Mapping over HList with subclasses of a generic trait

I'm trying to map a poly1 function over a shapeless HList. Its elements are subclasses of a parameterised trait. However, I get the error "couldn't find implicit value for the Mapper". Here's a basic example:

import shapeless._

trait Drink[+A]{
  def v: A

case class Water(v: Int) extends Drink[Int]
case class Juice(v: BigDecimal) extends Drink[BigDecimal]
case class Squash(v: BigDecimal) extends Drink[BigDecimal]

object pour extends Poly1{
  implicit def caseInt: Case.Aux[Drink[Int], Int] =
    at(o => o.v)
  implicit def caseDec: Case.Aux[Drink[BigDecimal], BigDecimal] =
    at(o => o.v)

object Proc {

  type I = Water ::Squash ::Juice :: HNil
  type Req = Int ::BigDecimal ::BigDecimal :: HNil

  val drinks: I = Water(10)::Squash(15.0):: Juice(1.0)::HNil

  def make()(implicit m: ops.hlist.Mapper.Aux[pour.type, I, Req]): Req  = {}


Running this code produces Error:(21, 27) could not find implicit value for parameter m: shapeless.ops.hlist.Mapper.Aux[pour.type,Proc.I,Proc.Req]

Although this appears like a simple problem, I haven't found (or recognised) a solution in other answers. My current workaround is to define a case, in poly, for each subclass of Drink. This is obviously not appropriate with many subclasses of the trait. Could there be a better solution (perhaps with TypeTags)?


A general answer to this question, for any (reasonable) Poly1 function, is given by @Jasper_M. (The question is further generalised in Using shapeless HLists with invariant containers.) For the specific transformation I => Req in the above example a simpler solution is

import syntax.std.tuple._
import poly._

def makeTwo(): Req =  (drinks.tupled flatMap identity).productElements

which gives 10 :: 15.0 :: 1.0 :: HNil. (Note that productElements is wrongly flagged as error in Intellij 2017.2.6. Moreover, the "untupled" version drinks flatMap identity causes an "implicit not found" error.)

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Views: 375

Answers (1)


Reputation: 15086

Try using polymorphic methods:

object pour extends Poly1{
  implicit def caseInt[A <: Drink[Int]] =
    at[A](o => o.v)
  implicit def caseDec[A <: Drink[BigDecimal]] =
    at[A](o => o.v)

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