Reputation: 1766
Ok, here is the process that was working
xml files in our production server xml files where being created for each table
based of those xml files the data was imported
One thing has changes in production. A field called RowVer
was created that is a timestamp
So now on the xml files that are exported the RowVer
and its value is there. Not only that its encoded in base64
, and there is now way to insert explicit values into a timestamp
Anyway, in the stored procedure, there is a rules table we have were if the table is x
and the field is y
then ignore it.
Basically the SQL code is this:
--declare @ImportPath varchar(1000) = 'E:\ExportTest\171026140442\' --bunch of xml files
--declare @DB varchar(1000) = 'DestinationDb.dbo'
--declare @debug bit = 1
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[STP_StageImp_ImportData]
@ImportPath varchar(1000),
@DB varchar(1000),
@debug bit
if object_id('tempdb..#Files') is not null drop table #Files
create table #Files
ID int
,TableName varchar(1000)
,Depth int
,IsFile bit
insert into #Files (TableName, Depth, IsFile) exec xp_dirtree @ImportPath, 10, 1
declare @DataTableName varchar(1000)
declare @TargetDataTableName varchar(1000)
declare @sql nvarchar(max)
while (select count(*) from #Files) > 0
set @DataTableName = (select top 1 TableName from #Files order by ID, TableName)
if object_id('tempdb..#RawData') is not null drop table #RawData
create table #RawData
TableName varchar(1000),
RawXML xml
set @sql = ' insert into #RawData
select ''' + parsename(@DataTableName,2) + ''', BulkColumn from openrowset(
bulk ''' + @ImportPath + @DataTableName + ''',
single_nclob) as x'
exec (@sql)
declare @XMLData xml
select @XMLData = RawXML from #RawData
declare @ColumnNames nvarchar(MAX)
declare @ColumnSchema nvarchar(MAX)
declare @hDoc int
if object_id('tempdb..#columns') is not null drop table #columns
create table #columns
column_name varchar(1000),
column_full varchar(1000)
insert into #columns
exec STP_StageImp_TableCols @TargetDataTableName
delete from #columns where column_name IN ('ID','RowVer')
delete @data
insert into @data select c.Column_Name + ',' from #columns c
exec STP_StageImp_MergeRows @data, @debug, @ColumnNames output
exec sp_xml_preparedocument @hDoc output, @XMLData
set @sql = N'insert into ' + @TargetDataTableName + ' select * from openxml(@hDoc, ''table/row'') with (' + @ColumnSchema + N')'
exec sp_executesql @SQL, N'@hDoc int', @hDoc
exec sp_xml_removedocument @hDoc
delete from #Files where TableName = @DataTableName
The error is
server column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition
If I run select * from Destionation.dbo.Table
and dumped into an Excel file and the table schema and did a comparison
select * from openxml(@hDoc, ''table/row'') with (' + @ColumnSchema + N')'
I verified the destination tables does not have any "hidden" fields.
if i change it to
set @sql = N'insert into ' + @TargetDataTableName + ' (' + @ColumnNames + ')
select * from openxml(@hDoc, ''table/row'') with (' + @ColumnSchema + N')'
(the difference above is using the @ColumnNames
explicitly) THIS WORKS
So in the end... I did not want to have to change our flash stage to QA stored procedures, because of a new timestamp column.
If anyone has any idea why adding a timestamp
column to a table would break insert into table select * fro openxml
, I would appreciate it.
This is not super high priority, as I have a workaround, but if anyone has any suggestions post away.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 408
Reputation: 33581
The error is because your insert is not explicitly naming the columns. The exact warning I posted in a comment a couple hours ago. This is very easy to prove.
create table Something
SomeVal int
insert Something
select 1
select * from Something
--at this point you have 1 row in the table
--now add the new column
alter table Something add asdf timestamp
insert Something
select 1 failed.
--but if I name the columns it works again.
insert Something(SomeVal)
select 1
select * from Something
You might also take a look at the documentation as the timestamp datatype has been deprecated for quite some time.
Upvotes: 1