Reputation: 306
I'm trying to run two different scripts, v1_to_v2_migrator.exs and update_images.exs
defp aliases do
["ecto.reset": ["ecto.drop", "ecto.create", "ecto.migrate", "run priv/repo/v1_to_v2_migrator.exs", "run priv/repo/update_images.exs"]
Only the first file runs. I've tried to reenable run
but I can't escape the filename.
"run 'priv/repo/v1_to_v2_migrator.exs'; run -e 'Mix.Task.reenable(:run)'"
gives this error:
** (Mix) No such file: priv/repo/v1_to_v2_migrator.exs;
Where the file ending includes the semicolon.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 390
Reputation: 51429
For your particular example, you can pass multiple files to run:
mix run -r priv/repo/foo.exs -r priv/repo/bar.exs
But if the question is how to generally reenable tasks, then @Dogbert's and @mudasobwa's approaches are correct.
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 222398
You can use Mix.Task.rerun/2
to invoke mix run
twice like this:
["ecto.reset": [
~s|run -e 'Mix.Task.rerun("run", ["priv/repo/v1_to_v2_migrator.exs"]); Mix.Task.rerun("run", ["priv/repo/update_images.exs"])'|]]
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 121010
While answer by @Dogbert would work, I’d suggest you take a different approach. When you find yourself stuck with the tool’s provided functionality it usually means the paradigm change is required.
Unlike many other build tools, mix
welcomes task creation. It’s easy, pretty straightforward and more idiomatic than executing multiple scripts. Just create a file, say, my_awesome_task.ex
in your lib/mix/tasks
directory (create the directory unless it already exists,) using the following scaffold:
defmodule Mix.Tasks.MyAwesomeTask do
use Mix.Task
@shortdoc "Migrates v1 to v2 and updates images"
@doc false
def run(args \\ []) do
# it’s better to implement stuff explicitly,
# but this is also fine["priv/repo/v1_to_v2_migrator.exs"])
Now all you need is to call this task in your mix.exs
["ecto.reset": ~w|ecto.drop ecto.create ecto.migrate my_awesome_task|]
Upvotes: 2