Reputation: 941
I created a UIGestureRecognizer to rotate a view with only one finger.
The view rotate at the beginning but as soon as it reached a certain degree the rotation rotate in the other direction.
Can you help me with my code?
UIViewcontroller <- Everything is fine here
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
let wheel = TestWheelView()
wheel.frame = CGRect.init(x: - 120, y: - 120, width: 240, height: 240)
UIGestureRecognizer <- The problem is here
import UIKit
class TestRotateGestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer {
var previousPoint = CGPoint()
var currentPoint = CGPoint()
var startAngle = CGFloat()
var currentAngle = CGFloat()
var currentRotation = CGFloat()
var totalRotation = CGFloat()
func angleForPoint(_ point:CGPoint) -> CGFloat{
var angle = atan2(point.y - (self.view?.center.y)!, point.x - (self.view?.center.x)!)
return angle
override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent) {
super.touchesBegan(touches, with: event)
override func touchesMoved(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent) {
super.touchesMoved(touches, with: event)
if let firstTouch = touches.first {
previousPoint = firstTouch.previousLocation(in: self.view)
currentPoint = firstTouch.location(in: self.view)
startAngle = angleForPoint(previousPoint)
currentAngle = angleForPoint(currentPoint)
currentRotation = currentAngle - startAngle
totalRotation += currentRotation
self.view?.transform = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: totalRotation)
override func touchesEnded(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent) {
super.touchesEnded(touches, with: event)
Upvotes: 5
Views: 3474
Reputation: 236380
It is more a math question than a Swift question. Regarding the math part you need to check if the result of your method that calculates the rotation is negative and return the absolute value, otherwise return 360 minus the angle:
func angle(from location: CGPoint) -> CGFloat {
let deltaY = location.y -
let deltaX = location.x -
let angle = atan2(deltaY, deltaX) * 180 / .pi
return angle < 0 ? abs(angle) : 360 - angle
Regarding the animation part I suggest using CABasicAnimation, setting isRemovedOnCompletion to false, fillMode to kCAFillModeForwards and timingFunction to linear. Other important setting is the from and to which you should use the same value for both of them with a duration of 0:
fileprivate let rotateAnimation = CABasicAnimation()
func rotate(to: CGFloat, duration: Double = 0) {
rotateAnimation.fromValue = to
rotateAnimation.toValue = to
rotateAnimation.duration = duration
rotateAnimation.repeatCount = 0
rotateAnimation.isRemovedOnCompletion = false
rotateAnimation.fillMode = kCAFillModeForwards
rotateAnimation.timingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name: kCAMediaTimingFunctionLinear)
imageView.layer.add(rotateAnimation, forKey: "transform.rotation.z")
To convert from degrees to radians you can use the extension from this answer:
extension FloatingPoint {
var degreesToRadians: Self { return self * .pi / 180 }
var radiansToDegrees: Self { return self * 180 / .pi }
To preserve the rotation between launches you can add a computed property to UserDefault:
extension UserDefaults {
/// rotation persistant computed property
var rotation: CGFloat {
get {
return CGFloat(double(forKey: "rotation"))
set {
set(Double(newValue), forKey: "rotation")
Regarding the gesture recognizer you need to switch the gesture state to detect the begin, change and end of it and act accordingly:
fileprivate var rotation: CGFloat = UserDefaults.standard.rotation
fileprivate var startRotationAngle: CGFloat = 0
@objc func pan(_ gesture: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
let location = gesture.location(in: view)
let gestureRotation = CGFloat(angle(from: location)) - startRotationAngle
switch gesture.state {
case .began:
// set the start angle of rotation
startRotationAngle = angle(from: location)
case .changed:
rotate(to: rotation - gestureRotation.degreesToRadians)
case .ended:
// update the amount of rotation
rotation -= gestureRotation.degreesToRadians
default :
// save the final position of the rotation to defaults
UserDefaults.standard.rotation = rotation
And add the gesture recognizer to your view:
class ViewController: UIViewController, UIGestureRecognizerDelegate {
@IBOutlet weak var imageView: UIImageView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
let address = ""
let url = URL(string: address)!
rotate(to: rotation)
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { data, response, error in
guard let data = data else { return }
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.imageView.image = UIImage(data: data)
let pan = UIPanGestureRecognizer(target: self, action:#selector(self.pan))
pan.minimumNumberOfTouches = 1
pan.maximumNumberOfTouches = 1
pan.delegate = self
// rest of the view controller code
Upvotes: 15