmax(y_, 1)) # Check if prediction is wrong with tf.equal(CNN_result,True_result)
with tf.name_scope('Accuracy'):
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32)) # Find the percent accuracy, take mean of correct_prediction outputs
tf.summary.scalar('accuracy', accuracy) # Graphical output Classification Accuracy
This should make sure that the batch normalization parameters are updating during training.
So this leads me to believe that update collections = None is just a nice default to my batch normalization function that during testing function will be sure not to adjust any batch normalization parameters.... Am I correct?
Lastly: Is it normal to have good results (Expected Error) when, during the testing phase, having batch normalization turned on AND off? Using the batch norm function above, I was able to train well (is_training = True) and test well (is_training = False). However, during testing (is_training = True) I was still able to get great results. This is just gives me a bad feeling. Could someone explain why this is happening? Or if it should be happening at all?
Thank you for your time!
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2314
Reputation: 306
Unstable decay
rate (default 0.999) for moving averages might be the reason for reasonably good training performance but poor validation/test performance. Try a slightly lower decay
rate (0.99 or 0.9). Also, try zero_debias_moving_mean=True
for improved stability.
You can also try different batch sizes and see if validation performance increases. Large batch size can break validation performance when batch normalization is used. See this.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 681
Is your phase variable, a tensorflow boolean or a Python boolean?
Upvotes: 0