Reputation: 39
I'm trying to build an API tool for creating 100+ campaigns at a time, but so far I keep running into timeout errors. I have a feeling it's because I'm not doing this as a batch/async request, but I can't seem to find straightforward instructions specifically for batch creating campaigns in Python. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
I have all the campaign details prepped and ready to go in a Google sheet, which my script then reads (using pygsheets) and attempts to create the campaigns. Here's what it looks like so far:
from facebookads.adobjects.campaign import Campaign
from facebookads.adobjects.adaccount import AdAccount
from facebookads.api import FacebookAdsApi
from facebookads.exceptions import FacebookRequestError
import time
import pygsheets
gc = pygsheets.authorize(service_file='xxx/client_secret.json')
sheet ='Campaign Prep')
tab1 = sheet.worksheet_by_title('Input')
tab2 = sheet.worksheet_by_title('Output')
# gets range size, offsetting it by 1 to account for the range starting on row 2
row_range = len(tab1.get_values('A1', 'A', returnas='matrix', majdim='ROWS', include_empty=False))+1
# finds first empty row in the output sheet
start_row = len(tab2.get_values('A1', 'A', returnas='matrix', majdim='ROWS', include_empty=False))
def create_campaigns(row):
campaign = Campaign(parent_id=row[6])
campaign.update({ row[7],
Campaign.Field.objective: row[9],
Campaign.Field.buying_type: row[10],
c = campaign.remote_create(params={'status':})
camp_name = c['name']
camp_id = 'cg:'+c['id']
return camp_name, camp_id
r = start_row
# there's a header so I have the range starting at 2
for x in range(2, int(row_range)):
r += 1
row = tab1.get_row(x)
camp_name, camp_id = create_campaigns(row)
# pastes the generated campaign ID, campaign name and account id back into the sheet
tab2.update_cells('A'+str(r)+':C'+str(r).format(r),[[camp_id, camp_name, row[6].rsplit('_',1)[1]]])
I've tried putting this in a try loop and if it runs into a FacebookRequestError have it do time.sleep(5) then keep trying, but I'm still running into timeout errors every 5 - 10 rows it loops through. When it doesn't timeout it does work, I guess I just need to figure out a way to make this handle big batches of campaigns more efficiently.
Any thoughts? I'm new to the Facebook API and I'm still a relative newb at Python, but I find this stuff so much fun! If anyone has any advice for how this script could be better (as well as general Python advice), I'd love to hear it! :)
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Views: 1882
Reputation: 1035
I paste the code snippet (copied from the last link that @reaktard pasted), credit to github user @williardx
it helped me a lot in my development.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helper functions
def generate_batches(iterable, batch_size_limit):
# This function can be found in examples/
batch = []
for item in iterable:
if len(batch) == batch_size_limit:
yield batch
batch = []
if len(batch):
yield batch
def success_callback(response):
def error_callback(response):
# Error handling here
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
batches = []
batch_body_responses = []
api = FacebookAdsApi.init(your_app_id, your_app_secret, your_access_token)
for ad_set_list in generate_batches(ad_sets, batch_limit):
next_batch = api.new_batch()
requests = [ad_set.get_insights(pending=True) for ad_set in ad_set_list]
for req in requests:
next_batch.add_request(req, success_callback, error_callback)
for batch_request in batches:
print batch_body_responses
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Reputation: 23
Can you post the actual error message?
It sounds like what you are describing is that you hit the rate limits after making a certain amount of calls. If that is so, time.sleep(5) won't be enough. The rate score decays over time and will be reset after 5 minutes In that case I would suggest making a sleep between each call instead. However a better option would be to upgrade your API status. If you hit the rate limits this fast I assume you are on Developer level. Try upgrading first to Basic and then Standard and you should not have these problems.
Also, as you mention, utilizing Facebook's batch request API could be a good idea.
Here is a thread with examples of the Batch API working with the Python SDK:
Upvotes: 1