Reputation: 762
Let's say we have a complete graph G with nodes A, B, C which is created by networkx library.
Each node has a coordinate attribute like {x: 2, y: 4}. Currently, the edge weights are 1, but they should be the Euclidean distance between nodes. I can calculate them with for loops but it is extremely inefficient.
So my question is how can I calculate the edge weights in an efficient manner?
Note: I found this but it is an old question.
Edit: I created my network as follows:
# Get a complete graph
rag = nx.complete_graph(L)
if L > 0:
for i, node in enumerate(nodes):
x, y = get_coord() # This function cant be changed
rag.nodes[i]["x"] = x
rag.nodes[i]["y"] = y
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2205
Reputation: 476659
If you have the data in advance, we can use numpy
and/or pandas
to first calculate the distance in bulk, and then load the data into a graph.
Say for instance we can first construct an n×2-matrix with:
import numpy as np
A = np.array([list(get_coord()) for _ in range(L)])
We then can use scipy
to calcuate a 2d matrix of distances, for example:
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform
B = squareform(pdist(A))
If for instance A
>>> A
array([[ 0.16401235, -0.60536247],
[ 0.19705099, 1.74907373],
[ 1.13078545, 2.03750256],
[ 0.52009543, 0.25292921],
[-0.8018697 , -1.45384157],
[-1.37731085, 0.20679761],
[-1.52384856, 0.14468123],
[-0.12788698, 0.22348265],
[-0.27158565, 0.21804304],
[-0.03256846, -2.85381269]])
then B
will be:
>>> B
array([[ 0. , 2.354668 , 2.81414033, 0.92922536, 1.28563016,
1.74220584, 1.84700839, 0.8787431 , 0.93152683, 2.25702734],
[ 2.354668 , 0. , 0.97726722, 1.53062279, 3.35507213,
2.20391262, 2.35277933, 1.5598118 , 1.60114811, 4.60861026],
[ 2.81414033, 0.97726722, 0. , 1.88617187, 3.99056885,
3.10516145, 3.26034573, 2.20792312, 2.29718907, 5.02775867],
[ 0.92922536, 1.53062279, 1.88617187, 0. , 2.15885579,
1.897967 , 2.04680841, 0.64865114, 0.79244935, 3.15551623],
[ 1.28563016, 3.35507213, 3.99056885, 2.15885579, 0. ,
1.75751388, 1.7540036 , 1.80766956, 1.75396674, 1.59741777],
[ 1.74220584, 2.20391262, 3.10516145, 1.897967 , 1.75751388,
0. , 0.1591595 , 1.24953527, 1.10578239, 3.34300278],
[ 1.84700839, 2.35277933, 3.26034573, 2.04680841, 1.7540036 ,
0.1591595 , 0. , 1.39818396, 1.25440996, 3.34886281],
[ 0.8787431 , 1.5598118 , 2.20792312, 0.64865114, 1.80766956,
1.24953527, 1.39818396, 0. , 0.14380159, 3.07877122],
[ 0.93152683, 1.60114811, 2.29718907, 0.79244935, 1.75396674,
1.10578239, 1.25440996, 0.14380159, 0. , 3.08114051],
[ 2.25702734, 4.60861026, 5.02775867, 3.15551623, 1.59741777,
3.34300278, 3.34886281, 3.07877122, 3.08114051, 0. ]])
And now we can construct a graph based on that matrix:
G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(B)
now we see that the weights match:
>>> G.get_edge_data(2,5)
{'weight': 3.105161451820312}
Upvotes: 3