Reputation: 813
I have a userform (baseUF) that has multiple pages and buttons that all do different things. I have this baseUF being modeless because I want the user to be able to play with the sheet without closing the userform and losing all of the data they input. However, I started having a problem that might be due to the modeless nature of the baseUF.
There are other userforms that can be called from the baseUF. One executes with no issue by double clicking a textbox. However, the other userform is loaded after a button click. Once that button click sub is finished, the baseUF closes after the Exit Sub OR End Sub line. I don't remember this happening in the past and it doesn't happen with any other button click subs.
Does anybody have an idea what the issue could be? I'm pretty lost because I don't have a command to close the baseUF anywhere in that sub. Below is some code to show what is happening:
This sub is connected to a button on the spreadsheet to open the baseUF (the code is in a module).
Sub Button1_Click()
' show the userform
baseUF.Show vbModeless
End Sub
And this is the sub in the baseUF that calls an additional userform (LoadBox) which seems to be the issue.
Private Sub LoadQuery_Click()
' I Dim a bunch of stuff here
' if there are no saved queries, alert the user
If saveSht.Range("B3").Value = "" Then
MsgBox "No saved queries!"
Exit Sub
' if there is only one saved query, add it to the array and pop up the userform that allows for the user to select which save to load
ElseIf saveSht.Range("B4").Value = "" Then
save_names = saveSht.Range("B3").Value
' otherwise, add all of the save names to the array and pop up that userform
save_names = saveSht.Range(saveSht.Range("B3"),saveSht.Range("B3").End(xlDown)).Value
End If
' if the user didn't select a save to load, stop trying to make stuff happen
If load_name = "" Then
' the userform will also close here if this turns out to be true
Exit Sub
End If
' do a bunch of stuff with the selected name here
' and after this line, the userform that contains this code closes
End Sub
EDIT: here is some code showing the two other userforms
This one is the userform with no issue that is called after a textbox is double clicked
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
' On start up of this form, populate the listbox with the relevant column names
' Set position
Me.StartUpPosition = 0
Me.Top = baseUF.Top + 0.5 * baseUF.Height - 0.5 * Me.Height
Me.Left = baseUF.Left + 0.5 * baseUF.Width - 0.5 * Me.Width
With FilterSelectionBox
' First grab all of the column names from the main selected table
For i = 0 To baseUF.SelectionBox.ListCount - 1
.AddItem baseUF.SelectionBox.List(i)
Next i
' Then grab all of the column names from the additional tables to be joined
If Not IsVariantEmpty(join_table_cols) Then
For n = 0 To UBound(join_table_cols)
If Not IsEmpty(join_table_cols(n)) Then
For Each col_name In join_table_cols(n)
.AddItem col_name
End If
Next n
End If
End With
End Sub
Private Sub OkButton_Click()
' Initialize the variables
Dim tb As MSForms.TextBox
Dim arr() As String
Dim str As String
' tb is the textbox object that the column names will be pasted in to
Set tb = baseUF.MultiPage1.Pages(baseUF.MultiPage1.Value).Controls(Me.Tag)
' sets the str according to some logic
' This is actually where it gets sent
tb.Value = str
' And close the form
Unload Me
End Sub
And this is the code in the userform with an issue
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
' On initialization, populate the combobox with all of the save names present in the spreadsheet
' Set position
Me.StartUpPosition = 0
Me.Top = baseUF.Top + 0.5 * baseUF.Height - 0.5 * Me.Height
Me.Left = baseUF.Left + 0.5 * baseUF.Width - 0.5 * Me.Width
With LoadComb
' If there is more than one save present, go through the array and add each one
If IsArray(save_names) Then
For Each saved_name In save_names
.AddItem saved_name
' Otherwise just add the one
.AddItem save_names
End If
End With
End Sub
Private Sub LoadButton_Click()
' When the user hits the load button, first check if they actually selected anything
If LoadComb.Value = "" Then
' If they didn't, yell at them
MsgBox "No saved query selected!"
' Otherwise, save the name to a global variable
load_name = LoadComb.Value
End If
' Close the form
Unload Me
End Sub
Upvotes: 3
Views: 5241
Reputation: 43585
Whenever something unexpected happens with forms, consider writing End
in the immediate window and pressing enter. It will kill all the unkilled instances of a form and generally any variable, thus it would be like a cold restart to the VBA program.
After doing this, it is a good idea to consider a cleaner solution, concerning VBA & UserForms, using some OOP. (Disclaimer - the first article is mine):
Although it may seem that you are achieving the same results with more code, the benefits of using this approach are quite a lot in the long term.
This is a small example of the OOP model. Imagine you have a user form like this:
It has only the following controls:
The code withing the form is the following:
Option Explicit
Public Event OnRunReport()
Public Event OnExit()
Public Property Get InformationText() As String
InformationText = lblInfo.Caption
End Property
Public Property Let InformationText(ByVal value As String)
lblInfo.Caption = value
End Property
Public Property Get InformationCaption() As String
InformationCaption = Caption
End Property
Public Property Let InformationCaption(ByVal value As String)
Caption = value
End Property
Private Sub btnRun_Click()
RaiseEvent OnRunReport
End Sub
Private Sub btnExit_Click()
RaiseEvent OnExit
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
If CloseMode = vbFormControlMenu Then
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
The form is with two events, getting caught by the clsSummaryPresenter. The clsSummaryPresenter
looks like this:
Option Explicit
Private WithEvents objSummaryForm As frmMain
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set objSummaryForm = New frmMain
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set objSummaryForm = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub Show()
If Not objSummaryForm.Visible Then
objSummaryForm.Show vbModeless
Call ChangeLabelAndCaption("Press Run to Start", "Starting")
End If
With objSummaryForm
.Top = CLng((Application.Height / 2 + Application.Top) - .Height / 2)
.Left = CLng((Application.Width / 2 + Application.Left) - .Width / 2)
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Hide()
If objSummaryForm.Visible Then objSummaryForm.Hide
End Sub
Public Sub ChangeLabelAndCaption(strLabelInfo As String, strCaption As String)
objSummaryForm.InformationText = strLabelInfo
objSummaryForm.InformationCaption = strCaption
End Sub
Private Sub objSummaryForm_OnRunReport()
End Sub
Private Sub objSummaryForm_OnExit()
End Sub
Public Sub Refresh()
With objSummaryForm
.lblInfo = "Ready"
.Caption = "Task performed"
End With
End Sub
Finally, we have the modMain, which is the so-called business logic of the form:
Option Explicit
Private objPresenter As clsSummaryPresenter
Public Sub MainGenerateReport()
objPresenter.ChangeLabelAndCaption "Starting and running...", "Running..."
End Sub
Public Sub GenerateNumbers()
Dim lngLong As Long
Dim lngLong2 As Long
For lngLong = 1 To 10
For lngLong2 = 1 To 10
tblMain.Cells(lngLong, lngLong2) = lngLong * lngLong2
Next lngLong2
Next lngLong
End Sub
Public Sub ShowMainForm()
If (objPresenter Is Nothing) Then
Set objPresenter = New clsSummaryPresenter
End If
End Sub
Upvotes: 3