My batch file is silently ending execution on the first loop (for /d "delims= eol=|" %%d in (*.*) do (
) and I can't tell why.
"delims= eol=|"
I never see !parent!!folder!
echoed and it doesn't pause at the end. What am I doing wrong?
@Echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
pushd "%~dp0"
set "parent=%~dp0"
echo !parent!
set "destination=\\(test destination folder)\"
rem SET "destination=\\(prod destination folder)\"
set "FileCount=0"
for /d "delims= eol=|" %%d in (*.*) do (
set "folder=%%d"
echo !parent!!folder!
for %%f in ("!parent!!folder!\(file identifying-pattern)*.DAT") do (
echo "File Type 1"
if !FileCount! lss 200 (
set /a !FileCount!+=1
ECHO !FileCount!
ECHO !parent!!folder!%%f
ECHO !destination!%%f
MOVE "%%f" "!destination!"
for %%f in ("!parent!!folder!\(file identifying-pattern)*.DAT") do (
echo "File Type 2"
if !FileCount! lss 200 (
set /a !FileCount!+=1
ECHO !FileCount!
ECHO !parent!!folder!%%f
ECHO !destination!%%f
MOVE "%%f" "!destination!"
for /d %%d in (*.*) do (
set "folder=%%d"
if not %%d==Archive (
if not %%d==Hold (
dir /b "!folder!"|find /v "">nul && ECHO "!folder! NOT EMPTY"||rmdir "!parent!!folder!"
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Views: 52
Reputation: 38719
I've took a guess at what you were doing, trying not to change the structure too much!
You'll need to add your destinations on lines 4
and 5
and your file patterns to lines 8
and 9
as necessary. (Please make sure you do not end your destination paths with back slashes):
@Echo Off
CD /D "%~dp0" 2>Nul || Exit /B
Set "Destination=\\(test destination folder)"
Rem Set "Destination=\\(prod destination folder)"
If Not Exist "%destination%\" Exit /B
Set "Pattern1=(file identifying-pattern)"
Set "Pattern2=(file identifying-pattern)"
Set /A Type1Count=Type2Count=0
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
For /D %%A In (*) Do (
For %%B In ("%%A\%Pattern1%*.dat") Do (
Echo "File Type 1"
Set /A Type1Count +=1
If !Type1Count! Lss 200 (
Echo !Type1Count!. "%CD%\%%A\%%B" --^> "%Destination%\%%B"
If Not Exist "%Destination%\%%B\" MD "%Destination%\%%B"
Move /Y "%%B" "%Destination%\%%B">Nul
For %%C In ("%%A\%Pattern2%*.dat") Do (
Echo "File Type 2"
Set /A Type2Count +=1
If !Type2Count! Lss 200 (
Echo !Type2Count!. "%CD%\%%B\%%C" --^> "%Destination%\%%C"
If Not Exist "%Destination%\%%C\" MD "%Destination%\%%C"
Move /Y "%%C" "%Destination%\%%C">Nul
If /I Not "%%A"=="Archive" (
If /I Not "%%A"=="Hold" (
Set "file="
For %%D In (*) Do Set "file=1"
If Defined file (Echo %%A NOT EMPTY) Else RD "%%A" 2>Nul
If you're happy with it in your test you can Rem
ark line 4
and unRem
ark line 5
Upvotes: 0