Reputation: 844
MathML is a web standard for writing mathematics in a way that can be easily zoomed without pixellating (just like SVG), copied and pasted, and read by screen readers.
Chrome are refusing to implement it on the basis that a JavaScript polyfill exists. (I kid you not.) Edge's support is 'Not currently planned'. Thus, it's just Safari and Firefox (and some EPub readers) that support MathML.
Given that implementation is so spotty, fallback content is 100% necessary. The usual solution for this is MathJax; but this doesn't work for users who have JavaScript disabled or, more likely, broken.
We live in an age where HTML easily allows fallback content without JavaScript (see the <picture>
, <audio>
and <video>
tags). Is there some way to do so for MathML?
Upvotes: 5
Views: 1640
Reputation: 844
As far as I am aware, there is no HTML-only way to detect support for MathML.
However, there is an SVG way.
The <switch>
SVG element renders the first direct child of itself where certain boolean attributes on that child are either missing or evaluate to true. One such attribute is the requiredExtensions
attribute, which mandates that the user agent has to support a particular extension to render the indicated element.
So, if you have an SVG <foreignObject>
element (used to embed non-SVG elements in SVG) with requiredExtensions=""
set on it, and then put that <foreignObject>
inside a <switch>
element, the <math>
element will be rendered if MathML is supported, and the next element will be if MathML isn't.
So, for a basic MathML example: <math xmlns=""><mn>1</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>1</mn><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn></math>
is MathML for 1 + 1 = 2.
A basic SVG fallback for this would be <svg xmlns="" width="65" height="23"><text y="15" font-size="16">1 + 1 = 2</text></svg>
(more complicated fallbacks could be generated with Mathjax-Node).
So the completed MathML expression with fallback would be:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg xmlns="" width="120" height="40">
<foreignObject requiredExtensions="" width="120" height="40">
<math xmlns="">
<text y="15" font-size="16">1 + 1 = 2 (SVG)</text>
I have tested the above in Firefox (renders MathML), Edge, IE11 and Chrome (renders SVG). I have not tested Safari, as I don't own a Mac.
EDIT: Safari 9 renders the MathML.
If you want to keep the ability to copy + past your math, you can't use an <picture>
tag to embed your SVG/MathML hybrid - use <object>
(I'm using a DataUrl here, but you could just as easily save the SVG as an external file):
<object typemustmatch type="image/svg+xml" data="">
1 + 1 = 2 (You don't support SVG)
(You could render the SVG as a PNG using CloudConvert or similar and put in inside the object if you really wanted.)
So there you go. A little pre-rendering, and you have a MathML fallback that requires no JavaScript or CSS - just HTML.
EDIT: I have made an NPM package to automate the creation of the MathML, SVG, and PNG. It can be found here.
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 844
I was not aware of this at the time of my first answer, but you can in fact use the <object>
tag to display MathML directly - the MIME type of MathML is application/mathml+xml.
So you can have one <object>
tag that points to a mml file, with whatever fallback content you want inside of it (I'd suggest a SVG representation of your equation, possibly in its own <object>
for a PNG fallback).
I have tested and confirmed this works in Firefox (MathML is displayed), Edge, Internet Explorer 11 and Chrome (SVG is displayed).
EDIT: Safari shows the SVG, not the MathML. (Even through it supports MathML.)
Upvotes: 1