
Reputation: 801

Rails get paperclip file_name

I have an application that uses paperclip to bind users and their avatars, I have a problem when I edit a user profile because the button to upload the image says "You didn't select any file" when it is the case, if I change the file_field type by text_field then I have the url of the file, how do I get it back automatically in the label?


-# Profile picture
    = form.label :image, t("settings.profile.profile_picture")
    = image_tag(@current_user.image.url(:thumb), id: "user_avatar") if @current_user.image
    = form.file_field :image, :size => 30, :id => "avatar_file"


has_attached_file :image, :styles => {
                      :medium => "288x288#",
                      :small => "108x108#",
                      :thumb => "48x48#",
                      :original => "600x800>"}

  process_in_background :image

  #validates_attachment_presence :image
  validates_attachment_size :image, :less_than => 9.megabytes
  validates_attachment_content_type :image,
                                    :content_type => ["image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/gif",
                                      "image/pjpeg", "image/x-png"] #the two last types are sent by IE.

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Views: 292

Answers (1)


Reputation: 12203

Answer V2:

For security reasons, it seems you can't directly assign a value to a file field; therefore, the simplest way to do it is to adjust the labelling based on the presence of an image.

So, I presume your unwanted message comes from t("settings.profile.profile_picture"). To resolve this, you

-# Profile picture
  - if @current_user.image.present?
    = form.label :image, @current_user.image.url(:thumb) # Or whatever text you want 
  - else
    = form.label :image, t("settings.profile.profile_picture")

  = image_tag(@current_user.image.url(:thumb), id: "user_avatar") if @current_user.image
  = form.file_field :image, size: 30, id: "avatar_file", value: @current_user.image&.attachment&.url

Does that seem like what you're looking for here?

Upvotes: 1

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