Reputation: 3536
I have a question about the understanding of the BatchNorm (BN later on).
I have a convnet working nicely, I was writing tests to check for shape and outputs range. And I noticed that when I set the batch_size = 1, my model outputs zeros (logits and activations).
I prototyped the simplest convnet with BN:
Input => Conv + ReLU => BN => Conv + ReLU => BN => Conv Layer + Tanh
The model is initialized with xavier initialization. I guess that BN during training do some calculations that require Batch_size > 1.
I have found an issue in PyTorch that seems to talk about this:
Could anyone explain this ? It's still a little blurry for me.
Example Run:
Important: Tensorlayer Library is required for this script to run: pip install tensorlayer
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorlayer as tl
import numpy as np
def conv_net(inputs, is_training):
xavier_initilizer = tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(uniform=True)
normal_initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(mean=1., stddev=0.02)
# Input Layers
network = tl.layers.InputLayer(inputs, name='input')
fx = [64, 128, 256, 256, 256]
for i, n_out_channel in enumerate(fx):
with tf.variable_scope('h' + str(i + 1)):
network = tl.layers.Conv2d(
n_filter = n_out_channel,
filter_size = (5, 5),
strides = (2, 2),
padding = 'VALID',
act = tf.identity,
W_init = xavier_initilizer,
name = 'conv2d'
network = tl.layers.BatchNormLayer(
act = tf.identity,
is_train = is_training,
gamma_init = normal_initializer,
name = 'batch_norm'
network = tl.layers.PReluLayer(
layer = network,
a_init = tf.constant_initializer(0.2),
name ='activation'
############# OUTPUT LAYER ###############
with tf.variable_scope('h' + str(len(fx) + 1)):
network = tl.layers.FlattenLayer(network, name='flatten')
network = tl.layers.DenseLayer(
n_units = 100,
act = tf.identity,
W_init = xavier_initilizer,
name = 'dense'
output_filter_size = tuple([int(i) for i in network.outputs.get_shape()[1:3]])
network = tl.layers.Conv2d(
n_filter = 100,
filter_size = output_filter_size,
strides = (1, 1),
padding = 'VALID',
act = tf.identity,
W_init = xavier_initilizer,
name = 'conv2d'
network = tl.layers.BatchNormLayer(
act = tf.identity,
is_train = is_training,
gamma_init = normal_initializer,
name = 'batch_norm'
net_logits = network.outputs
network.outputs = tf.nn.tanh(
x = network.outputs,
name = 'activation'
net_output = network.outputs
return network, net_output, net_logits
if __name__ == '__main__':
PLH_SHAPE = [None, 256, 256, 3]
input_plh = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, PLH_SHAPE, name='input_placeholder')
convnet, net_out, net_logits = conv_net(input_plh, is_training=True)
with tf.Session() as sess:
for BATCH_SIZE in [1, 2]:
INPUT_SHAPE = [BATCH_SIZE, 256, 256, 3]
batch_data = np.random.random(size=INPUT_SHAPE)
output, logits =
[net_out, net_logits],
input_plh: batch_data
if tf.logging.get_verbosity() == tf.logging.DEBUG:
print("\nBATCH SIZE = %d\n" % BATCH_SIZE)
tf.logging.debug("output => Shape: %s - Mean: %e - Std: %f - Min: %f - Max: %f" % (
tf.logging.debug("logits => Shape: %s - Mean: %e - Std: %f - Min: %f - Max: %f" % (
if tf.logging.get_verbosity() == tf.logging.DEBUG:
Gives the following output:
DEBUG:tensorflow:output => Shape: (1, 1, 1, 100) - Mean: 0.000000e+00 - Std: 0.000000 - Min: 0.000000 - Max: 0.000000
DEBUG:tensorflow:logits => Shape: (1, 1, 1, 100) - Mean: 0.000000e+00 - Std: 0.000000 - Min: 0.000000 - Max: 0.000000
DEBUG:tensorflow:output => Shape: (2, 1, 1, 100) - Mean: -1.430511e-08 - Std: 0.760749 - Min: -0.779634 - Max: 0.779634
DEBUG:tensorflow:logits => Shape: (2, 1, 1, 100) - Mean: -4.768372e-08 - Std: 0.998715 - Min: -1.044437 - Max: 1.044437
Upvotes: 5
Views: 8902
Reputation: 6220
You should probably read an explanation about Batch Normalization, such as this one. You can also take a look at tensorflow's related doc.
Basically, there are 2 ways you can do batch_norm, and both have problems dealing with batch size of 1:
using a moving mean and variance pixel per pixel, so they are tensors of the same shape as each sample in your batch. This is the one used in @layog's answer, and (I think) in the original paper, and the most used.
Using a moving mean and variance over the entire image / feature space, so they are just vectors (rank 1) of shape (n_channels,)
In both cases, you'll have:
output = gamma * (input - mean) / sigma + beta
Beta is often set to 0 and gamma to 1, since you have linear functions right after BN.
During training, mean
and variance
are computed accross the current batch, which causes problem when it is of size 1:
, so output=0
will be the average value over all pixels, so it's better; but if your width and height are also 1, then you get mean=input
again, so you get output=0
.I think most people (and the original method) use the 1st way, which is why you'll get 0 (although TF doc seems to suggest that the 2nd method is usual too). The argument in the link you're providing seems to be considering the 2nd method.
In any case (whichever you're using), with BN you'll only get good results if you use a bigger batch size (say, at least 10).
Upvotes: 12
Reputation: 4801
Batch Normalization
normalizes each output over a complete batch using the following (from original paper).
So take for example, that you have the following outputs (size 3) for batch size of 2
[2, 4, 6]
[4, 6, 8]
Now mean for each of the output over the batch will be
[3, 5, 7]
Now, look at the numerator in the above formula. It is subtracting mean from each element of the output. But, if the batch size is 1, then mean will exactly be the same as the output, so it will evaluate to 0.
As a side note, even the denominator will also be evaluated to 0 but it seems that tensorflow
outputs 0
in a 0/0
Upvotes: 10