Reputation: 4751
I have stored procedure, which works fine if executed by SQL Server management studio. When Calling it from MVC app it throws temporary table exception like Invalid object name '##temp_demographic_data_set'
Any Clue, Why this error occurs when execute from C#.
Below is the stored procedure Code:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_get_demographic_history_csv]
@_startdate datetime,
@_enddate datetime,
@_nccs varchar(56),
@_megacity varchar(56),
@_10lac varchar(56),
@_below10 varchar(56),
@_rural varchar(56),
@_state_megacity varchar(56) =NULL,
@_state_10lac varchar(56) =NULL,
@_state_below10 varchar(56) =NULL,
@_state_rural varchar(56) =NULL,
@_gender varchar(56),
@_agegroup varchar(56),
@limt int =NULL,
@off_set int =NULL,
@_Subscription_start datetime,
@_Subscription_end datetime,
@_demographic_field_id varchar(max),
@templateid int
DECLARE @demographic_columns varchar(max);
DECLARE @temp_query nvarchar(max);
DECLARE @parameter_defination_list nvarchar(max);
DECLARE @parameter_list nvarchar(max);
-- Variables to check whether user is allowed to query on columns or not
DECLARE @is_nccs_exist varchar(20);
DECLARE @is_agegroup_exist varchar(20);
DECLARE @is_stategroup_exist int;
DECLARE @is_townclass_exist int;
DECLARE @is_gender_exist varchar(20);
DECLARE @demographic_view nvarchar(max);
DECLARE @demographic_report varchar(max);
DECLARE @record_count int;
-- DECLARE @tableid varchar(56);
-- Set Defaults
SET @is_nccs_exist ='false';
SET @is_agegroup_exist ='false';
SET @is_stategroup_exist =0;
SET @is_townclass_exist =0;
SET @is_gender_exist ='false';
-- Get values from the template
@is_gender_exist=max(CASE WHEN'master_gender' THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END),
@is_townclass_exist=max(CASE WHEN'master_town_class' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) ,
@is_stategroup_exist=max(CASE WHEN'master_state_group' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END),
@is_agegroup_exist=max(CASE WHEN'master_age_group' THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END),
@is_nccs_exist=max(CASE WHEN'master_nccs' THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END)
FROM dbo.template_demographic_fields template
INNER JOIN demgraphic_fields demofield on
WHERE demofield.is_inventory_field=1 and (@templateid=0 OR template_id=@templateid);
-- Update Variables
SET @is_nccs_exist =COALESCE(@is_nccs_exist,'false');
SET @is_agegroup_exist =COALESCE(@is_agegroup_exist,'false');
SET @is_stategroup_exist=COALESCE(@is_stategroup_exist,0);
SET @is_townclass_exist =COALESCE(@is_townclass_exist,0);
SET @is_gender_exist =COALESCE(@is_gender_exist,'false');
exec dbo.sp_split_string_into_rows @_demographic_field_id;
-- Get Demographic columns from table
select @demographic_columns=
COALESCE(@demographic_columns+ ',', '') +
CAST( (case when return_as is not null then name+' as '+ '['+return_as+']' else '['+name+']' end) AS VARCHAR(max))
from dbo.demgraphic_fields
where is_inventory_field=0 and ( @templateid=0 OR id in (select cast(split_data as int) from ##temp_convert));
set @demographic_columns=@demographic_columns+','+'state_group as state_group_code,town_class as town_class_code,
nccs_group as nccs_group_code,age_group as age_group_code, sex as gender,file_date,member_id';
select @demographic_report=
COALESCE(@demographic_report+ ',', '') +
CAST( (case when return_as is not null then '['+return_as+']' else '['+name+']' end) AS VARCHAR(max))
from dbo.demgraphic_fields
where is_inventory_field=0 and ( @templateid=0 OR id in (select cast(split_data as int) from ##temp_convert));
select @demographic_view=
COALESCE(@demographic_view+ ',', '') +
CAST( (case when return_as is not null then '['+return_as+'] VARCHAR(56),' else '['+name+'] VARCHAR(56),' end) AS VARCHAR(max))
from dbo.demgraphic_fields
where is_inventory_field=0 and ( @templateid=0 OR id in (select cast(split_data as int) from ##temp_convert));
SET @demographic_view='CREATE TABLE ##temp_demographic_data_set ('+(@demographic_view+'state_group_code VARCHAR(56), town_class_code VARCHAR(56),
nccs_group_code VARCHAR(56),age_group_code VARCHAR(56), gender VARCHAR(56),file_date datetime,member_id VARCHAR(56)')+');'
if object_id('tempdb..##temp_demographic_data_set') is not null drop table ##temp_demographic_data_set ;
execute sp_executesql @demographic_view;
-- drop temporary table if already exist & create temporary table
if object_id('tempdb..#temp_state_megacity') is not null drop table #temp_state_megacity ;
-- execute procedure to split comman seprated input value into rows
exec dbo.sp_split_string_into_rows @_state_megacity;
-- get comma separated to row converted value into temporary table.
select distinct _stategroup_code.*,_stategroup.is_exposed into #temp_state_megacity from _stategroup_code
INNER JOIN _stategroup on
where @templateid=0 OR
_stategroup_code.stategroup_id in
select split_data from ##temp_convert
WHERE split_data in (SELECT master_id from master_template where master_type='STATE_GROUP' and (template_id=@templateid))
if object_id('tempdb..#temp_state_10lac') is not null drop table #temp_state_10lac ;
exec dbo.sp_split_string_into_rows @_state_10lac;
select distinct _stategroup_code.*,_stategroup.is_exposed into #temp_state_10lac from _stategroup_code
INNER JOIN _stategroup on
where @templateid=0 OR _stategroup_code.stategroup_id in
select split_data from ##temp_convert
WHERE split_data in (SELECT master_id from master_template where master_type='STATE_GROUP' and (template_id=@templateid))
if object_id('tempdb..#temp_state_below10') is not null drop table #temp_state_below10 ;
exec dbo.sp_split_string_into_rows @_state_below10;
select distinct _stategroup_code.*,_stategroup.is_exposed into #temp_state_below10 from _stategroup_code
INNER JOIN _stategroup on
where @templateid=0 OR _stategroup_code.stategroup_id in
select split_data from ##temp_convert
WHERE split_data in (SELECT master_id from master_template where master_type='STATE_GROUP' and (template_id=@templateid))
if object_id('tempdb..#temp_state_rural') is not null drop table #temp_state_rural ;
exec dbo.sp_split_string_into_rows @_state_rural;
select distinct _stategroup_code.*,_stategroup.is_exposed into #temp_state_rural
from _stategroup_code
INNER JOIN _stategroup on
where @templateid=0 OR _stategroup_code.stategroup_id in
select split_data from ##temp_convert
WHERE split_data in (SELECT master_id from master_template where master_type='STATE_GROUP' and (template_id=@templateid))
if object_id('tempdb..#temp_nccs') is not null drop table #temp_nccs;
exec dbo.sp_split_string_into_rows @_nccs;
select distinct * into #temp_nccs from _nccs_code
where @templateid=0 OR _nccs_code.nccs_id in
select split_data from ##temp_convert
WHERE split_data in (SELECT master_id from master_template where master_type='NCCS' and (template_id=@templateid))
if object_id('tempdb..#temp_gender') is not null drop table #temp_gender ;
exec dbo.sp_split_string_into_rows @_gender;
select distinct * into #temp_gender from ##temp_convert;
if object_id('tempdb..#temp_agegroup') is not null drop table #temp_agegroup ;
exec dbo.sp_split_string_into_rows @_agegroup;
select distinct * into #temp_agegroup from _agegroup_code
where @templateid=0 OR _agegroup_code.agegroup_id in
select split_data from ##temp_convert
WHERE split_data in (SELECT master_id from master_template where master_type='AGE_GROUP' and template_id =@templateid)
if object_id('tempdb..#temp_demographic_data') is not null drop table #temp_demographic_data ;
SET @parameter_defination_list= ' @temp_startdate datetime,
@temp_enddate datetime,
@temp_Subscription_start datetime,
@temp_Subscription_end datetime,
@temp_is_nccs_exist varchar(56),
@temp_is_agegroup_exist varchar(56),
@temp_is_gender_exist varchar(56)';
-- Loading Data To Temporary table for the filters provided
SET @temp_query=
'INSERT INTO ##temp_demographic_data_set SELECT '+@demographic_columns+'
FROM dbo.raw_demographic_history
where (file_date between cast(@temp_Subscription_start as datetime) and cast(@temp_Subscription_end as datetime)) and
(file_date between cast(@temp_startdate as datetime) and cast(@temp_enddate as datetime) )
(NOT @temp_is_nccs_exist=''true'' OR nccs_group in (select code from #temp_nccs) )and
(NOT @temp_is_gender_exist=''true'' OR sex in (select * from #temp_gender) )and
(NOT @temp_is_agegroup_exist=''true'' OR age_group in (select code from #temp_agegroup) );';
execute sp_executesql @temp_query ,@parameter_defination_list,
@temp_startdate=@_startdate ,
@temp_Subscription_start=@_Subscription_start ,
-- Creating table with empty columns
SELECT * INTO #temp_demographic_data FROM ##temp_demographic_data_set WHERE state_group_code=0;
-- Create Indexes
CREATE INDEX IX_TEST_temp_demographic_data_1 ON #temp_demographic_data(nccs_group_code);
CREATE INDEX IX_TEST_temp_demographic_data_2 ON #temp_demographic_data(town_class_code);
CREATE INDEX IX_TEST_temp_demographic_data_3 ON #temp_demographic_data(age_group_code);
CREATE INDEX IX_TEST_temp_demographic_data_4 ON #temp_demographic_data(state_group_code);
CREATE INDEX IX_TEST_temp_demographic_data_5 ON #temp_demographic_data(member_id);
CREATE INDEX IX_TEST_file_date_6 ON #temp_demographic_data(file_date);
-- When All India IS True
IF (@_state_megacity is null AND @_state_10lac is null AND @_state_below10 is null AND @_state_rural is null)
INSERT INTO #temp_demographic_data SELECT * FROM ##temp_demographic_data_set;
-- SET Town class to empty
UPDATE #temp_demographic_data
SET town_class_code=NULL
WHERE (state_group_code in (select code from #temp_state_megacity WHERE is_exposed=0)) OR
(state_group_code in (select code from #temp_state_10lac WHERE is_exposed=0)) OR
(state_group_code in (select code from #temp_state_below10 WHERE is_exposed=0)) OR
(state_group_code in (select code from #temp_state_rural WHERE is_exposed=0)) ;
-- WHEN All India is false and state,town columns exist in template
IF @is_stategroup_exist=1 and @is_townclass_exist=1
-- Update Town class to empty for states not exposed to user
INSERT INTO #temp_demographic_data
SELECT * FROM ##temp_demographic_data_set
(state_group_code in (select code from #temp_state_megacity WHERE is_exposed=0)) OR
(state_group_code in (select code from #temp_state_10lac WHERE is_exposed=0)) OR
(state_group_code in (select code from #temp_state_below10 WHERE is_exposed=0)) OR
(state_group_code in (select code from #temp_state_rural WHERE is_exposed=0))
SELECT * FROM ##temp_demographic_data_set
(town_class_code=@_megacity and state_group_code in (select code from #temp_state_megacity WHERE is_exposed=1)) OR
(town_class_code=@_10lac and state_group_code in (select code from #temp_state_10lac WHERE is_exposed=1)) OR
(town_class_code=@_below10 and state_group_code in (select code from #temp_state_below10 WHERE is_exposed=1)) OR
(town_class_code=@_rural and state_group_code in (select code from #temp_state_rural WHERE is_exposed=1))
/*UPDATE #temp_demographic_data
SET town_class_code=NULL
WHERE (state_group_code,town_class_code) in();
-- When Only StateGroup Exists
IF @is_stategroup_exist=1 and @is_townclass_exist=0
INSERT INTO #temp_demographic_data
SELECT * FROM ##temp_demographic_data_set
(state_group_code in (select code from #temp_state_megacity )) OR
(state_group_code in (select code from #temp_state_10lac )) OR
(state_group_code in (select code from #temp_state_below10)) OR
(state_group_code in (select code from #temp_state_rural)) ;
-- When Only Town class Exists
IF @is_stategroup_exist=0 and @is_townclass_exist=1
INSERT INTO #temp_demographic_data
SELECT * FROM ##temp_demographic_data_set;
-- When State and Town Both Not exists
IF @is_stategroup_exist=0 and @is_townclass_exist=0
INSERT INTO #temp_demographic_data
SELECT * FROM ##temp_demographic_data_set;
-- select @temp_query;
-- execute sp_executesql @temp_query;
if object_id('tempdb..##temp_report_data') is not null drop table ##temp_report_data ;
-- if object_id('tempdb..##temp_report_data1') is not null drop table ##temp_report_data1 ;
-- when input limit value is not null then
SET @temp_query='
SELECT *,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY file_date,member_id) as row_number INTO ##temp_report_data
SELECT DISTINCT file_date,member_id,'+@demographic_report+'
coalesce(,'''') as master_nccs,
coalesce(,'''') as master_state_group,
coalesce(CASE WHEN _stategroup_code.is_exposed=0 THEN '''' ELSE END,'''') as master_town_class,
coalesce(,'''') as master_age_group,
coalesce(CASE WHEN filetered_data.gender=1 THEN ''MALE'' ELSE ''FEMALE'' END,'''')as master_gender,
-- cast(round(filetered_data.weight,2) as char(10)) as weight,filetered_data.household_id,
select DISTINCT *
from #temp_demographic_data
)as filetered_data
left join #temp_nccs _nccs_code on filetered_data.nccs_group_code=_nccs_code.code
left join _nccs on
left join _townclass on filetered_data.town_class_code=_townclass.code
left join #temp_agegroup _agegroup_code on filetered_data.age_group_code=_agegroup_code.code
left join _agegroup on
left join (
select * from #temp_state_megacity
select * from #temp_state_10lac
select * from #temp_state_below10
select * from #temp_state_rural
)_stategroup_code on filetered_data.state_group_code=_stategroup_code.code
left join _stategroup on
) report_view';
execute sp_executesql @temp_query ;
CREATE INDEX IX_TEST_temp_temp_report_data ON ##temp_report_data(row_number);
SET @record_count=(SELECT max(row_number) FROM ##temp_report_data);
IF @limt is not null
select *,@record_count as count FROM ##temp_report_data
where row_number between @off_set and @off_set+@limt;
-- when input limit value is null
select *,@record_count as count FROM ##temp_report_data
-- Drop temporary tables
if object_id('tempdb..#temp_demographic_data') is not null drop table #temp_demographic_data ;
if object_id('tempdb..##temp_demographic_data_set') is not null drop table ##temp_demographic_data_set ;
if object_id('tempdb..#temp_agegroup') is not null drop table #temp_agegroup ;
if object_id('tempdb..#temp_gender') is not null drop table #temp_gender ;
if object_id('tempdb..#temp_nccs') is not null drop table #temp_nccs;
if object_id('tempdb..#temp_state_rural') is not null drop table #temp_state_rural ;
if object_id('tempdb..#temp_state_below10') is not null drop table #temp_state_below10 ;
if object_id('tempdb..#temp_state_10lac') is not null drop table #temp_state_10lac ;
if object_id('tempdb..#temp_state_megacity') is not null drop table #temp_state_megacity ;
C# Code :
SqlParameter[] mySqlParam = new SqlParameter[19];
mySqlParam[0] = new SqlParameter("_startdate", startDate);
mySqlParam[1] = new SqlParameter("_enddate", endOfDay);
mySqlParam[2] = new SqlParameter("_nccs", nccs == "" ? null : nccs);
mySqlParam[3] = new SqlParameter("_megacity", Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["megacities"]));
mySqlParam[4] = new SqlParameter("_10lac", Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["tento75L"]));
mySqlParam[5] = new SqlParameter("_below10", Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["urban"]));
mySqlParam[6] = new SqlParameter("_rural", Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["rural"]));
mySqlParam[7] = new SqlParameter("_state_megacity", megaCities == "" ? null : megaCities);
mySqlParam[8] = new SqlParameter("_state_10lac", tenTo75Lac == "" ? null : tenTo75Lac);
mySqlParam[9] = new SqlParameter("_state_below10", urban == "" ? null : urban);
mySqlParam[10] = new SqlParameter("_state_rural", rural == "" ? null : rural);
string gender = null;
if (male == true && female == true)
gender = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["male"] + "," + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["female"];
else if (male == true)
gender = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["male"];
else if (female == true)
gender = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["female"];
mySqlParam[11] = new SqlParameter("_gender", gender);
mySqlParam[12] = new SqlParameter("_agegroup", ageGroup == "" ? null : ageGroup);
mySqlParam[13] = new SqlParameter("off_set", offSet);
mySqlParam[14] = new SqlParameter("limt", limit);
mySqlParam[15] = new SqlParameter("_Subscription_start", subscription_start);
mySqlParam[16] = new SqlParameter("_Subscription_end", endOfDaySubscription);
mySqlParam[17] = new SqlParameter("_demographic_field_id ", demographicFields);
mySqlParam[18] = new SqlParameter("templateid ", templateId);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(GlobalConstants.ConnString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["usp_get_demographic_history_csv"].ToString(), mySqlParam);
return ds;
public static DataSet ExecuteDataset(string connectionString, CommandType commandType, string commandText, params SqlParameter[] commandParameters)
//create & open an SqlConnection, and dispose of it after we are done.
using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
//call the overload that takes a connection in place of the connection string
return ExecuteDataset(cn, commandType, commandText, commandParameters);
Upvotes: 0
Views: 509
Reputation: 391
Is it possible that, in production, there're instances where the script returns no rows?
select @demographic_report= {...}
from dbo.demgraphic_fields
where is_inventory_field=0 and ( @templateid=0 OR id in (select cast(split_data as int) from ##temp_convert));
If this is the case, @demographic_report remains null, 'any string' + null is null, sp_executesql is executed against a null string that does nothing, but the table is not created and this causes your error.
Upvotes: 1