Reputation: 2263
I want to use gsap in combination with ScrollMagic. ScrollMagic is already implemented and it works fine, but when I want to use animation.gsap i get the error
These dependencies were not found: * TimelineMax in ./node_modules/scrollmagic/scrollmagic/uncompressed/plugins/animation.gsap.js * TweenMax in ./node_modules/scrollmagic/scrollmagic/uncompressed/plugins/animation.gsap.js
Therefore I installed gsap via npm
npm i gsap
and imported TimelineMax and TweenMax
if (process.browser) {
const sm = require('ScrollMagic')
Vue.prototype.$sm = sm
Vue.prototype.$smController = new sm.Controller()
and in my nuxt.config.js file i added gsap to the vendor array
vendor: ['gsap', 'ScrollMagic', 'vuebar', 'vee-validate'],
and in my component i use this code for a paralax-effect
new this.$sm.Scene({
triggerElement: '#js-introduction-paralax',
triggerHook: 'onEnter'
.setTween('#js-introduction-paralax', {
backgroundPosition: '50% 100%'
ease: Linear.easeNone
but i still get the error that the dependecies were not found
I also tried to import it in this way
import { TweenMax, TimelineMax, Linear } from 'gsap'
or seperated
import TweenMax from 'gsap/TweenMax';
import TimelineMax from 'gsap/TimelineMax';
but same result
I also tried to make aliases
resolve: {
path.resolve(__dirname), path.resolve(__dirname, "node_modules")
alias: {
"TweenMax": path.resolve('node_modules', 'gsap/TweenMax'),
"TimelineMax": path.resolve('node_modules', 'gsap/TimelineMax'),
"gsap": path.resolve('node_modules', 'gsap'),
also same result
When i write in the console
I get this
ƒ (target, duration, vars) {, target, duration, vars);
this._cycle = 0;
this._yoyo = (this.vars.yoyo === true || !!this.vars.yoyoEase);
this._repeat = this.vars.repe…
so something is loaded...
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1836
Reputation: 619
It maybe useful for you. I also have some errors like you, and I found a solution to my problem here.
import ScrollMagic from 'scrollmagic'
import {
} from 'gsap'
import 'imports-loader?define=>false!scrollmagic/scrollmagic/uncompressed/plugins/debug.addIndicators'
import 'imports-loader?define=>false!scrollmagic/scrollmagic/uncompressed/plugins/animation.gsap'
and don't forget to do
npm i scrollmagic imports-loader
Upvotes: 2