Reputation: 21
I think there is a problem in my shiny script, with executing a shell comand and I was wondering if there maybe is a way to do this command within shiny.
Outside of shiny my code functions.
#Function to calculate maxentscore
calculate_maxent <- function(seq_vector,maxent_type){
#Save working directory from before
Current_wkdir <- getwd()
#First, change working directory, to perl script location
setwd("S:/Arbeitsgruppen VIRO/AG_Sch/Johannes Ptok_JoPt/Rpackages/rnaSEQ/data/maxent")
#Create new text file with the sequences saved
#Execute the respective Perl script with the respective Sequence file
if(maxent_type == 3) cmd <- paste("", "Input_sequences")
if(maxent_type == 5) cmd <- paste("", "Input_sequences")
#Save the calculated Maxent score file
x <- shell(cmd,intern=TRUE)
#Reset the working directory
#Substracting the Scores from the Maxent Score Table
x <- substr(x,(regexpr("\t",x)[[1]]+1),nchar(x))
#Returning the maxent table
So basically I just try to execute following code:
shell(" Input_sequences")
This does seem to not be possible that way within shiny
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Views: 1700
Reputation: 193
I do not know the shell command, but executing shell commands is possible via system(). It even uses the current working directory set by R.
So you might try:
x <- system(cmd, intern=True)
Upvotes: 1