Reputation: 549
I created the below view. I want to get all customers on orderheader with addresstype billing if not I still want the orderheader document. I think match stage is eliminating few documents as there is no address type billing for few documents.
I mean its acting like INNER JOIN, instead I want LEFT JOIN. trying hard but all I'm getting is INNER JOIN.
as: "Address",
localField: "CustomerNo",
foreignField: "CustomerNo"
$match:{ "Address.AddressType":/Billing/i }
CustomerNo :"$CustomerNo",
ContactName:{ $ifNull:[{$arrayElemAt: [ "$Address.ContactName",0 ]},""]}
Upvotes: 5
Views: 3684
Reputation: 549
Re wrote the query to be
as: "Address",
localField: "CustomerNo",
foreignField: "CustomerNo"
{ $unwind: { path: "$Address", preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true } },
$match:{ $or:[ {"Address.AddressType":/billing/i},{"Address.AddressType":""},{"Address.AddressType":null}] }
CustomerNo :"$CustomerNo",
ContactName:{ $ifNull:[ "$Address.ContactName",""]}
Upvotes: 6