
Reputation: 93

Elm Specify Different Value for Other Item in Model

Just starting and playing around with Elm.

I have the following Elm Code:

import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes
import Html.Events exposing (..)
import List
import Random
import Svg exposing (..)
import Svg.Attributes exposing (..)

main =
        { init = init
        , view = view
        , update = update
        , subscriptions = subscriptions

type alias Model =
    { dieFace1 : Int
    , dieFace2: Int

init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
    ( Model 2 5, Cmd.none )

type Msg
    = Roll
    | NewFace Int

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        Roll ->
          ( model, Random.generate NewFace ( 1 6) )

        NewFace newFace ->
            ( Model newFace newFace, Cmd.none )

subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    div []
        [ h1 [] [ Html.text (toString (model.dieFace1 + model.dieFace2)) ]
        , svg
            [ width "120", height "120", viewBox "0 0 120 120", fill "white", stroke "black", strokeWidth "3", [ ( "padding-left", "20px" ) ] ]
                [ rect [ x "1", y "1", width "100", height "100", rx "25", ry "25" ] [] ]
                (svgCirclesForDieFace model.dieFace1)
        , svg
            [ width "120", height "120", viewBox "0 0 120 120", fill "white", stroke "black", strokeWidth "3", [ ( "padding-left", "20px" ) ] ]
                [ rect [ x "1", y "1", width "100", height "100", rx "25", ry "25" ] [] ]
                (svgCirclesForDieFace model.dieFace2)
        , br [] []
        , button [ onClick Roll ] [ Html.text "Roll" ]

svgCirclesForDieFace : Int -> List (Svg Msg)
svgCirclesForDieFace dieFace =
    case dieFace of
        1 ->
            [ circle [ cx "50", cy "50", r "10", fill "black" ] [] ]

        2 ->
            [ circle [ cx "25", cy "25", r "10", fill "black" ] []
            , circle [ cx "75", cy "75", r "10", fill "black" ] []

        3 ->
            [ circle [ cx "25", cy "25", r "10", fill "black" ] []
            , circle [ cx "50", cy "50", r "10", fill "black" ] []
            , circle [ cx "75", cy "75", r "10", fill "black" ] []

        4 ->
            [ circle [ cx "25", cy "25", r "10", fill "black" ] []
            , circle [ cx "75", cy "25", r "10", fill "black" ] []
            , circle [ cx "25", cy "75", r "10", fill "black" ] []
            , circle [ cx "75", cy "75", r "10", fill "black" ] []

        5 ->
            [ circle [ cx "25", cy "25", r "10", fill "black" ] []
            , circle [ cx "75", cy "25", r "10", fill "black" ] []
            , circle [ cx "25", cy "75", r "10", fill "black" ] []
            , circle [ cx "75", cy "75", r "10", fill "black" ] []
            , circle [ cx "50", cy "50", r "10", fill "black" ] []

        6 ->
            [ circle [ cx "25", cy "20", r "10", fill "black" ] []
            , circle [ cx "25", cy "50", r "10", fill "black" ] []
            , circle [ cx "25", cy "80", r "10", fill "black" ] []
            , circle [ cx "75", cy "20", r "10", fill "black" ] []
            , circle [ cx "75", cy "50", r "10", fill "black" ] []
            , circle [ cx "75", cy "80", r "10", fill "black" ] []

        _ ->
            [ circle [ cx "50", cy "50", r "50", fill "red", stroke "none" ] [] ]

It renders two dice SVG items, with values 2 and 5 displayed.

With the Roll function, I am trying to get a random number to display for each dice. Right now, what's happening is that both dice are getting the same value. I am not quite sure how to have different random number assigned to each dice.

Appreciate any ideas. Thanks.

Upvotes: 4

Views: 41

Answers (1)


Reputation: 222398

You can use Random.pair to generate a 2-tuple of values. You'll need to update NewFace to store a 2-tuple of Int values:

| NewFace (Int, Int)

And then modify update like this:

    Roll ->
        ( model, Random.generate NewFace (Random.pair ( 1 6) ( 1 6))

    NewFace (a, b) ->
        ( Model a b, Cmd.none )

Upvotes: 4

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