Reputation: 4800
I want to code a typescript function that repeats a function n times to an argument, in a functional way. Recursion seems to me as a good suggestion.
My attempt in vanilla ES is below.
const repeat = f => times => arg => {
if(times <= 0) {
return arg;
} else {
const val = repeat(f)(times-1)(f(arg))
return val;
My best attempt in annontating the type does not pass compilation.
const repeat = <T>(f: T=>T) => (times: number) => (arg: T) => {
if(times <= 0) {
return arg;
} else {
const val: T = repeat(f)(times-1)(f(arg))
return val;
EDIT Following the advice of @arpl, but not writing a separate Interface, I settled for below. The separate definition of "ret" is to allow proper inference of return type.
const repeat = <T>(f: (a: T)=>T) => (t: number) => (a: T) => {
const ret: T = t > 0 ? repeat(f)(t - 1)(f(a)) : a;
return ret;
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Views: 1941
Reputation: 3633
Here is one way that uses an interface.
interface Repeat {
<T>(f: (a: T) => T): (t: number) => (a: T) => T;
const repeat: Repeat = f => t => a => {
return t > 0 ? repeat(f)(t - 1)(f(a)) : a;
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