So I have a table that shows inventory values by Item ID. I need to find the number of days, and which days, each item was out of stock. My table only adds a new row each time there is a change in the inventory value, so I only have the day that any given item went out of stock, but not any accompanying days it continued to be out of stock. Here's an example of what it looks like//
ItemID QTY ADate
10007 2 2011-07-22
10007 1 2011-07-27
10007 2 2011-09-01
10007 1 2011-09-23
10007 2 2011-09-29
10007 0 2011-10-29
10007 2 2011-11-03
10007 1 2011-11-21
23028 2 2011-07-23
23028 0 2011-08-03
23028 2 2011-08-10
What I'd like to have is:
ItemID QTY ADate
10007 2 2011-07-22
10007 2 2011-07-23
10007 2 2011-07-24
10007 2 2011-07-25
10007 2 2011-07-26
10007 1 2011-07-27
10007 1 2011-07-28
10007 1 2011-07-29
10007 1 2011-07-30
etc... `
Then I could grab the days, by item ID, that I was out of stock. I don't have any code to show, because frankly I don't even know where to start. Any idea how to tackle this one? Thanks so much!
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solution using tidyverse
library, Using @Brian's data:
date_seq <- seq(from=min(d$ADate),
d %>%
right_join(expand.grid(ItemID = unique(.$ItemID),ADate=date_seq)) %>%
arrange(ItemID) %>%
group_by(ItemID) %>%
# # A tibble: 40 x 3
# # Groups: ItemID [2]
# ItemID QTY ADate
# <int> <int> <dttm>
# 1 10007 2 2011-07-22
# 2 10007 2 2011-07-23
# 3 10007 2 2011-07-24
# 4 10007 2 2011-07-25
# 5 10007 2 2011-07-26
# 6 10007 1 2011-07-27
# 7 10007 1 2011-07-28
# 8 10007 1 2011-07-29
# 9 10007 1 2011-07-30
# 10 10007 1 2011-07-31
# # ... with 30 more rows
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Reputation: 503
You can generate this date sequence using LEAD
(requires sql server 2012+) and a CTE as below
WITH Orders AS
LEAD (cADate, 1, NULL) OVER (ORDER BY ItemID,cADate ) AS NExtVal,
cADate AS Number
FROM Table1
-- WHERE QTY > 0 -- remove this if you want
FROM Orders
WHERE DATEADD(DAY, 1, Number) < NExtVal
SELECT ItemID,QTY, Number AS DateSequence FROM Orders
ORDER BY ItemID,Number
Here is the Link to the sample code.
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Reputation: 992
Here's another way:
tmp <- split(d, d$ItemID)
f <- function(x) {
b <- seq(min(x$ADate), max(x$ADate), "day")
a <-, mapply(rep, x$QTY[-nrow(x)], diff(x$ADate)))
a <- c(a, x$QTY[nrow(x)])
data.frame(x$ItemID[1], a, b)
out <-, lapply(tmp, f))
rownames(out) <- NULL
colnames(out) <- c("ItemID", "QTY", "ADate")
d <- "ItemID QTY ADate
10007 2 2011-07-22
10007 1 2011-07-27
10007 2 2011-09-01
10007 1 2011-09-23
10007 2 2011-09-29
10007 0 2011-10-29
10007 2 2011-11-03
10007 1 2011-11-21
23028 2 2011-07-23
23028 0 2011-08-03
23028 2 2011-08-10"
d <- read.table(text = d,header = T)
d$ADate <- as.POSIXct(d$ADate,"UTC")
d <- d[order(d$ItemID,d$ADate),]
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Reputation: 4824
Please find this demo using CTE and a number of 2012+ functions otherwise substitute.
declare @mytable table (itemid int,qty int,adate date)
insert into @mytable
( 10007, 2,' 2011-07-22'),
( 10007 , 1,' 2011-07-27'),
( 10008 , 1,' 2011-07-23'),
( 10008 , 0,' 2011-07-16'),
( 10008 , 4,' 2011-07-10')
declare @som date = '2011-07-01';
declare @eom date = eomonth(@som);
;with myCalendar as
Select @som startdate
union all
Select dateadd(day,1,startdate) startdate
from myCalendar
where startdate < @eom
,myDistinctList as (
select t.itemid, c.startdate
from myCalendar c
cross join
(select distinct itemid from @mytable) t
), myFinal as (
iif(t.qty is null,(select top 1 qty from @mytable x where x.itemid = l.itemid and x.adate <= l.startdate order by x.adate desc),t.qty) [qty],
l.startdate [adate]
from myDistinctList l
left outer join @mytable t
on t.itemid = l.itemid
and t.adate = l.startdate
select * from myFinal
where qty is not null
order by itemid,adate;
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Reputation: 33782
If I understand correctly, you want a row for every consecutive day, not just days when a change occurs. So for example ItemID 10007 has QTY = 2 on 2011-07-22, 2011-07-23, 2011-07-24...up to 2011-07-27, when it changes to 1.
In that case, try this, assuming you have a data frame in R named mydata
and the dates are in character format:
mydata %>%
mutate(ADate = as.Date(ADate)) %>%
complete(ADate = seq.Date(min(ADate), max(ADate), by = "day")) %>%
fill(ItemID, QTY)
If you add %>% filter(QTY == 0)
to the end, you should see:
ADate ItemID QTY
<date> <int> <int>
1 2011-08-03 23028 0
2 2011-08-04 23028 0
3 2011-08-05 23028 0
4 2011-08-06 23028 0
5 2011-08-07 23028 0
6 2011-08-08 23028 0
7 2011-08-09 23028 0
8 2011-10-29 10007 0
9 2011-10-30 10007 0
10 2011-10-31 10007 0
11 2011-11-01 10007 0
12 2011-11-02 10007 0
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Reputation: 1269823
You seem to want to fill in days with the most recent value. One method is a recursive CTE. But that is actually a pain. Let me assume you have a numbers
select id.itemid, dateadd(day, n.n, t.min_adate) as dte, t.qty
from (select t.itemid, min(adate) as min_adate
from t
group by itemid
) id join
numbers n
on dateadd(day, n.n, t.min_adate) < getdate() outer apply
(select top 1 t.*
from t
where t.itemid = id.itemid and <= dateadd(day, n.n, t.min_adate)
order by desc
) t;
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