While implementing a few test scripts based on cucumber-protractor-typescript logic, I ran into a problem: my Gherkin can not find declaration of the steps:
Steps definition is coded with TypeScript. However, all my tests compiles and runs successfully. There is the same problem as mine, but it didn't solve my problem.
When I am trying to create step definition file manually, there is no option to create TypeScript file, only JavaScript:
Here is my example of step definition:
defineSupportCode(({Given, When, Then, Before}) => {
let search: Search;
Before(() => {
search = new Search();
Given(/^User on the angular site$/, async () => {
let title = await browser.getTitle();
return expect(title).to.equal('Angular');
When(/^User type "(.*?)" into the search input field$/, async (text: string) => {
await search.enterSearchInput(text);
Then(/^User should see some results in the search overlay$/, async () => {
await search.getSearchResultItems();
let count = await search.getCountOfResults();
return expect(count);
And my cucumber file:
Feature: Search
As a developer using Angular
User need to look-up classes and guidelines
So that User can concentrate on building awesome apps
Scenario: Type in a search-term
Given User on the angular site
When User type "foo" into the search input field
Then User should see some results in the search overlay
My repositories structure:
Does somebody knows how to solve this problem?
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