Reputation: 171
Requirement: I have a POST method which takes the input JSON as a String and passes it to another microservice. I don't want to create an Object (Bean) of this input JSON.
@ApiOperation(notes = "example" value = "/example", consumes = ".." , method= "..")
@RequestMapping(name = "xxx" value ="/hello" ..)
public @ResponseBody String getXXX (@Apiparam(name="JSONrequest", required = true) @RequestBody String JSONrequest){
Problem: The generated Swagger doesn't show the input as a JSON model where all the JSON attributes are displayed.
Expectation: I want to display my Swagger Something like this :
Definately I am missing the key thing. Any thoughts?
Upvotes: 10
Views: 36363
Reputation: 2071
Swagger @Operation
annotation now has requestBody
parameter. See:
public Response updatePet(
@RequestBody(description = "Pet object that needs to be added to the store", required = true,
content = @Content(
schema = @Schema(implementation = Pet.class))) Pet pet) {
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2234
It's an old question but since I haven't found a solution online here how I to customized the example value in the swagger documentation produce automatically by the java annotations. I use swagger 2.0 and springfox.version 2.10.5.
The Idea is documenting the class of the request parameter that has the @RequestBody
annotation. for example my method is
value = "Start ListBuilder extraction",
response = ExtractionLogEntity.class,
produces = "application/json"
public ExtractionLogEntity startTask(
@RequestBody(required = true) ExtractionRequest request,
In order to expose request json object example I added a @ApiModelProperty(example = "...")
annotation to the properties of ExtractionRequest .
@ApiModelProperty(example = "[{ 'field':'value'}]")
private List<ListBuilderFieldEntity> fields;
@ApiModelProperty(example = "1000")
private String ied;
@ApiModelProperty(example = "US")
private String codebase;
And that's the result
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 11
I had the similar issue. My Service Class takes @RequestBody argument in String. So, what I did :
Created a POJO and used @RequestBody annotation with it instead of inputString.
@RequestMapping(value = "/api/entity/{entityId}/user/query", method = {RequestMethod.POST}, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public @ResponseBody
ResponseEntity<String> queryUser(@PathVariable("entityId") String entityId,
@RequestBody QueryUserJsonSchemaPOJO queryUserJsonSchemaPOJO, String inputString,
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
return userService.queryUserService(inputString, entityId, request);
Created an AOP with @Around annotation which update the inputString argument.
@Around(value = "execution(**(..)) || execution(**(..)), and args(..) " +
" && @annotation(com.athmin.annotations.JSONSchemaFileName) ")
public Object validateRequestBodyAgainstJsonSchema(ProceedingJoinPoint proceedingJoinPoint) throws Throwable {
Object[] modifiedArgs = proceedingJoinPoint.getArgs();
for (Object o : proceedingJoinPoint.getArgs()) {
if (o instanceof HttpServletRequest) {
HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest = (HttpServletRequest) o;
requestBody = httpServletRequest.getReader().lines().collect(Collectors.joining(System.lineSeparator()));
for (int i = 0; i < modifiedArgs.length; i++) {
if (modifiedArgs[i] == null) { // Only inputString is null in my case
modifiedArgs[i] = requestBody;
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 8606
If changing from String
to a concrete object is not okay (although that's what I would recommend you to do since it's cleaner), you can try using @ApiImplicitParams
(check out their documentation)
@ApiOperation(notes = "example" value = "/example", consumes = ".." , method= "..")
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "Object", value = "Object to be created", required = true, dataType = "your.package.BodyClass", paramType = "body")
@RequestMapping(name = "xxx" value ="/hello" ..)
public @ResponseBody String getXXX (@Apiparam(name="JSONrequest", required = true) @RequestBody String JSONrequest){
(not sure if you still need the @Apiparam(name="JSONrequest", required = true)
bit from the method parameter)
Upvotes: 3