Reputation: 978
Various instances of monads model different type of effects: for example, Maybe
models partiality, List
non-determinism, Reader
read-only state. I would like to know if there is such an intuitive explanation for the monad instance of the stream data type (or infinite list or co-list), data Stream a = Cons a (Stream a)
(see below its monad instance definition). I've stumbled upon the stream monad on a few different occasions and I would like to understand better its uses.
data Stream a = Cons a (Stream a)
instance Functor Stream where
fmap f (Cons x xs) = Cons (f x) (fmap f xs)
instance Applicative Stream where
pure a = Cons a (pure a)
(Cons f fs) <*> (Cons a as) = Cons (f a) (fs <*> as)
instance Monad Stream where
xs >>= f = diag (fmap f xs)
diag :: Stream (Stream a) -> Stream a
diag (Cons xs xss) = Cons (hd xs) (diag (fmap tl xss))
hd (Cons a _ ) = a
tl (Cons _ as) = as
P.S.: I'm not sure if I'm very precise in my language (especially when using the word "effect"), so feel free to correct me.
Upvotes: 9
Views: 362
Reputation: 33464
The Stream
monad is isomorphic to Reader Natural
: natural numbers), meaning that there is a bijection between Stream
and Reader Natural
which preserves their monadic structure.
Both Stream a
and Reader Natural a
(Natural -> a
) can be seen as representing infinite collections of a
indexed by integers.
fStream = Cons a0 (Cons a1 (Cons a2 ...))
fReader = \i -> case i of
0 -> a0
1 -> a1
2 -> a2
Their Applicative
and Monad
instances both compose elements index-wise. It's easier to show the intuition for Applicative
. Below, we show a stream A
of a0, a1, ...
, and B
of b0, b1, ...
, and their composition AB = liftA2 (+) A B
, and an equivalent presentation of functions.
fStreamA = Cons a0 (Cons a1 ...)
fStreamB = Cons b0 (Cons b1 ...)
fStreamAB = Cons (a0+b0) (Cons (a1+b1) ...)
fStreamAB = liftA2 (+) fStreamA fStreamB
-- lambda case "\case" is sugar for "\x -> case x of"
fReaderA = \case 0 -> a0 ; 1 -> a1 ; ...
fReaderB = \case 0 -> b0 ; 1 -> b1 ; ...
fReaderC = \case 0 -> a0+b0 ; 1 -> a1+b1 ; ...
fReaderC = liftA2 (+) fReaderA fReaderB = \i -> fReaderA i + fReaderB i
The bijection:
import Numeric.Natural -- in the base library
-- It could also be Integer, there is a bijection Integer <-> Natural
type ReaderN a = Natural -> a
tailReader :: ReaderN a -> ReaderN a
tailReader r = \i -> r (i+1)
toStream :: ReaderN a -> Stream a
toStream r = Cons (r 0) (toStream (tailReader r))
fromStream :: Stream a -> ReaderN a
fromStream (Cons a s) = \i -> case i of
0 -> a
i -> fromStream s (i-1)
and fromStream
are bijections, meaning that they satisfy these equations:
toStream (fromStream s) = s :: Stream a
fromStream (toStream r) = r :: ReaderN a
"Isomorphism" is a general notion; two things being isomorphic usually means that there is a bijection satisfying certain equations, which depend on the structure or interface being considered. In this case, we are talking about the structure of monads, and we say that two monads are isomorphic if there is a bijection which satisfies these equations:
toStream (return a) = return a
toStream (u >>= k) = toStream u >>= (toStream . k)
The idea is that we get the same result whether we apply the functions return
and (>>=)
"before or after" the bijection. (The similar equations using fromStream
can then be derived from these two equations and the other two above).
Upvotes: 14
Reputation: 50929
@Li-yao Xia's answer pretty much covers it, but if it helps your intuition, think of the Stream
monad as modeling an infinite sequence of parallel computations. A Stream
value itself is an (infinite) sequence of values, and I can use the Functor
instance to apply the same function in parallel to all values in the sequence; the Applicative
instance to apply a sequence of given functions to a sequence of values, pointwise with each function applied to the corresponding value; and the Monad
instance to apply a computation to each value in the sequence with a result that can depend on both the value and its position within the sequence.
As an example of some typical operations, here are some sample sequences plus a Show-instance
instance (Show a) => Show (Stream a) where
show = show . take 10 . toList
nat = go 1 where go x = Cons x (go (x+1))
odds = go 1 where go x = Cons x (go (x+2))
> odds
> -- apply same function to all values
> let evens = fmap (1+) odds
> evens
> -- pointwise application of functions to values
> (+) <$> odds <*> evens
> -- computation that depends on value and structure (position)
> odds >>= \val -> fmap (\pos -> (pos,val)) nat
The difference between the Applicative
and Monad
ic computations here is similar to other monads: the applicative operations have a static structure, in the sense that each result in a <*> b
depends only on the values of the corresponding elements in a
and b
independent of how they fit in to the larger structure (i.e., their positions in the sequence); in contrast, the monadic operations can have a structure that depends on the underlying values, so that in the expression as >>= f
, for a given value a
in as
, the corresponding result can depend both on the specific value a
and structurally on its position within the sequence (since this will determine which element of the sequence f a
will provide the result).
It turns out that in this case the apparent additional generality of monadic computations doesn't translate into any actual additional generality, as you can see by the fact that the last example above is equivalent to the purely applicative operation:
(,) <$> nat <*> odds
More generally, given a monadic action f :: a -> Stream b
, it will always be possible to write it as:
f a = Cons (f1 a) (Cons (f2 a) ...))
for appropriately defined f1 :: a -> b
, f2 :: a -> b
, etc., after which we'll be able to express the monadic action as an application action:
as >>= f = (Cons f1 (Cons f2 ...)) <*> as
Contrast this with what happens in the List
monad: Given f :: a -> List b
, if we could write:
f a = [f1 a, f2 a, ..., fn a]
(meaning in particular that the number of elements in the result would be determined by f
alone, regardless of the value of a
), then we'd have the same situation:
as >>= f = as <**> [f1,...,fn]
and every monadic list operation would be a fundamentally applicative operation.
So, the fact that not all finite lists are the same length makes the List
monad more powerful than its applicative, but because all (infinite) sequences are the same length, the Stream
monad adds nothing over the applicative instance.
Upvotes: 3