Reputation: 2077
I have an Azure-hosted service which is automatically deployed (in our build process) using ARM templates, with multiple instances of the service in different resource groups. Several of the resources require globally unique names, and to support this I'm using the uniquestring
function (typically against the resource group ID) to generate part of those resource names. Names follow a templated pattern, e.g. Instance Name + Component Name + Unique String = "Example.WebAPI.abcd1234efgh5"
My problem arises later when using Powershell scripts to perform maintenance on those resources - I need the resource name, which means using the same template to generate the name from the instance, component and resource group IDs. However, there is no function in Powershell that returns the same value as the ARM uniquestring
function for the same input.
As far as I'm aware, uniquestring
is simply generating a hash of the input string and returning it as a 13-character representation; does anyone know the specifics of this hash process so it can be duplicated in Powershell, or if it has already been done?
I've looked at the answer for Can I call ARM template functions outside the JSON deployment template?, but this requires the use of output parameters in the initial ARM template and assumes the value is used immediately; whereas in my use case I need the resource name some weeks or months after the initial deploy.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1773
Reputation: 225
I'm a little late to the party but below Powershell script should do the job.
This was translated from C# which has the keyword "unchecked" and therefore the functions uncheckedUInt32Multiply and uncheckedUInt32Addition is used to not cause an overflow when multiplying numbers together.
I cannot take credit for this since i just made the transition from C# to Powershell.
C# function source is from:
# Pass an ordinary string
.\ArmUniqueStringGenerator.ps1 -InputStringValue "test example"
# Get Resource group name and pass the id to unique string generator.
(Get-AzResourceGroup -Name <Resource Group Name>).ResourceId | .\ArmUniqueStringGenerator.ps1
#region Functions
function GenerateUniqueString {
[uint]$seed = 0u
[uint[]] $dataArray = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($InputString)
[int] $num = $dataArray.Length
[uint] $num2 = $seed
[uint] $num3 = $seed
$index = 0
for ($index = 0; $index + 7 -lt $num; $index += 8) {
[uint] $num4 = [uint]($dataArray[$index] -bor ($dataArray[$index + 1] -shl 8) -bor ($dataArray[$index + 2] -shl 16) -bor ($dataArray[$index + 3] -shl 24))
[uint] $num5 = [uint] ($dataArray[$index + 4] -bor ($dataArray[$index + 5] -shl 8) -bor ($dataArray[$index + 6] -shl 16) -bor ($dataArray[$index + 7] -shl 24))
$num4 = uncheckedUInt32Multiply $num4 597399067
$num4 = scramble -value $num4 -count 15
$num4 = uncheckedUInt32Multiply $num4 2869860233u
$num2 = $num2 -bxor $num4
$num2 = scramble -value $num2 -count 19
$num2 = uncheckedUInt32Addition $num2 $num3
$num2 = uncheckedUInt32Addition (uncheckedUInt32Multiply $num2 5) 1444728091
$num5 = uncheckedUInt32Multiply $num5 2869860233u
$num5 = scramble -value $num5 -count 17
$num5 = uncheckedUInt32Multiply $num5 597399067
$num3 = $num3 -bxor $num5
$num3 = scramble -value $num3 -count 13
$num3 = uncheckedUInt32Addition $num3 $num2
$num3 = uncheckedUInt32Addition (uncheckedUInt32Multiply $num3 5) 197830471
$num6 = [int]($num - $index)
if ($num6 -gt 0) {
$elseVal = switch($num6)
2 {
[uint]($dataArray[$index] -bor ($dataArray[$index + 1] -shl 8))
3 {
[uint]($dataArray[$index] -bor ($dataArray[$index + 1] -shl 8) -bor ($dataArray[$index + 2] -shl 16))
default {
$num7 = [uint](($num6 -ge 4) ? ([uint]($dataArray[$index] -bor ($dataArray[$index + 1] -shl 8) -bor ($dataArray[$index + 2] -shl 16) -bor ($dataArray[$index + 3] -shl 24))) : $elseVal)
$num7 = uncheckedUInt32Multiply $num7 597399067
$num7 = scramble -value $num7 -count 15
$num7 = uncheckedUInt32Multiply $num7 2869860233u
$num2 = $num2 -bxor $num7
if ($num6 -gt 4)
$value = switch($num6)
6 {
uncheckedUInt32Multiply ($dataArray[$index + 4] -bor ($dataArray[$index + 5] -shl 8)) -1425107063
7 {
uncheckedUInt32Multiply ($dataArray[$index + 4] -bor ($dataArray[$index + 5] -shl 8) -bor ($dataArray[$index + 6] -shl 16)) -1425107063
default {
uncheckedUInt32Multiply ($dataArray[$index + 4]) -1425107063
$value = scramble -value $value -count 17
$value = uncheckedUInt32Multiply $value 597399067
$num3 = $num3 -bxor $value
$num2 = $num2 -bxor [uint]$num
$num3 = $num3 -bxor [uint]$num
$num2 = uncheckedUInt32Addition $num2 $num3
$num3 = uncheckedUInt32Addition $num3 $num2
$num2 = $num2 -bxor $num2 -shr 16
$num2 = uncheckedUInt32Multiply $num2 2246822507u
$num2 = $num2 -bxor $num2 -shr 13
$num2 = uncheckedUInt32Multiply $num2 3266489909u
$num2 = $num2 -bxor $num2 -shr 16
$num3 = $num3 -bxor $num3 -shr 16
$num3 = uncheckedUInt32Multiply $num3 2246822507u
$num3 = $num3 -bxor $num3 -shr 13
$num3 = uncheckedUInt32Multiply $num3 3266489909u
$num3 = $num3 -bxor $num3 -shr 16
$num2 = uncheckedUInt32Addition $num2 $num3
$num3 = uncheckedUInt32Addition $num3 $num2
$final = ([ulong]$num3 -shl 32) -bor $num2
$uniqueString = Base32Encode $final
return $uniqueString
$encodeLetters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz234567"
function scramble {
param (
[uint] $value,
[int] $count
return ($value -shl $count) -bor ($value -shr 32 - $count)
function Base32Encode {
param (
[ulong] $longVal
$strOutput = ""
for ($i = 0; $i -lt 13; $i++) {
$charIdx = [int]($longVal -shr 59)
$charAddition = $encodeLetters[$charIdx]
$strOutput = $strOutput + $charAddition
$longVal = $longVal -shl 5;
return $strOutput
function Base32Decode {
param (
[string] $encodedString
$bigInteger = [Numerics.BigInteger]::Zero
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $encodedString.Length; $i++) {
$char = $encodedString[$i]
$ltrIdx = $encodeLetters.IndexOf($char)
$bigInteger = ($bigInteger -shl 5) -bor $ltrIdx
return $bigInteger / 2
function uncheckedUInt32Multiply {
param (
[long] $nbrOne,
[long] $nbrTwo
$nbrOnePos = $nbrOne -lt 0 ? [uint]::MaxValue - (-$nbrOne) + 1 : $nbrOne
$nbrTwoPos = $nbrTwo -lt 0 ? [uint]::MaxValue - (-$nbrTwo) + 1 : $nbrTwo
$uintMaxVal = [uint]::MaxValue
$longMultiplyResult = ([ulong]$nbrOnePos * [ulong]$nbrTwoPos)
$remainder = $longMultiplyResult % $uintMaxVal
$totalDevisions = ($longMultiplyResult - $remainder) / $uintMaxVal
$result = $remainder - $totalDevisions
if ($result -lt 0) {
return ($uintMaxVal - (-$result)) + 1
return $result
function uncheckedUInt32Addition {
param (
[uint] $nbrOne,
[uint] $nbrTwo
$nbrOnePos = $nbrOne -lt 0 ? [uint]::MaxValue - (-$nbrOne) + 1 : $nbrOne
$nbrTwoPos = $nbrTwo -lt 0 ? [uint]::MaxValue - (-$nbrTwo) + 1 : $nbrTwo
$uintMaxVal = [uint]::MaxValue
$longAdditionResult = ($nbrOnePos + $nbrTwoPos)
$remainder = $longAdditionResult % $uintMaxVal
$totalLoops = ($longAdditionResult - $remainder) / $uintMaxVal
$result = [System.Math]::Abs($remainder - $totalLoops)
return $result
$uniquestring = GenerateUniqueString -InputString $InputStringValue
return $uniqueString
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 592
You can take a look here:
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
function Get-UniqueString ([string]$id, $length=13)
$hashArray = (new-object System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512Managed).ComputeHash($id.ToCharArray())
-join ($hashArray[1..$length] | ForEach-Object { [char]($_ % 26 + [byte][char]'a') })
Get-UniqueString "foobar"
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 72171
The function is not documented anywhere, but its deterministic, meaning you always get the same output if you give the same input, so nothing to worry about.
In case you need to identify the resource afterwards you can come up with a bunch of workaround, you can always get the output of the deployment using Get-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment
or you can tag the resource with something specific what you can infer dynamically or you could filter the resource out using things like time of creation and other indirect factors
Upvotes: 1