Reputation: 14860
I am curious if anyone has any information about the scalability of HTML WebSockets. For everything I've read it appears that every client will maintain an open line of communication with the server. I'm just wondering how that scales and how many open WebSocket connections a server can handle. Maybe leaving those connections open isn't a problem in reality, but it feels like it is.
Upvotes: 174
Views: 48731
Reputation: 331
No it does not scale, gives tremendous work to intermediate routes switches. Then on the server side the page faults (you have to keep all those descriptors) are reaching high values, and the time to bring a resource into the work area increases. These are mostly JAVA written servers and it might be faster to hold on those gazilions of sockets then to destroy/create one. When you run such a server on a machine any other process can't move anymore.
Upvotes: -4
Reputation: 73217
In most ways WebSockets will probably scale better than AJAX/HTML requests. However, that doesn't mean WebSockets is a replacement for all uses of AJAX/HTML.
Each TCP connection in itself consumes very little in terms server resources. Often setting up the connection can be expensive but maintaining an idle connection it is almost free. The first limitation that is usually encountered is the maximum number of file descriptors (sockets consume file descriptors) that can be open simultaneously. This often defaults to 1024 but can easily be configured higher.
Ever tried configuring a web server to support tens of thousands of simultaneous AJAX clients? Change those clients into WebSockets clients and it just might be feasible.
HTTP connections, while they don't create open files or consume port numbers for a long period, are more expensive in just about every other way:
Each HTTP connection carries a lot of baggage that isn't used most of the time: cookies, content type, conetent length, user-agent, server id, date, last-modified, etc. Once a WebSockets connection is established, only the data required by the application needs to be sent back and forth.
Typically, HTTP servers are configured to log the start and completion of every HTTP request taking up disk and CPU time. It will become standard to log the start and completion of WebSockets data, but while the WebSockets connection doing duplex transfer there won't be any additional logging overhead (except by the application/service if it is designed to do so).
Typically, interactive applications that use AJAX either continuously poll or use some sort of long-poll mechanism. WebSockets is a much cleaner (and lower resource) way of doing a more event'd model where the server and client notify each other when they have something to report over the existing connection.
Most of the popular web servers in production have a pool of processes (or threads) for handling HTTP requests. As pressure increases the size of the pool will be increased because each process/thread handles one HTTP request at a time. Each additional process/thread uses more memory and creating new processes/threads is quite a bit more expensive than creating new socket connections (which those process/threads still have to do). Most of the popular WebSockets server frameworks are going the event'd route which tends to scale and perform better.
The primary benefit of WebSockets will be lower latency connections for interactive web applications. It will scale better and consume less server resources than HTTP AJAX/long-poll (assuming the application/server is designed properly), but IMO lower latency is the primary benefit of WebSockets because it will enable new classes of web applications that are not possible with the current overhead and latency of AJAX/long-poll.
Once the WebSockets standard becomes more finalized and has broader support, it will make sense to use it for most new interactive web applications that need to communicate frequently with the server. For existing interactive web applications it will really depend on how well the current AJAX/long-poll model is working. The effort to convert will be non-trivial so in many cases the cost just won't be worth the benefit.
Useful link: 600k concurrent websocket connections on AWS using Node.js
Upvotes: 221
Reputation: 43053
Any modern single server is able to server thousands of clients at once. Its HTTP server software has just to be is Event-Driven (IOCP) oriented (we are not in the old Apache one connection = one thread/process equation any more). Even the HTTP server built in Windows (http.sys) is IOCP oriented and very efficient (running in kernel mode). From this point of view, there won't be a lot of difference at scaling between WebSockets and regular HTTP connection. One TCP/IP connection uses a little resource (much less than a thread), and modern OS are optimized for handling a lot of concurrent connections: WebSockets and HTTP are just OSI 7 application layer protocols, inheriting from this TCP/IP specifications.
But, from experiment, I've seen two main problems with WebSockets:
So I would recommend the following, for any project:
- Use WebSockets for client notifications only (with a fallback mechanism to long-polling - there are plenty of libraries around);
- Use RESTful / JSON for all other data, using a CDN or proxies for cache.
In practice, full WebSockets applications do not scale well. Just use WebSockets for what they were designed to: push notifications from the server to the client.
About the potential problems of using WebSockets:
1. Consider using a CDN
Today (almost 4 years later), web scaling involves using Content Delivery Network (CDN) front ends, not only for static content (html,css,js) but also your (JSON) application data.
Of course, you won't put all your data on your CDN cache, but in practice, a lot of common content won't change often. I suspect that 80% of your REST resources may be cached... Even a one minute (or 30 seconds) CDN expiration timeout may be enough to give your central server a new live, and enhance the application responsiveness a lot, since CDN can be geographically tuned...
To my knowledge, there is no WebSockets support in CDN yet, and I suspect it would never be. WebSockets are statefull, whereas HTTP is stateless, so is much easily cached. In fact, to make WebSockets CDN-friendly, you may need to switch to a stateless RESTful approach... which would not be WebSockets any more.
2. Security issues
WebSockets have potential security issues, especially about DOS attacks. For illustration about new security vulnerabilities , see this set of slides and this webkit ticket.
WebSockets avoid any chance of packet inspection at OSI 7 application layer level, which comes to be pretty standard nowadays, in any business security. In fact, WebSockets makes the transmission obfuscated, so may be a major breach of security leak.
Upvotes: 18
Reputation: 1582
Think of it this way: what is cheaper, keeping an open connection, or opening a new connection for every request (with the negotiation overhead of doing so, remember it's TCP.)
Of course it depends on the application, but for long-term realtime connections (e.g. an AJAX chat) it's far better to keep the connection open.
The max number of connections will be capped by the max number of free ports for the sockets.
Upvotes: 8
Reputation: 419
Just a clarification: the number of client connections that a server can support has nothing to do with ports in this scenario, since the server is [typically] only listening for WS/WSS connections on one single port. I think what the other commenters meant to refer to were file descriptors. You can set the maximum number of file descriptors quite high, but then you have to watch out for socket buffer sizes adding up for each open TCP/IP socket. Here's some additional info:
As for decreased latency via WS vs. HTTP, it's true since there's no more parsing of HTTP headers beyond the initial WS handshake. Plus, as more and more packets are successfully sent, the TCP congestion window widens, effectively reducing the RTT.
Upvotes: 39