Reputation: 621
I'm using Admob interstitial in my app. I followed all the guidelines and I observe Video interstitial are presented automatically while I did not call yet presentFromRootViewController.
I'm using that code to preload the interstitial :
splashInterstitial_ = [[GADInterstitial alloc] initWithAdUnitID: interstitialIdStr];
splashInterstitial_.delegate = self;
requestInterstitial = [GADRequest request];
[splashInterstitial_ loadRequest: requestInterstitial];
In the delegate, I do not present the interstitial :
- (void)interstitialDidReceiveAd:(GADInterstitial *)ad
I present the interstitial manually between two screens, as follow :
if (splashInterstitial_.isReady)
[splashInterstitial_ presentFromRootViewController: interstitialRootViewController];
self.lastInterstitialTime = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970];
return YES;
I placed a breakpoint on presentFromRootViewController, the breakpoint is never reached, and I can see interstitial videos presented on real device.
I sounds like the loadRequest on interstitial triggers a presentation which should not occur.
Anybody experiencing a similar issue ? Thanks
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Views: 94