Reputation: 43
So I have some macros run inside an Excel document and wanted to know if there is a way to frequently output text to a Console window (Basicly using it like the immediate window).
I know there are multiple ways of writing text to files, I just want to display some info on the running process without using the immediate window or other windows inside Excel itself.
Using this helps me to display a single line, but I dont want to open a new window for every line:
Call Shell("cmd.exe /K echo testInfo", vbNormalFocus)
I do NOT want to run a command (except echo maybe?) to execute a task, its just supposed to display text.
Thank you in advance for any advice.
As an addition to @JohnRC 's post I found a solution without external applications:
Call Shell("PowerShell.exe -noexit -command get-content " + strPath + " -wait")
Logging information to a textfile at the location after running the command above does the trick.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 3935
Reputation: 714
This topic is old, but I propose you an alternative solution, that I recently found.
The idea is to have a logger able to handle log messages by streaming them to the Windows console (cmd.exe) via a client/server architecture based on HTTP.
This approach is much faster, and less subject to the vagaries of key simulation on the keyboard.
I implemented it in a framework, called VBA Monologger. To understand the details of this architecture, take a look here:
And below is an example to create a logger for Windows console with this framework.
Public Sub howto_use_logger_console()
' Initialize the Logger for windows console
Dim Logger As VBAMonologger.LoggerInterface
Set Logger = VBAMonologger.Factory.createLoggerConsole("App")
' Use the logger for each severity levels
Logger.trace "Authentication function call for user 'Bob Morane'." "User 'UltraVomit' has logged in successfully."
Logger.notice "Process completed successfully with minor issues."
Logger.warning "'Beetlejuice' should not be called more than 3 times."
Logger.error "An error occurred with the user 'DRZCFOS2'."
Logger.critical "System is in an unstable state."
Logger.alert "Action required: unable to generate the dashboard."
Logger.emergency "A critical failure occurred in the application."
End Sub
When you run this code, it launches a cmd.exe, starts an HTTP web server in it (the web server is coded in Powershell) and waits for logs sent using HTTP requests.
Bonus, the log formatter used in this logger supports ANSI colors ^^.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1371
OK, as I got a couple of downvotes on my earlier answer, I thought I should attempt to provide an actual answer to the request, namely to provide a way of sending log messages to a command prompt window. Here goes...
This solution is implemented as a VBA class that will send messages as comment lines to a separately-running command prompt window that has the text "ExcelLog" in the title. This command prompt must be started separately. The easiest way to do this is to create a shortcut named "ExcelLog" to just run CMD, then when this shortcut is opened the command prompt window will have "ExcelLog" in the title.
Inside the spreadsheet add the code for the class cConsole (below), and then in your VBA code create a global instance of the class and use the method .W "message"
to send a text message to the console as a comment line (in this case using the prefix ::
to the line to identify it as a comment).
The cConsole class looks for any command prompt window with the requisite title, then sends the comment message to that window. If the window cannot be found, it simply skips the action so the Excel VBA code continues to execute without reporting an error. Also if you open the command prompt window after Excel VBA has started running, cConsole will automatically connect to the window and start/resume sending messages. This means you can close and reopen the command prompt ExcelLog window any time without interrupting the execution of the VBA code.
This seems to work on my setup OK. I think it is a bit more trouble than simply tailing a text file, but - hey, you pays your money and takes your choice.
Here is the code of the cConsole class.
Option Explicit
'// cConsole class
'// This class wraps an interface to a separately-started command prompt
'// window to which messages are sent as comments, so that the command prompt
'// window can be used as a real-time scrolling log from Excel.
'// Each instance of this class creates its own connection to the
'// command prompt window which must have a title containing the text
'// "ExcelLog". If such a window is not open then messages are not
'// logged. The command prompt window can be opened after messages
'// have started, and it will be connected when the next message is
'// sent.
'// The simplest way to set up the necessary command prompt window is to
'// create a shortcut on the desktop the name "ExcelLog" which runs CMD
'// Usage - - - - - - - - - - - -
'// Dim oConsole As New cConsole
'// :
'// oConsole.W "Message to be written to the console"
'// Windows functions to get window handles etc
Private Declare Function FindWindowEx Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowExA" _
(ByVal hWnd1 As Long, ByVal hWnd2 As Long, ByVal lpsz1 As String, ByVal lpsz2 As String) As Long
Private Declare Function GetClassName Lib "user32" Alias "GetClassNameA" _
(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal nMaxCount As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetWindowText Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextA" _
(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cch As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SetForegroundWindow Lib "user32" _
(ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long
'// Handle of the excel log window
Private hLogWindow As Long
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
'// On instantiation, attempts to find the ExcelLog window
End Sub
Public Sub W(sMsg As String)
'// Public function used to send the given message
'// as a comment line to the linked window
SendToConsole ":: " & sMsg
End Sub
Private Sub SendToConsole(Command As String)
'// Connects to and sends a command line to the command prompt
'// window that is being used as the log
Dim res As Boolean
'// Check that a connection has been made and
'// attempt to connect if not
If hLogWindow = 0 Then
If hLogWindow = 0 Then Exit Sub
End If
On Error Resume Next
'// Attempt to bring the logging window to the foreground
res = SetForegroundWindow(hLogWindow)
'// Check if successful, and send the command if so
If res Then
SendKeys Command & vbCrLf
Exit Do
'// Not successful, so try reconnecting to the logging window
'// If we cannot connect, just exit without sending anything
If hLogWindow = 0 Then Exit Sub
End If
'// Check if there has been any error
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
hLogWindow = 0
MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Private Function findExcelLogWindow() As Long
'// This function looks for a command prompt window that has the text
'// ExcelLog in the title
Dim nLen As Long
Dim sData As String
Dim Class As String
Dim Title As String
'// Get handle to the first window
hLogWindow = 0
'// Check each window in turn
hLogWindow = FindWindowEx(0&, hLogWindow, vbNullString, vbNullString)
'// Check that a window was found
If hLogWindow = 0 Then Exit Do
'// Get the class name of the window
sData = String$(100, Chr$(0))
nLen = GetClassName(hLogWindow, sData, 100)
Class = Left$(sData, nLen)
'// Get the title of the window
sData = String$(100, Chr$(0))
nLen = GetWindowText(hLogWindow, sData, 100)
Title = Left$(sData, nLen)
'// Check if the required window has been found
If Class = "ConsoleWindowClass" And InStr(Title, "ExcelLog") > 0 Then
'// Initialise the window to remove any prompt text
SendToConsole "PROMPT $S"
'// Write some initial messages
Me.W "*******************"
Me.W "[" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "] connected to console at " & Now
Me.W ""
'// Return the handle to the log window
findExcelLogWindow = hLogWindow
Exit Function
End If
'// The log window was not found, so return zero
findExcelLogWindow = 0
End Function
I tested this out by handling MouseMove events on an image control in a worksheet:
Option Explicit
Private oCons As New cConsole
Private Sub Image1_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
oCons.W "MouseMove " & X & ", " & Y
End Sub
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 1371
Instead of using a shell to act as a console to log messages, I have used a text file to hold the log, and monitored the output to the file with a tail utility (I have used WinTail from but I am sure there are others). This is the code, which I put in a separate vba module named Log. Then call Log.W "Message" to log a message.
Option Explicit
'// You need a reference to "Microsoft Scripting Runtime" library in VBA
Private oLog As Scripting.TextStream
Private bErr As Boolean
Private Sub INIT()
'// Initialise the output log file
'// Check if log file is already open, or there has been an error
If bErr Then Exit Sub
If Not oLog Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
'// Open the log file for appending
Dim ofso As New Scripting.FileSystemObject
On Error Resume Next
Set oLog = ofso.OpenTextFile("excel.log", ForAppending, True)
'// Check that open was successful
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Log file error: " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
bErr = True
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0
'// Write a starting block to the log
oLog.WriteLine "*"
W "********************************** START"
W "* Start of log " & Format(Date, "YYYY-MM-dd")
W ""
End Sub
Public Sub W(sMsg)
'// Writes a single line message to the log
'// Initialize if required
'// Check for log file error
If bErr Then Exit Sub
'// Create the log line and write to log file
Dim st As String
st = Format(Now, "hh:mm:ss ")
oLog.WriteLine st & sMsg
End Sub
Public Function ReportErr(Optional Loc As Variant = "") As Boolean
'// Reports information from the Err object, if an error has occured
'// Check if error has occurred, exit if not
If Err.Number = 0 Then ReportErr = False: Exit Function
'// Set return value
ReportErr = True
'// Initialize if required
'// Check for log file error
If bErr Then Exit Function
'// Write the error block to the log
W "*********** ERROR ******* " & IIf(Len(Loc) > 0, "[" & Loc & "]", "")
W "* Error #" & Err.Number
If Len(Err.Description) > 0 Then
W "* : " & Err.Description
W "*************************"
End If
End Function
Tailing the log file with WinTail means that output to the log appears immediately it is written, so you can monitor the log as the program is running.
Upvotes: 0