Assume I have a class such as:
TArithmetic = class (TPersistent)
function add (x, y : double) : double;
and another class which I want to expose in python:
TMath = class (TPersistent)
FArithmetic : TArithmetic;
constructior Create; // Responsible for creating FArithmetic
property arithmetic : TArithmetic read FArithmetic;
So that I can do calls on the python side such as (assume they live in a module mylib):
import mylib
p = mylib.Math()
x = p.arithmetic.add (4, 5)
I know how to expose a simple class such as TArithmetic as an class in Python using Python4Delphi, that's straight forward. What I am not sure is how to register a class that has other classes within the parent class so that they are visible in Python.
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