Reputation: 63
trying to get a dark theme to work with datatables (DT) package in a shiny application. I've tried shinytheme("cyborg")
and also downloading the cyborg CSS sheet from Bootswatch, (for call in datatables, style="bootstrap"
) but it doesn't seem to work when I use shinytheme. I need shinytheme for the rest of the app, since the css thows off all of the plots and spacing etc. Is there a dark CSS I could use in place of shinythemes which would work with plotly and datatables?
ui<- fluidPage(theme = shinytheme("cyborg"),
fluidRow(column(7, DTOutput("showdata")))
server<-function(input, output) {
output$showdata<- DT::renderDT({
datatable(iris, rownames=F, filter="top", extensions = "Scroller", width = "100%", style="bootstrap",
options = list(deferRender = TRUE, scrollY = 300,scrollX=FALSE, scroller = TRUE, dom = 'tp'),
selection ='single' ) %>%
backgroundColor = '#282828', color = "white")
shinyApp(ui=ui, server=server)
dark table screenshot note that the main issue is the filter text does not appear (maybe it is white because of shinytheme)
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2147
Reputation: 4072
You can make the text visible if you set the font color to black. Just include some CSS
in the header like: div.dataTables_scrollHead span {color: black;}
ui <- fluidPage(theme = shinytheme("cyborg"),
tags$head(tags$style("div.dataTables_scrollHead span {color: black;}")),
fluidRow(column(7, DTOutput("showdata")))
Upvotes: 2