Reputation: 3
I'm given the data that contains 1000 numbers from uniform distribution ~[a,b] and I need to use jags in r to find it/ I tried this code
x <- read.csv(file='C:/Users/Amir/Desktop/אבנר/data analysis/תרגילים/תרגיל
3/Unif.csv', header=FALSE)
y <- x[1:1000,1]
dat<- list("y" = y, "N" = N)
jags.inits <- function() {list (a = -3, b = 30)}
parameters<- c("a", "b")
reg.jags <- jags.model(file='1.txt', data=dat, n.chains = 4, n.adapt = 1000)
update(jags, n.iter=1000)
regression.sim<-coda.samples(reg.jags, variable.names=parameters,
and the model is
model {
for (i in 1:N) {
y[i] ~ dunif(a, b)
a ~ dnorm(-5, .0001)
b ~ dnorm(15, .0001)
but the result are very bad, instead of around [-3,23] I get around [-42,65]
any help?
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Views: 507
Reputation: 2583
I can't replicate your findings as your code is not reproducible: we don't have access to your data. But using simulated data with an essentially identical model gives results that seem to be very sensible:
m <- 'model{
for(i in 1:N){
Obs[i] ~ dunif(a, b)
a ~ dnorm(0, 10^-6)
b ~ dnorm(0, 10^-6)
#data# N, Obs
#monitor# a, b
#inits# a, b
N <- 1000
Obs <- runif(N, 1, 7)
a <- 0
b <- 10
results <- run.jags(m)
The upper and lower 95% confidence intervals for a and b respectively are very close to the range of Obs, with mode estimates that are closer to the respective upper and lower 95% CI (the maximum likelihood solution would be exactly at the range of the data), and varying the size of N gives narrower/wider 95% CI. So all as expected.
My best guess at your problem is that your y are somehow all (or nearly all) missing. If that does not help solve your problem I think you will need to post your dataset.
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