Reputation: 3038
I have an export SQL file containing tables and data from MySQL and I want to import it into a Sqlite 3 DB.
What is the best way to do that?
Just importing the file via the sqlite3 tool doesn't work.
Upvotes: 21
Views: 34773
Reputation: 2531
This is the best written and well documented shell Script to convert ssql to .db
or better use this tools It's amazing and fast ESF Database Migration Toolkit .
after having tried all the script here it didn't work until i did use the esf tool .
Note :
Trial version add a 'T' to the begingn of each text value you have But the pro version worked like a charm :)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 396
To convert databases with BLOBs in them I added --hex-blob to the mysqldump command and the following to the list of pipelined seds:-
sed -e "s/,0x\([0-9A-Z]*\),/,X'\L\1',/g" |
this replaces the mysql hex dump strings e.g. 0x010A…. with X’010a…’ for importing with sqlite.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 71
I tried some of these scripts that uses sed or awk, but always occurs an error, probably due to the indexes and foreign keys of my MySQL db and the mysqldump options needed.
Then I found the Perl module SQL::Translator "that converts vendor-specific SQL table definitions into other formats..."
This module create all foreign keys and correct the indexes, changing the names if necesssary.
So, I rewrite the shell script, including the dump of the MySQL db. There are two dumps because the script "sqlt" only generates the structure and works fast if the dump has no data. Note that it can be adapted to others conversions suported by the SQL::Translator.
After I posted this shell script I realized that the question is about to convert a MySQL dumpfile, so I did a Perl script that do that, using the module SQL::Translator. In my tests, I used a dumpfile generated without options (mysqldump -u user --password database > dumpfile). I had no problems with character sets.
In other test I had problem with mysql triggers, so I altered the scripts to skip it.
# USAGE: ./ <MySQL_database> <user>
# DESCRIPTION: Converts MySQL databases to SQLite
# Triggers are not converted
# REQUIREMENTS: mysqldump, Perl and module SQL::Translator, SQLite
if [ "$#" = 2 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <MySQL_database> <user>"
if [ -s $1.db ]; then
read -p "File <$1.db> exists. Overwrite? [y|n] " ANS
if [ "$ANS" = "y" ] || [ "$ANS" = "Y" ] ; then
rm $1.db
echo "*** Aborting..."
# extracts the necessary structure for SQLite:
mysqldump --skip-triggers --skip-add-locks --routines --no-data --compatible=ansi \
--compact -u $USER --password $1 > /tmp/$1_$$_str.sql
# verify
if [ ! -s /tmp/$1_$$_str.sql ]; then
echo "*** There are some problem with the dump. Exiting."
# translates MySQL syntax structure to SQLite using the script "sqlt" of the
# perl module SQL::Translator (that corrects the foreign keys, indexes, etc.)
sqlt -f MySQL -t SQLite --show-warnings /tmp/$1_$$_str.sql \
1> /tmp/$1_$$.sqlite 2> /tmp/$1_$$_sqlt.log
# verify
if [ ! -s /tmp/$1_$$.sqlite ]; then
echo "*** There are some problem with the sql translation. Exiting."
# adds statements to allow to load tables with foreign keys:
echo "PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF;" >> /tmp/$1_$$.sqlite
echo "BEGIN TRANSACTION;" >> /tmp/$1_$$.sqlite
# extracts the data (simple inserts) without locks/disable keys,
# to be read in versions of SQLite that do not support multiples inserts:
mysqldump --skip-triggers --no-create-db --no-create-info --skip-add-locks \
--skip-extended-insert --compatible=ansi --compact -u $USER \
--password $1 >> /tmp/$1_$$.sqlite
# adds statements to finish the transaction:
echo "COMMIT;" >> /tmp/$1_$$.sqlite
echo "PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON;" >> /tmp/$1_$$.sqlite
# correct single quotes in inserts
perl -pi -e ' if (/^INSERT INTO/) { s/\\'\''/'\'\''/g; } ' /tmp/$1_$$.sqlite
# load the sql file and generate the SQLite db with the same name
# of the MySQL database
sqlite3 $1.db < /tmp/$1_$$.sqlite 2> /tmp/$1_$$sqlite.errlog
# verify
ERRORS=`cat /tmp/$1_$$sqlite.errlog | wc -l`
if [ $ERRORS = 0 ]; then
echo "* Conversion complete. Verify the file < $1.db >"
rm /tmp/$1_$$*
echo "*** There are some problem. Verify the files < /tmp/$1_$$* >"
Here the Perl script to convert a dumpfile in a SQLite database file.
# USAGE: ./ <MySQL_dumpfile>
# DESCRIPTION: Converts MySQL dumpfile to SQLite database
# Triggers are not converted
# The dump must be done with
# > mysqldump --skip-triggers -u [user] --p [database] > dumpfile
# REQUIREMENTS: Perl and module SQL::Translator, SQLite
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use English qw( -no_match_vars );
use SQL::Translator;
use 5.012;
my $file = $ARGV[0];
my $filedb = $file;
$filedb =~ s/\.*[^.]*$/.db/;
if ( -s $filedb ) {
say "*** Ja existe o arquivo < $filedb >. Abandonando...";
my @stru;
my @data;
open( my $SQLFILE, "<", $file )
or croak "Can't open $file: $OS_ERROR";
while (<$SQLFILE>) {
# nao considera linhas com comentarios e lock/unlock/drop
next if ( /^--/ || /^\/\*/ || /^lock/i || /^unlock/i || /^drop/i );
# processa os inserts
if (/^(INSERT.+?)[(]/) {
my $ins = $1; # captura o nome da tabela
s/\\[']/''/g; # substitue aspas simples - \'
s/[)],[(]/);\n$ins(/g; # divide multiplos inserts
push( @data, $_ );
# processa a estrutura
else { push( @stru, $_ ); }
my $strusql = join( '', @stru );
my $datasql = join( '', @data );
#open( my $STRU, ">", "stru.sql" ); # to verify the results
#open( my $DATA, ">", "data.sql" );
#print $STRU $strusql;
#print $DATA $datasql;
# here the conversion
my $translator = SQL::Translator->new(
no_comments => 0,
show_warnings => 0,
quote_table_names => 1,
quote_field_names => 1,
validate => 1,
my $struout = $translator->translate(
from => 'MySQL',
to => 'SQLite',
data => \$strusql,
# filename => $file,
) or croak "Error: " . $translator->error;
# define inicio e final da transacao de inserts
my $prgini = "PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF;\n";
my $traini = "BEGIN TRANSACTION;\n";
my $trafin = "COMMIT;\n";
my $prgfin = "PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON;\n";
#gera o arquivo final sqlite
my $sqlout = join( "\n", $struout, $prgini, $traini, $datasql, $trafin, $prgfin);
open( my $FINAL, ">", "/tmp/final.sql" );
print $FINAL $sqlout;
# Monta o SQLite database
my $log = "/tmp/sqlite.errlog";
my $command = "sqlite3 $filedb < /tmp/final.sql 2> $log";
system($command) == 0 or die "system $command failed: $?";
if ( -s $log ) {
say "*** Houve algum problema. Verifique o arquivo < /tmp/sqlite.errlog > ";
else {
say "*** Conversao completa. Verifique o arquivo < $filedb > ";
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 290
At least, with mysql 5.0.x, I had to remove collate utf8_unicode_ci from mysql's dump before importing it to sqlite3. So I modified the script to include the following to the list of seds:
sed 's/ collate utf8_unicode_ci/ /g' |
MySQL treats boolean fields as "tinyint(1)", so I had to add the following before tinyint([0-9]*)
sed 's/ tinyint(1) / boolean /g' |
Also, since I'm trying to replicate a mysql db (production) to a sqlite3 db (development) of a Ruby On Rails application, I had to add the following line in order to set an auto-incrementing primary key:
I'm still trying to figure out a way to change the KEY entries from mysql to its corresponding CREATE INDEX entry of sqlite3.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2203
I had an issue with the mysql db being ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1). When did the conversion to sqlite3 assumed the data was UTF-8 resulting in decoding errors.
It was easy to fix with this:
iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 mysql_dump_file > mysql_dump_file_utf8
Incase this helps someone.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 69
When the sqlite3 database is going to be used with ruby you may want to change:
sed 's/ tinyint(1*) / boolean/g ' |
sed 's/ tinyint([0|2-9]*) / integer /g' |
alas, this only half works because even though you are inserting 1's and 0's into a field marked boolean, sqlite3 stores them as 1's and 0's so you have to go through and do something like:
Table.find(:all, :conditions => {:column => 1 }).each { |t| t.column = true }.each(&:save)
Table.find(:all, :conditions => {:column => 0 }).each { |t| t.column = false}.each(&:save)
but it was helpful to have the sql file to look at to find all the booleans.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 102
works fine on Centos 5.3 64bit. once you have the output file load it like so:
shell> sqlite3 file_name.db SQLite version 3.3.6 Enter ".help" for instructions sqlite> .databases seq name file
0 main /current_directory/file_name.db
sqlite> select * from table;
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 3197
To get the above script to work, I made the following changes:
my mysqldump command looked like this:
$ mysqldump -u usernmae -h host --compatible=ansi --skip-opt -p database_name > dump_file
Then it worked nicely... thanks for the script.
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 1258
This shell script help you
if [ "x$1" == "x" ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <dumpname>"
cat $1 |
grep -v ' KEY "' |
grep -v ' UNIQUE KEY "' |
grep -v ' PRIMARY KEY ' |
sed '/^SET/d' |
sed 's/ unsigned / /g' |
sed 's/ auto_increment/ primary key autoincrement/g' |
sed 's/ smallint([0-9]*) / integer /g' |
sed 's/ tinyint([0-9]*) / integer /g' |
sed 's/ int([0-9]*) / integer /g' |
sed 's/ character set [^ ]* / /g' |
sed 's/ enum([^)]*) / varchar(255) /g' |
sed 's/ on update [^,]*//g' |
perl -e 'local $/;$_=<>;s/,\n\)/\n\)/gs;print "begin;\n";print;print "commit;\n"' |
perl -pe '
if (/^(INSERT.+?)\(/) {
' > $1.sql
cat $1.sql | sqlite3 $1.db > $1.err
ERRORS=`cat $1.err | wc -l`
if [ $ERRORS == 0 ]; then
echo "Conversion completed without error. Output file: $1.db"
rm $1.sql
rm $1.err
rm tmp
echo "There were errors during conversion. Please review $1.err and $1.sql for details."
Upvotes: 25