Reputation: 1000
Here is an example trace where I'm able to call erlang:monitor/2
on the same Pid:
1> Loop = fun F() -> F() end.
2> Pid = spawn(Loop).
3> erlang:monitor(process, Pid).
4> erlang:monitor(process, Pid).
5> erlang:monitor(process, Pid).
The expressions returned by instruction #4 and #5 are different than #3, meaning that it is possible to create multiple monitor references between the current process and Pid
. Is there a practical case where you would need or use multiple monitor references to the same process?
I would expect this to return the same reference (returning a new one would perhaps imply that the old one had failed/crashed), following the same logic that exists for link/1
Upvotes: 3
Views: 220
Reputation: 26131
Imagine you use third party library which does this (basically what OTP *:call/*
functions does):
call(Pid, Request) ->
call(Pid, Request, ?DEFAULT_TIMEOUT).
call(Pid, Request, Timeout) ->
MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
Pid ! {call, self(), MRef, Request},
{answer, MRef, Result} ->
erlang:demonitor(Mref, [flush]),
{ok, Result};
{'DOWN', MRef, _, _, Info} ->
{error, Info}
after Timeout ->
erlang:demonitor(MRef, [flush]),
{error, timeout}
and then you use it in your code where you would monitor the same process Pid
and then call function call/2,3
my_fun1(Service) ->
MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Service),
ok = check_if_service_runs(MRef),
ok = check_if_service_runs(MRef),
erlang:demonitor(MRef, [flush]),
check_if_service_runs(MRef) ->
{'DOWN', MRef, _, _, Info} -> {down, Info}
after 0 -> ok
my_fun2(S) -> my_fun3(S).
% and a many layers of other stuff and modules
my_fun3(S) -> call(S, hello).
What a nasty surprise it would be if erlang:monitor/2,3
would always return the same reference and if erlang:demonitor/1,2
would remove your previous monitor. It would be a source of ugly and unsolvable bugs. You should start to think that there are libraries, other processes, your code is part of a huge system and Erlang was made by experienced people who thought it through. Maintainability is key here.
Upvotes: 5