Reputation: 7028
Some context: I was thinking of creating an apex plugin in a certain way, quite specific but reusable in the same project. I've arrived at this question by just researching my options a bit. I don't really need it as a refcursor will cover my needs in that I will always expect a statement which has the identical column names and datatypes. The catch was that the query could be performed on different datasets (think tables with definitions and tables with user data).
So I was thinking: what if trying to deal with this more dynamical?
The cursor statement would allow me to just ask of the user to write his query in the one statement box provided by the interface (if you know apex, the region source sql) and not have split things up or make it complicated. But I'm a bit stumped on how to deal with that. There simply doesn't seem to be any way to deal with this. For example, with the below statement it would be possible to describe a query and determine if a column is a CURSOR type. But it stops there. There is no way to grab this actual cursor and do something with it.
Some test table+data DDL
create table test_a (id number, title varchar2(200))
create table test_b (id number, a_id number, title varchar2(200));
create table test_c (id number, b_id number, title varchar2(200));
insert into test_a (id, title) values (1, 'hoofd 1');
insert into test_a (id, title) values (2, 'hoofd 2');
insert into test_b (id, a_id, title) values (1, 1, 'h1 - child 1');
insert into test_b (id, a_id, title) values (2, 1, 'h1 - child 2');
insert into test_b (id, a_id, title) values (3, 2, 'h2 - child 1');
insert into test_b (id, a_id, title) values (4, 2, 'h2 - child 2');
insert into test_c (id, b_id, title) values (1, 1, 'h1 - c1 - A');
insert into test_c (id, b_id, title) values (2, 2, 'h1 - c2 - B');
insert into test_c (id, b_id, title) values (3, 3, 'h2 - c1 - C');
insert into test_c (id, b_id, title) values (4, 4, 'h2 - c2 - D');
Clean it up:
drop table test_a;
drop table test_b;
drop table test_c;
Like, I understand why the following works, but as you can see, it requires knowledge of the cursor's contents and code should handle it.
l_stmt varchar2(32000);
l_c sys_refcursor;
l_vc varchar2(4000);
l_sub sys_refcursor;
procedure children (p_c in sys_refcursor)
l_k varchar2(200);
l_c sys_refcursor;
fetch p_c into l_k, l_c;
exit when p_c%NOTFOUND;
dbms_output.put_line('L2 titel: '||l_k);
end loop;
l_stmt := q'[select title
, cursor(
select title, cursor(
select title
from test_c
where b_id =
from test_b b
where a_id =
from test_a a]';
open l_c for l_stmt;
fetch l_c into l_vc, l_sub;
exit when l_c%NOTFOUND;
dbms_output.put_line('L1 titel: '||l_vc);
end loop;
close l_c;
The following code with DBMS_SQL fails. Of course. There is no overload for accepting a CURSOR type as a type in DBMS_SQL.
set serveroutput on
l_stmt VARCHAR2(32000);
l_rows INTEGER;
l_desctab DBMS_SQL.DESC_TAB3;
l_colcnt NUMBER;
l_count BINARY_INTEGER := 0;
l_varchar VARCHAR2(4000);
l_stmt := q'[select title
, cursor(
select title, cursor(
select title
from test_c
where b_id =
from test_b b
where a_id =
from test_a a]';
l_cur_id := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
dbms_sql.parse(l_cur_id, l_stmt, dbms_sql.native);
dbms_sql.describe_columns3(l_cur_id, l_colcnt, l_desctab);
FOR i IN 1 .. l_colcnt LOOP
dbms_output.put_line('col '||i||' type: '||l_desctab(i).col_type);
-- describing it works, and would return type id 102, which I suppose is CURSOR.
dbms_sql.define_column(l_cur_id, 1, l_varchar, 4000);
dbms_sql.define_column(l_cur_id, 2, l_sub); --> fails, evidently
--l_rows := dbms_sql.execute(l_cur_id);
dbms_output.put_line('error: '||sqlerrm);
If there is no way, that's fine. Academically, I'd just like to know. Maybe there is some other way to do this. Maybe I'm missing something. I was thinking, maybe assembling plsql code and dynamically executing that, but that sounds far over the top. Just like parsing the statement manually by finding cursor statements, which I won't engage in.
Executing the query in sqldeveloper, by the way, works fine, and it will show the following:
hoofd 1 {<TITLE=h1 - child 1,CURSOR(SELECTTITLE={<TITLE=h1 - c1 - A>,}>,<TITLE=h1 - child 2,CURSOR(SELECTTITLE={<TITLE=h1 - c2 - B>,}>,}
hoofd 2 {<TITLE=h2 - child 1,CURSOR(SELECTTITLE={<TITLE=h2 - c1 - C>,}>,<TITLE=h2 - child 2,CURSOR(SELECTTITLE={<TITLE=h2 - c2 - D>,}>,}
Though that may work for completely other reasons, of course.
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Views: 282
Reputation: 3410
SQL Developer is all java which is why we can do this. Basically, in java the result of the cursor expression is presented to us as a ResultSet. That is the same way any sql execution is presented. So from a pure java stance, it's a plain ol' result and all the normal java APIs work just fine.
Now in dbms_sql, there's no equivalent as of right now.
FYI this is what the java looks like
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/XE","klrice","klrice");
PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement("select table_name\n" +
", cursor(\n" +
" select column_name\n" +
" from user_tab_columns cols\n" +
" where cols.table_name = tabs.table_name \n" +
" )\n" +
"from user_tables tabs");
ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery();
while( ) {
// get the first column
// get column from cursor expression
// cast it to a ResultSet
ResultSet cursor = (ResultSet) rset.getObject(2);
while( ) {
Upvotes: 1