Reputation: 933
I would like to extract some details of the installed apps on an Apple Mac. I thought that the most portable way to run this on a bunch of Macs without any extra dependencies was to use Applescript.
I can get a variable containing the installed apps in plist format by running:
set theAppsList to do shell script "system_profiler SPApplicationsDataType -xml"
but I can't find a way to tell Applescript to parse this text as a plist. All the documented plist examples show the passing of a filepath to Applescript in the form:
tell application "System Events" to tell property list file thePropertyListFilePath to ....
but how can I process the raw plist text I receive from the shell script as a plist object? Is there some equivalent of the pseudocode:
myPlist = new property list (theAppsList)
that would create a new plist object in memory?
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Views: 349
Reputation: 6102
Treat the data as XML data, which AppleScript can parse as text data stored in a variable. Here's a portion of the text data returned on my system when I ran your do shell script
<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" \"\">
<plist version=\"1.0\">
<array> --> ①
<dict> --> ②
<string>Little Snitch Software Update</string> --> ③
The following AppleScript isolates the XML elements labelled ① and ② and stores their data as lists from which, ultimately, information about each application can be retrieved (e.g. the element labelled ③ denoting the first application's name):
tell application "System Events"
-- Creates a new XML data object and stores it in memory
if not (exists XML data "AppData") then ¬
set XMLAppData to make new XML data ¬
with properties ¬
{name:"AppData", text:theAppsList}
-- array element labelled ①
tell XML data "AppData" to ¬
set AppArray to item 2 of (XML elements of ¬
XML element "dict" of XML element "array" of ¬
XML element "plist" whose name is "array")
-- dict element labelled ②
set AppsDataArray to every XML element in AppArray whose name is "dict"
-- The number of applications installed
set n to number of items in AppsDataArray
-- Retrieving ③ from the AppsDataArray list
-- (the name of the first application)
get value of XML element "string" of item 1 in AppsDataArray
end tell
I believe XML data
objects disappear from memory after about 5 minutes of idle time. Otherwise, you can manually delete them using delete XML data "AppData"
or delete every XML data
Upvotes: 2