Reputation: 7563
I am struggling to use flatMap and map with Play framework + Scala. This method has a bunch of other issues, but I am trying to go through them one for each time. The first thing that I cannot figure out how to implement is how to fill a Seq inside nested flatMap and map and return a Json output. Here is my method:
def getRacks(at: String) = Action.async { implicit request: Request[AnyContent] =>
var rackSeq: Seq[Rack] = Seq.empty
var gpuSeq: Seq[Gpu] = Seq.empty
rackRepository.get(Util.toTime(at)).flatMap { resultRack: Seq[RackRow] => { r: RackRow =>
gpuRepository.getByRack( { result: Seq[GpuRow] => { gpuRow: GpuRow =>
gpuSeq = gpuSeq :+ Gpu(, gpuRow.rackId, gpuRow.produced, Util.toDate(gpuRow.installedAt))
val rack = Rack(, r.produced, Util.toDate(r.currentHour), gpuSeq)
rackSeq = rackSeq :+ rack
println("rackSeq: " + rackSeq)
}.recover {
case pe: ParseException => BadRequest(Json.toJson("Error on parse String to time."))
case e: Exception => BadRequest(Json.toJson("Error to get racks."))
case _ => BadRequest(Json.toJson("Unknow error to get racks."))
I was expecting that rackSeq
will be filled with GpuRow
. but my output is like this:
rackSeq: List(Rack(rack-1,0.2,2018-01-23T14:15:00.79Z,List()))
How to evaluate both lists to the output?
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Views: 298
Reputation: 19517
Instead of mutating variables, stay within the context of a Future
and perform transformations until you reach the desired result. Assuming the following types...
rackRepository.get(Util.toTime(at)) // Future[Seq[RackRow]]
gpuRepository.getByRack( // Future[Seq[GpuRow]] could do this instead:
def gpuRowToGpu(gpuRow: GpuRow): Gpu = {
Gpu(, gpuRow.rackId, gpuRow.produced, Util.toDate(gpuRow.installedAt))
def getRacks(at: String) = Action.async { implicit request: Request[AnyContent] =>
rackRepository.get(Util.toTime(at)).flatMap { resultRack: Seq[RackRow] =>
val seqFutRack: Seq[Future[Rack]] = { r: RackRow =>
gpuRepository.getByRack( { result: Seq[GpuRow] =>
val gpus = // Seq[Gpu]
Rack(, r.produced, Util.toDate(r.currentHour), gpus)
} // Future[Rack]
val futSeqRack: Future[Seq[Rack]] = Future.sequence(seqFutRack) => Ok(Json.toJson(racks)).as(JSON))
}.recover {
Upvotes: 3