Reputation: 2004
It seems pretty straight forward to validate user's input in Node.js RESTapi with Joi
But the problem is that my app is not written in English. That means I need to send a custom written messages to the frontend user.
I have googled for this and only found issues.
Maybe could someone give a solution for this?
This is the code I am using to validate with the Joi
var schema = Joi.object().keys({
firstName: Joi.string().min(5).max(10).required(),
lastName: Joi.string().min(5).max(10).required()
Joi.validate(req.body, schema, function(err, value) {
if (err) {
return catched(err.details);
function catched(reject) {
validData: false,
errors: reject
Plus, is there a way to use Joi
in client side?
Upvotes: 92
Views: 191067
Reputation: 1012
Here's an example of how I did it in using joi 17.6
VerifyAuthOtpValidator (otpProps: OtpProps) {
const otpSchema = Joi.object<OtpProps>({
otp_code: Joi.string().required().messages({
"string.empty": "No OTP code provided",
"any.required": "No OTP code provided",
const {error, value} = otpSchema.validate(otpProps);
//you can log the error property, as this would enable you
// see the error type, which you can then, customise
// the message
// console.log("\n\t error: ", error)
return error.message
return value
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 31
For anyone who like me was looking to validate a number with a custom message, this is from the source code :
'number.base': '{{#label}} must be a number',
'number.greater': '{{#label}} must be greater than {{#limit}}',
'number.infinity': '{{#label}} cannot be infinity',
'number.integer': '{{#label}} must be an integer',
'number.less': '{{#label}} must be less than {{#limit}}',
'number.max': '{{#label}} must be less than or equal to {{#limit}}',
'number.min': '{{#label}} must be greater than or equal to {{#limit}}',
'number.multiple': '{{#label}} must be a multiple of {{#multiple}}',
'number.negative': '{{#label}} must be a negative number',
'number.port': '{{#label}} must be a valid port',
'number.positive': '{{#label}} must be a positive number',
'number.precision': '{{#label}} must have no more than {{#limit}} decimal places',
'number.unsafe': '{{#label}} must be a safe number'
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 265
If you need an easy way to pass custom message, use js-flex-validator
import Flex, { validateObject } from "js-flex-validator";
const constraints = [
.min(3, "Username should be at least 3 characters")
.max(50, "Username should not exceeds 50 characters"),
.email("This email is not valid.")
.match(/\[email protected]$/, "Should be a domain")
.min(5, "Email should be at least 3 characters")
.max(255, "Username should not exceeds 255 characters"),
.min(5, "Password should be at least 5 characters")
.max(20, "Password should not exceeds 50 characters"),
const data = {username: "geek4", email: "[email protected]", password: "123456" };
const { hasError, errorDetails } = validateObject(data, constraints)
Upvotes: -5
Reputation: 7838
I had to dig through the source to find an example of how to do context-dependent templating / formatting of messages since it doesn't seem to be documented:
messages: {
'string.alphanum': '{{#label}} must only contain alpha-numeric characters',
'string.base': '{{#label}} must be a string',
'string.base64': '{{#label}} must be a valid base64 string',
'string.creditCard': '{{#label}} must be a credit card',
'string.dataUri': '{{#label}} must be a valid dataUri string',
'string.domain': '{{#label}} must contain a valid domain name',
'': '{{#label}} must be a valid email',
'string.empty': '{{#label}} is not allowed to be empty',
'string.guid': '{{#label}} must be a valid GUID',
'string.hex': '{{#label}} must only contain hexadecimal characters',
'string.hexAlign': '{{#label}} hex decoded representation must be byte aligned',
'string.hostname': '{{#label}} must be a valid hostname',
'string.ip': '{{#label}} must be a valid ip address with a {{#cidr}} CIDR',
'string.ipVersion': '{{#label}} must be a valid ip address of one of the following versions {{#version}} with a {{#cidr}} CIDR',
'string.isoDate': '{{#label}} must be in iso format',
'string.isoDuration': '{{#label}} must be a valid ISO 8601 duration',
'string.length': '{{#label}} length must be {{#limit}} characters long',
'string.lowercase': '{{#label}} must only contain lowercase characters',
'string.max': '{{#label}} length must be less than or equal to {{#limit}} characters long',
'string.min': '{{#label}} length must be at least {{#limit}} characters long',
'string.normalize': '{{#label}} must be unicode normalized in the {{#form}} form',
'string.token': '{{#label}} must only contain alpha-numeric and underscore characters',
'string.pattern.base': '{{#label}} with value {:[.]} fails to match the required pattern: {{#regex}}',
'': '{{#label}} with value {:[.]} fails to match the {{#name}} pattern',
'string.pattern.invert.base': '{{#label}} with value {:[.]} matches the inverted pattern: {{#regex}}',
'': '{{#label}} with value {:[.]} matches the inverted {{#name}} pattern',
'string.trim': '{{#label}} must not have leading or trailing whitespace',
'string.uri': '{{#label}} must be a valid uri',
'string.uriCustomScheme': '{{#label}} must be a valid uri with a scheme matching the {{#scheme}} pattern',
'string.uriRelativeOnly': '{{#label}} must be a valid relative uri',
'string.uppercase': '{{#label}} must only contain uppercase characters'
An example of using a templated message:
const Joi = require("joi");
const schema = Joi.object({
nested: Joi.object({
name: Joi.string().required().messages({
"any.required": "{{#label}} is required!!",
"string.empty": "{{#label}} can't be empty!!",
const result = schema.validate({
nested: {
// comment/uncomment to see the other message
// name: "",
When using the template syntax, the context values that seem to be passed are something like the following, though specific rules / validators may pass more context:
key: "name", // this key, without ancestry
label: `""`, // full path with dots as separators, in quotes
value: "", // the value that was validated
Upvotes: 39
Reputation: 963
You can also show messages for a particular property
const Joi = require('Joi');
const schema = Joi.object({
username: Joi.string()
.pattern(new RegExp(/^(?!.*\.\.)(?!.*\.$)[^\W][\w.]{0,29}$/))
.message({"string.pattern.base":"Invalid username",
"string.min":"minimum 2 character required",
"string.max":"maximum 30 characters allowed"})
You can refer this for message object keys.
messages: {
'any.custom': [Object],
'any.default': [Object],
'any.failover': [Object],
'any.invalid': [Object],
'any.only': [Object],
'any.ref': [Object],
'any.required': [Object],
'any.unknown': [Object],
'string.alphanum': [Object],
'string.base': [Object],
'string.base64': [Object],
'string.creditCard': [Object],
'string.dataUri': [Object],
'string.domain': [Object],
'': [Object],
'string.empty': [Object],
'string.guid': [Object],
'string.hex': [Object],
'string.hexAlign': [Object],
'string.hostname': [Object],
'string.ip': [Object],
'string.ipVersion': [Object],
'string.isoDate': [Object],
'string.isoDuration': [Object],
'string.length': [Object],
'string.lowercase': [Object],
'string.max': [Object],
'string.min': [Object],
'string.normalize': [Object],
'string.token': [Object],
'string.pattern.base': [Object],
'': [Object],
'string.pattern.invert.base': [Object],
'': [Object],
'string.trim': [Object],
'string.uri': [Object],
'string.uriCustomScheme': [Object],
'string.uriRelativeOnly': [Object],
'string.uppercase': [Object]
Upvotes: 11
Reputation: 17869
Extending on Ashish Kadam's answer, if you have many different error types, you can check which type of error is present, and set its message accordingly:
v17.4.0 uses err.code
var schema = Joi.object().keys({
firstName: Joi.string().min(5).max(10).required().error(errors => {
errors.forEach(err => {
switch (err.code) {
case "any.empty":
err.message = "Value should not be empty!";
case "string.min":
err.message = `Value should have at least ${err.local.limit} characters!`;
case "string.max":
err.message = `Value should have at most ${err.local.limit} characters!`;
return errors;
// ...
You can check the list of errors here: Joi 17.4.0 API Reference > Errors > List of errors
v14.3.1 uses err.type
var schema = Joi.object().keys({
firstName: Joi.string().min(5).max(10).required().error(errors => {
errors.forEach(err => {
switch (err.type) {
case "any.empty":
err.message = "Value should not be empty!";
case "string.min":
err.message = `Value should have at least ${err.context.limit} characters!`;
case "string.max":
err.message = `Value should have at most ${err.context.limit} characters!`;
return errors;
// ...
You can check the list of errors here: Joi 14.3.1 API Reference > Errors > List of errors
Also you can check the any.error
reference for more information. Quoting the docs:
Overrides the default joi error with a custom error if the rule fails where:
can be:
- an instance of
- the override error.- a
, taking an array of errors as argument, where it must either:
- return a
- substitutes the error message with this text- return a single
or anArray
of it, where:
- optional parameter providing the type of the error (eg.number.min
- optional parameter iftemplate
is provided, containing the text of the error.template
- optional parameter ifmessage
is provided, containing a template string, using the same format as usual joi language errors.context
- optional parameter, to provide context to your error if you are using thetemplate
.- return an
- same as when you directly provide anError
, but you can customize the error message based on the errors.options
- Boolean value indicating whether the error handler should be used for all errors or only for errors occurring on this property (true
value). This concept only makes sense forarray
schemas as other values don't have children. Defaults tofalse
Upvotes: 81
Reputation: 1762
Original answer:
The current way (I personally find it better) is to use .messages()
(or .prefs({messages})
const Joi = require('@hapi/joi');
const joiSchema = Joi.object({
a: Joi.string()
'string.base': `"a" should be a type of 'text'`,
'string.empty': `"a" cannot be an empty field`,
'string.min': `"a" should have a minimum length of {#limit}`,
'any.required': `"a" is a required field`
const validationResult = joiSchema.validate({ a: 2 }, { abortEarly: false });
console.log(validationResult.error); // expecting ValidationError: "a" should be a type of 'text'
Usage of .errors()
is not recommended just to update default message with custom message.
.prefs({ messages })
is an elaborate way to provide more options as preferences. The other options for prefs are taken directly from options of .validate()
Further read:
Update 1: I saw that the above explanation did not work out for some folks, so I have put up some code to test yourself. Check it here:
Also updated the code snippet shared previously to have details from package inclusion, to usage, to calling the actual validation method.
Update 2: The list of joi error types and their description (for .messages()
- like string.base, array.unique, date.min etc..) is available here.
Update 3: Joi has moved from hapi project to standalone: Make sure you are using latest version (or at least above v17).
Upvotes: 117
Reputation: 51
In the latest version use message as.
var schema = Joi.object().keys({
firstName: Joi.string().min(5).max(10).required().messages({
"string.base": `"username" should be a type of 'text'`,
"string.empty": `"username" cannot be an empty field`,
"any.required": `"username" is a required.`,
lastName: Joi.string().min(5).max(10).required().messages({
"string.base": `"lastName" should be a type of 'text'`,
"string.empty": `"lastName" cannot be an empty field`,
"any.required": `"lastName" is a required.`,
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 1094
The best solution I found was :
Create a Middleware for JOI validation
Validator.js - You can create your custom error object
const Joi = require('Joi');
module.exports = schema => (req, res, next) => {
const result = Joi.validate(req.body, schema);
if (result.error) {
return res.status(422).json({
missingParams: result.error.details[0].path,
message: result.error.details[0].message
In the routes or controller pass this middleware function
const joiValidator = require('../utils/validator'); // Wherever you have declare the validator or middlerware
const userSchema = joi.object().keys({
email : joi.string().email().required(),
password : joi.string().required()
routes.routes('/').get(joiValidator(userSchema), (req, res) => {
res.status(200).send('Person Check');
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 1487
Joi Version 14.0.0
const SchemaValidation = {
coins: Joi.number()
.error(() => {
return {
message: 'Coins is required.',
challenge_name: Joi.string()
.error(() => {
return {
message: 'Challenge name is required.',
challengeType: Joi.string()
.error(() => {
return {
message: 'Challenge type is required.',
challengeDescription: Joi.string()
.error(() => {
return {
message: 'Challenge description is required.',
In errors object you can get, error type and change message according.
Upvotes: 43
Reputation: 1141
Just call "message()" function :
firstName: Joi.string().message("Your custom message")
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 79
For anyone having a problem with
...messages is not a function
errors, you must install joi
with npm install @hapi/joi
, and importing it with @hapi/joi
. I've made the mistake of installing joi
without the @hapi/
prefix and it took me a while to find the error.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 39
let schema = Joi.object().keys({
Joi.string().required().options({language: {any: {required: "First name is required"}}})
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1955
let schema = Joi.object({ foo: Joi.number().min(0).error(() => '"foo" requires a positive number') });
Docs link
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 354
Solution to add custom messages:
Simply add another chained function to throw error while defining your schema.
In your case
firstName: Joi.string().min(5).max(10).required().error(new Error('I am a custom error and I know it!')),
Rest will remain same.
Solution to use Joi at client side (Your 2nd question)
Joi-Browser is the package which enables usage of the same schema at the client side.
Here is an interesting discussion you can have a look at.
Upvotes: 8
Reputation: 1220
You can use .error(new Error('message')), And its work for me
var schema = Joi.object().keys({
firstName: Joi.string().min(5).max(10).required().error(new Error('Give your error message here for first name')),
lastName: Joi.string().min(5).max(10).required().error(new Error('Give your error message here for last name'))
Joi.validate(req.body, schema, function(err, value) {
if (err) {
return catched(err.message);
Upvotes: 24
Reputation: 2004
A solution I have found is to set:
var schema = Joi.object().keys({
firstName: Joi.string().min(5).max(10).required().label("Your error message in here"),
lastName: Joi.string().min(5).max(10).required()
Then print the label
from the callback error
Upvotes: 28