I want to fetch "all the documents" having highest value for specific field and than group by another field.
Consider below data:
_id:1, type:debug, status:Pass, build:13, params:abc, time:1
_id:2, type:debug, status:Pass, build:10, params:abc, time:2
_id:3, type:test, status:Pass, build:13, params:xyz, time:3
_id:4, type:debug, status:Pass, build:12, params:abc, time:4
_id:5, type:debug, status:Pass, build:13, params:xyz, time:5
_id:6, type:debug, status:NA, build:13, params:abc, time:6
_id:7, type:debug, status:Pass, build:13, params:abc, time:6
_id:8, type:test, status:Fail, build:13, params:xyz, time:6
_id:9, type:debug, status:NA, build:13, params:pqr, time:6
I want - first filter data with status Pass or Fail - then filter from the step1 data with max build value(which is 13 here) - then group by params with average of time
Expected Output:
params:abc time:3.5
params:xyz time:4.67
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For this, you can find the max id, lookup max id in the same collection filtering matching max id,and do group aggregation to get the desired results on the matched documents
{$group : {_id : null, maxBuild : {$max : "$build"}}},
{$lookup : {from : "e2e", localField : "maxBuild", foreignField : "build", as : "builds"}},
{$unwind : "$builds"},
{$group : {_id : {build : "$", params : "$builds.params"}, time : {$avg : "$builds.time"}}},
{$project : {_id : 0, build : "$", params : "$_id.params", time : "$time"}}
{ "build" : 13, "params" : "xyz", "time" : 4 }
{ "build" : 13, "params" : "abc", "time" : 3.5 }
you need to add $match
stage to filter
{$group : {_id : null, maxBuild : {$max : "$build"}}},
{$lookup : {from : "e2e", localField : "maxBuild", foreignField : "build", as : "builds"}},
{$unwind : "$builds"},
{$match : {"builds.status" : {$ne : "NA"}}},
{$group : {_id : {build : "$", params : "$builds.params"}, time : {$avg : "$builds.time"}}},
{$project : {_id : 0, build : "$", params : "$_id.params", time : "$time"}}
Upvotes: 1