Reputation: 39
I am trying to create a series of tables by group and I would like to have each table run iteratively with a different variable. I would also like to add the p-value from an anova to the bottom of the table. I am able to do a single table easily using the aov function and the kable function. I thought a for loop might work as follows:
#list of column names
varlist <- c("var1", "var2", "var3", "var4", "var5", "var6")
for (var in 1:6){
aov(varlist[[var]] ~ group, data=dc3)
#pull out pvalue for anova as string
pval <-paste("ANOVA P-Value:", round(summary(fit)[[1]][["Pr(>F)"]][[1]], 3))
# Create Table
Table <- dc3 %>% group_by(group) %>%
summarise(Mean = round(mean(varlist[[var]], na.rm = TRUE),2), SD = round(sd(varlist[[var]], na.rm = TRUE),2))
# Add Pvalue to bottom on table
kable(worst_arr_delays, "html") %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover")) %>%
add_footnote(c(pval2), notation = "symbol")
Ideally, this would give me six tables that would look similar to this:
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Views: 85
Reputation: 2299
If I am understanding what you want to do, I think that this code could serve you.
dc3 = data.frame(var1=rnorm(40,25,5),var2=rnorm(40,25,5),var3=rnorm(40,25,5),
res = NULL
for(i in 1:6){
fit <- aov(dc3[,i]~group,dc3)
pval <-paste("ANOVA P-Value:", round(summary(fit)[[1]][["Pr(>F)"]][[1]], 3))
# Create Table
Table <- dc3 %>% group_by(group) %>%
summarise(Mean = round(mean(dc3[,i],na.rm = TRUE),2), SD = round(sd(dc3[,i], na.rm = TRUE),2))
# Add Pvalue to bottom on table
res <- kable(Table,"html") %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover")) %>%
add_footnote(c(pval), notation = "symbol")
Upvotes: 1