Reputation: 643
Here is a requirement where I want to separate out content from a cell, Can someone guide me on the possibility and approach to achieve it.
Source Table :
ID | Log
1 | Status : New
| Assignment : 1
| Priority : Low
2 | Status : In Progress
| Impact : High
Target Table :
ID | Key | Value
1 | Status | New
1 | Assignment| 1
1 | Priority | Low
2 | Status | In Progress
2 | Impact | High
Upvotes: 1
Views: 62
Reputation: 6622
You can use following SQL script too, But before using it you need to create a SQL split function on your database. I'm using one of the referred split functions
with tbl as (
ID, Log, row_number() over (order by Log) as rn
from sourceTable
max([Key]) as [Key],
max([Value]) as [Value]
from (
case when sid = 1 then val else null end as [Key],
case when sid = 2 then val else null end as [Value]
from (
tbl.rn, sid,
from tbl
cross apply dbo.split(tbl.Log,':') s
) t
) t
group by ID, rn
order by ID, rn
Output is as follows
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 82010
Assuming [Log] is multi-line delimited with CRLF
Select A.ID
,[Key] = ltrim(rtrim(left(RetVal,charindex(':',RetVal)-1)))
,[Value] = ltrim(rtrim(substring(RetVal,charindex(':',RetVal)+1,len(RetVal))))
From YourTable A
Cross Apply (
Select RetSeq = Row_Number() over (Order By (Select null))
,RetVal = LTrim(RTrim(B.i.value('(./text())[1]', 'varchar(max)')))
From (Select x = Cast('<x>' + replace((Select replace(A.[log],char(10),'§§Split§§') as [*] For XML Path('')),'§§Split§§','</x><x>')+'</x>' as xml).query('.')) as B1
Cross Apply x.nodes('x') AS B(i)
) B
ID Key Value
1 Status New
1 Assignment 1
1 Priority Low
2 Status In Progress
2 Impact High
Upvotes: 2