Reputation: 47
I got a high memory dump to investigate. when I use !eeheap -gc, it gives 20 heaps, each heap has Gen 2 and LOH address info and size info. However I want to get a overall summary of Gen 2 and LOH, and see a statistic summary on what objects are taking up memory in Gen 2 and LOH, how can I do that in windbg with SOS? Thanks a lot for help.
!eeheap -gc
Heap 0 (000000293d5c4120) generation 0 starts at 0x000000294c35d740 generation 1 starts at 0x000000294c34ceb0 generation 2 starts at 0x000000293e181000 ephemeral segment allocation context: none segment begin allocated size 000000293e180000 000000293e181000 000000294c607758 0xe486758(239626072) Large object heap starts at 0x0000002e3e181000 segment begin allocated size 0000002e3e180000 0000002e3e181000 0000002e41f08640 0x3d87640(64517696) 0000002f5bc50000 0000002f5bc51000 0000002f5c190b88 0x53fb88(5503880)
Heap 1 (000000293d5eac10) generation 0 starts at 0x000000298b1f0440 generation 1 starts at 0x000000298b14c8c0 generation 2 starts at 0x000000297e181000 ephemeral segment allocation context: none segment begin allocated size 000000297e180000 000000297e181000 000000298b5fe458 0xd47d458(222811224) Large object heap starts at 0x0000002e42181000 segment begin allocated size 0000002e42180000 0000002e42181000 0000002e43462d40 0x12e1d40(19799360) 0000002f75c50000 0000002f75c51000 0000002f787ccda8 0x2b7bda8(45596072)
Heap 2 (000000293d611700) generation 0 starts at 0x00000029ca38ff40 generation 1 starts at 0x00000029ca15dfd0 generation 2 starts at 0x00000029be181000 ephemeral segment allocation context: none segment begin allocated size 00000029be180000 00000029be181000 00000029ca7635d0 0xc5e25d0(207496656) Large object heap starts at 0x0000002e46181000 segment begin allocated size 0000002e46180000 0000002e46181000 0000002e46e289b0 0xca79b0(13269424) 0000002fdfc50000 0000002fdfc51000 0000002fe4f2d2e0 0x52dc2e0(86885088) 0000002fa5c50000 0000002fa5c51000 0000002fa8bf5258 0x2fa4258(49955416)
Heap 3 (000000293d614da0) generation 0 starts at 0x0000002a0ce42bb8 generation 1 starts at 0x0000002a0cdac958 generation 2 starts at 0x00000029fe181000 ephemeral segment allocation context: none segment begin allocated size 00000029fe180000 00000029fe181000 0000002a0cfb4bd0 0xee33bd0(249773008) Large object heap starts at 0x0000002e4a181000 segment begin allocated size 0000002e4a180000 0000002e4a181000 0000002e4dffb0b8 0x3e7a0b8(65511608) 0000002f6bc50000 0000002f6bc51000 0000002f6c09dff8 0x44cff8(4509688)
Heap 4 (000000293d617e80) generation 0 starts at 0x0000002a4d26e430 generation 1 starts at 0x0000002a4d0ebcd0 generation 2 starts at 0x0000002a3e181000 ephemeral segment allocation context: none segment begin allocated size 0000002a3e180000 0000002a3e181000 0000002a4d2f6448 0xf175448(253187144) Large object heap starts at 0x0000002e4e181000 segment begin allocated size 0000002e4e180000 0000002e4e181000 0000002e50efad20 0x2d79d20(47684896) 0000002f57c50000 0000002f57c51000 0000002f5a4e3828 0x2892828(42543144) 0000003019c50000 0000003019c51000 000000301c929ab0 0x2cd8ab0(47024816)
Heap 5 (0000002e9d0b9f40) generation 0 starts at 0x0000002a8b579448 generation 1 starts at 0x0000002a8b4adb98 generation 2 starts at 0x0000002a7e181000 ephemeral segment allocation context: none segment begin allocated size 0000002a7e180000 0000002a7e181000 0000002aa028f0d0 0x2210e0d0(571531472) Large object heap starts at 0x0000002e52181000 segment begin allocated size 0000002e52180000 0000002e52181000 0000002e55c4fa00 0x3acea00(61663744) 0000002f46420000 0000002f46421000 0000002f48524938 0x2103938(34617656)
Heap 6 (0000002e9d0df9a0) generation 0 starts at 0x0000002aca9dc170 generation 1 starts at 0x0000002aca964f80 generation 2 starts at 0x0000002abe181000 ephemeral segment allocation context: none segment begin allocated size 0000002abe180000 0000002abe181000 0000002ae0aa0050 0x2291f050(579989584) Large object heap starts at 0x0000002e56181000 segment begin allocated size 0000002e56180000 0000002e56181000 0000002e59677d00 0x34f6d00(55536896) 0000002fa9c50000 0000002fa9c51000 0000002fa9e81490 0x230490(2294928)
Heap 7 (0000002e9d105f30) generation 0 starts at 0x0000002b0c4fbaf0 generation 1 starts at 0x0000002b0c3da9f0 generation 2 starts at 0x0000002afe181000 ephemeral segment allocation context: none segment begin allocated size 0000002afe180000 0000002afe181000 0000002b20a14f38 0x22893f38(579419960) Large object heap starts at 0x0000002e5a181000 segment begin allocated size 0000002e5a180000 0000002e5a181000 0000002e5d800950 0x367f950(57145680) 0000002f5fc50000 0000002f5fc51000 0000002f62870dc8 0x2c1fdc8(46267848)
Heap 8 (0000002e9d12b430) generation 0 starts at 0x0000002b4b8c6000 generation 1 starts at 0x0000002b4b8baab0 generation 2 starts at 0x0000002b3e181000 ephemeral segment allocation context: none segment begin allocated size 0000002b3e180000 0000002b3e181000 0000002b659eac80 0x27869c80(663133312) Large object heap starts at 0x0000002e5e181000 segment begin allocated size 0000002e5e180000 0000002e5e181000 0000002e608d1790 0x2750790(41224080) 0000002f8fc50000 0000002f8fc51000 0000002f913efcc8 0x179ecc8(24767688)
Heap 9 (0000002e9d130cc0) generation 0 starts at 0x0000002b8e3bea38 generation 1 starts at 0x0000002b8e27c968 generation 2 starts at 0x0000002b7e181000 ephemeral segment allocation context: none segment begin allocated size 0000002b7e180000 0000002b7e181000 0000002b8e404a50 0x10283a50(271071824) Large object heap starts at 0x0000002e62181000 segment begin allocated size 0000002e62180000 0000002e62181000 0000002e66069d50 0x3ee8d50(65965392) 0000002f4a420000 0000002f4a421000 0000002f4cf3e4d0 0x2b1d4d0(45208784)
Heap 10 (0000002e9d133f80) generation 0 starts at 0x0000002bcd04ba08 generation 1 starts at 0x0000002bccfa8980 generation 2 starts at 0x0000002bbe181000 ephemeral segment allocation context: none segment begin allocated size 0000002bbe180000 0000002bbe181000 0000002bcd220eb0 0xf09feb0(252313264) Large object heap starts at 0x0000002e66181000 segment begin allocated size 0000002e66180000 0000002e66181000 0000002e691d6a10 0x3055a10(50682384) 0000002fc9c50000 0000002fc9c51000 0000002fcc1adc78 0x255cc78(39177336) 0000002f7dc50000 0000002f7dc51000 0000002f80dc7c68 0x3176c68(51866728)
Heap 11 (0000002e9d136fb0) generation 0 starts at 0x0000002c0cb208a0 generation 1 starts at 0x0000002c0c9d8c60 generation 2 starts at 0x0000002bfe181000 ephemeral segment allocation context: none segment begin allocated size 0000002bfe180000 0000002bfe181000 0000002c0d542f38 0xf3c1f38(255598392) Large object heap starts at 0x0000002e6a181000 segment begin allocated size 0000002e6a180000 0000002e6a181000 0000002e6bab24f0 0x19314f0(26416368) 0000002f79c50000 0000002f79c51000 0000002f7d5d6700 0x3985700(60315392)
Heap 12 (0000002e9d139e30) generation 0 starts at 0x0000002c4e14ca58 generation 1 starts at 0x0000002c4e0f62f8 generation 2 starts at 0x0000002c3e181000 ephemeral segment allocation context: none segment begin allocated size 0000002c3e180000 0000002c3e181000 0000002c4e27c4b8 0x100fb4b8(269464760) Large object heap starts at 0x0000002e6e181000 segment begin allocated size 0000002e6e180000 0000002e6e181000 0000002e6eac4528 0x943528(9712936) 0000002efbb90000 0000002efbb91000 0000002effaa5750 0x3f14750(66144080) 0000002fd1c50000 0000002fd1c51000 0000002fd2f887c0 0x13377c0(20150208)
Heap 13 (0000002e9d13de20) generation 0 starts at 0x0000002c8bf4cfc0 generation 1 starts at 0x0000002c8be39ba0 generation 2 starts at 0x0000002c7e181000 ephemeral segment allocation context: none segment begin allocated size 0000002c7e180000 0000002c7e181000 0000002c92e857a0 0x14d047a0(349194144) Large object heap starts at 0x0000002e72181000 segment begin allocated size 0000002e72180000 0000002e72181000 0000002e7617e498 0x3ffd498(67097752) 0000002fcdc50000 0000002fcdc51000 0000002fcf4abb08 0x185ab08(25537288)
Heap 14 (0000002e9d1410e0) generation 0 starts at 0x0000002ccc867be0 generation 1 starts at 0x0000002ccc845b18 generation 2 starts at 0x0000002cbe181000 ephemeral segment allocation context: none segment begin allocated size 0000002cbe180000 0000002cbe181000 0000002ccc917828 0xe796828(242837544) Large object heap starts at 0x0000002e76181000 segment begin allocated size 0000002e76180000 0000002e76181000 0000002e7973ff48 0x35bef48(56356680) 0000002f63c50000 0000002f63c51000 0000002f6762ff70 0x39def70(60682096) 0000002f9fc50000 0000002f9fc51000 0000002fa419af50 0x4549f50(72654672)
Heap 15 (0000002e9d144c30) generation 0 starts at 0x0000002d0d4df148 generation 1 starts at 0x0000002d0d093900 generation 2 starts at 0x0000002cfe181000 ephemeral segment allocation context: none segment begin allocated size 0000002cfe180000 0000002cfe181000 0000002d0d55d160 0xf3dc160(255705440) Large object heap starts at 0x0000002e7a181000 segment begin allocated size 0000002e7a180000 0000002e7a181000 0000002e7d4b10d8 0x33300d8(53674200) 0000002f05b90000 0000002f05b91000 0000002f08104950 0x2573950(39270736)
Heap 16 (0000002e9d149fa0) generation 0 starts at 0x0000002d4cebbc98 generation 1 starts at 0x0000002d4ce31670 generation 2 starts at 0x0000002d3e181000 ephemeral segment allocation context: none segment begin allocated size 0000002d3e180000 0000002d3e181000 0000002d4cf4fac8 0xedceac8(249359048) Large object heap starts at 0x0000002e7e181000 segment begin allocated size 0000002e7e180000 0000002e7e181000 0000002e809b3508 0x2832508(42149128) 0000002f4fc50000 0000002f4fc51000 0000002f50ab68b0 0xe658b0(15095984)
Heap 17 (0000002e9d5d39b0) generation 0 starts at 0x0000002d8eb9ffc0 generation 1 starts at 0x0000002d8eadcd88 generation 2 starts at 0x0000002d7e181000 ephemeral segment allocation context: none segment begin allocated size 0000002d7e180000 0000002d7e181000 0000002d8ebebfd8 0x10a6afd8(279359448) Large object heap starts at 0x0000002e82181000 segment begin allocated size 0000002e82180000 0000002e82181000 0000002e8535c7b0 0x31db7b0(52279216) 0000002f85c50000 0000002f85c51000 0000002f8b727360 0x5ad6360(95249248)
Heap 18 (0000002e9d5d69c0) generation 0 starts at 0x0000002dcc480040 generation 1 starts at 0x0000002dcc4749b8 generation 2 starts at 0x0000002dbe181000 ephemeral segment allocation context: none segment begin allocated size 0000002dbe180000 0000002dbe181000 0000002dcc4da058 0xe359058(238391384) Large object heap starts at 0x0000002e86181000 segment begin allocated size 0000002e86180000 0000002e86181000 0000002e88e4a638 0x2cc9638(46962232) 0000002f53c50000 0000002f53c51000 0000002f5608e6d0 0x243d6d0(38000336) 0000002f8bc50000 0000002f8bc51000 0000002f8e3a7920 0x2756920(41249056)
Heap 19 (0000002e9d5d09a0) generation 0 starts at 0x0000002e0ec60b98 generation 1 starts at 0x0000002e0ebf5790 generation 2 starts at 0x0000002dfe181000 ephemeral segment allocation context: none segment begin allocated size 0000002dfe180000 0000002dfe181000 0000002e0ecc09c8 0x10b3f9c8(280230344) Large object heap starts at 0x0000002e8a181000 segment begin allocated size 0000002e8a180000 0000002e8a181000 0000002e8ccc84f0 0x2b474f0(45380848) 0000002f6fc50000 0000002f6fc51000 0000002f706390c0 0x9e80c0(10387648)
GC Heap Size: Size: 0x1fc193f68 (8524480360) bytes.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 2255
Reputation: 3027
!sosex.dumpgen 2
or !dumpgen 3
will do the trick. Gen3 is obviously a misnomer, but it was an easy way to do the LOH. Alternatively, you can call !sosex.dumpgen loh
. I believe that !sos.dumpheap now has a param for generation as well.
Upvotes: 4