
Reputation: 73

Converting agentset into list in NetLogo

I'm writing some code to vaccinate individuals in a population where flu is circulating. There are two kinds of vaccines (named HOV and HEV in the code); the HOV is already done. What I tried/wanted to do was convert the agentset of blue turtles into a list, that I could then iterate over one turtle at a time. I need to do this because the HEV condition has to give a slightly different vaccine to each blue turtle (i.e. the flu strain in each vaccine has to be slightly different). However, NetLogo is highlighting "foreach [vax-turtles]" with an error message that says "Expected a literal value."

My code is below, the "if vaccine = "HEV"" piece of code is what I need help with:

extensions [csv]
globals [strain_list_list epidemic-threshold cumulative-infections proportion-of-infection currently-infected peak-prevalence vax-strain]
turtles-own [infection-period infection-number tflu-strain immune-label ant-distance cross-immunity]
patches-own [fomite-age pflu-strain]

to setup
  set strain_list_list (list t-sorted-strain-list)
  print strain_list_list

to-report t-sorted-strain-list
  report map [i -> [tflu-strain] of i] sort turtles

to setup-turtles
  create-turtles 100
  ask turtles [setxy random-xcor random-ycor]
  ask turtles [set color white set infection-number 0 set immune-label -999999999999 set tflu-strain -999999999999]
  ask one-of turtles [set color red set infection-period 0 set infection-number 1 set immune-label 0 set tflu-strain 0]
  if vaccine = "HOV" [
    ifelse (one-of [1 2] = 1) [
      set vax-strain (random ((2 * drift-size) + 1))]
    [set vax-strain (-1 * random ((2 * drift-size) + 1))]
  ask n-of prop-vax turtles with [color = white] [set color blue set immune-label vax-strain]
  if vaccine = "HEV" [
    let vax-turtles (list turtles with [color = blue])
    ask n-of prop-vax turtles with [color = white] [set color blue] 
    foreach [vax-turtles] [
      ifelse (one-of [1 2] = 1) [
      set vax-strain (random ((2 * drift-size) + 1))]
    [set vax-strain (-1 * random ((2 * drift-size) + 1))]
  set epidemic-threshold "no"
  set cumulative-infections 0
  set peak-prevalence 0

to go
  if ticks = flu-season-length [stop]
  set cumulative-infections (count turtles with [infection-period = 1] + cumulative-infections)
  set proportion-of-infection (100 - (count turtles with [immune-label = -999999999999]))
  set currently-infected (count turtles with [infection-period = 1])
  csv:to-file "strains_each_tick.csv" strain_list_list
  set strain_list_list lput t-sorted-strain-list strain_list_list

to move-uninfecteds ;; uninfected turtles move faster than infected ones
  ask turtles with [color = white or color = blue] [
    right random 360
    forward 5

to move-infecteds ;; infected turtles move slower than uninfected ones and always transmit infection to patches before they leave them
  ask turtles with [color = red] [
  if pcolor = black [
      set pcolor red
    set fomite-age 0
    set pflu-strain tflu-strain]
  right random 360
  forward 3

to transmit ;; uninfected turtles are infected by fomites (red patches) with some probability. immune-labelling currently first infection
  ask turtles with [color = white or color = blue and pcolor = red] [
    if immune-label != pflu-strain [
      set ant-distance (abs (immune-label - pflu-strain))
      set cross-immunity (natural-immunity * (1 - (ant-distance / antigenic-distance-limit)))
    if cross-immunity < 0 [set cross-immunity 0]
    if random 100 < (((100 - cross-immunity) / 100) * probability-of-infection)
      [set color red set infection-period 0 set infection-number infection-number + 1 set tflu-strain pflu-strain]
  if immune-label = pflu-strain [ 
    if random 100 < (((100 - natural-immunity) / 100) * probability-of-infection)
      [set color red set infection-period 0 set infection-number infection-number + 1 set tflu-strain pflu-strain]

to mutate ;; some probability of mutation (change in strain label) when an individual receives infection from a patch
  ifelse in-host [
    ask turtles with [color = red] [
     if random 100 < probability-of-mutation [
      ifelse (one-of [1 2] = 1) [
      set tflu-strain (tflu-strain + (random (drift-size + 1)))]
      [set tflu-strain (tflu-strain - (random (drift-size + 1)))]
  [ask turtles with [color = red and infection-period = 0] [
     if random 100 < probability-of-mutation [
      ifelse (one-of [1 2] = 1) [
      set tflu-strain (tflu-strain + (random (drift-size + 1)))]
      [set tflu-strain (tflu-strain - (random (drift-size + 1)))]

to update-immunity
  ask turtles with [color = red and infection-period = 0] [
    ifelse immune-labelling = "first-infection" [
  if immune-label = -999999999999 [
        set immune-label tflu-strain]]
  [set immune-label tflu-strain]

 to track-infecteds ;; turtles with given infection period should become uninfected
  ask turtles with [color = red] [
    set infection-period infection-period + 1
  if infection-period = age-infection-max [
    set color white set infection-period 0 set tflu-strain -999999999999
  ask patches with [pcolor = red] [
  set fomite-age fomite-age + 1
  if fomite-age > max-fomite-persistence [
  set pcolor black

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

Upvotes: 5

Views: 4037

Answers (3)


Reputation: 4208

The problem is with the line

let vax-turtles (list turtles with [color = blue])

the list primitive creates a list, but not a list of turtles with [color = blue]. Rather it creates a list of its arguments, which in this case is a single angentset. You instead want a list of the agents in the agentset. The of reporter is the easiest way to get that as of always returns a list.

let vax-turtles [self] of turtles with [color = blue]

Alternatively, if you wanted the list to be sorted, you could use sort, which also always returns a list.

let vax-turtles sort turtles with [color = blue]

As for the problem you describe in the comment below, you need to ask each vax-turtle to set its own vax-strain (which I assume is a turtles-own variable). Assuming that you are using NetLogo 6.x,

if vaccine = "HEV" [
    let vax-turtles [self] of turtles with [color = blue]
    ask n-of prop-vax turtles with [color = white] [set color blue] 
    foreach [vax-turtles] [t ->
      ifelse (one-of [1 2] = 1) [
      ask t [set vax-strain (random ((2 * drift-size) + 1))]]
    [ask t [set vax-strain (-1 * random ((2 * drift-size) + 1))]]

But if drift-size is the same for all vax-turtles, it would be pretty unlikely that, given random, JenB's solution below would give the same value for vax-strain for any two turtles, would it not?

Upvotes: 6

Hannah Lee
Hannah Lee

Reputation: 393

I think

foreach sort-on [who] turtles with [color = blue]

will suffice.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 17678

Looking at your code, I can't see why you need to do the iteration rather than ask and it is much cleaner to stick with ask. So, try replacing:

if vaccine = "HEV" [
    let vax-turtles (list turtles with [color = blue])
    ask n-of prop-vax turtles with [color = white] [set color blue] 
    foreach [vax-turtles] [
      ifelse (one-of [1 2] = 1) [
      set vax-strain (random ((2 * drift-size) + 1))]
    [set vax-strain (-1 * random ((2 * drift-size) + 1))]


if vaccine = "HEV" [
    let vax-turtles turtles with [color = blue]
    ask n-of prop-vax turtles with [color = white] [set color blue] 
    ask [vax-turtles] [
      ifelse (one-of [1 2] = 1)
      [ set vax-strain (random ((2 * drift-size) + 1)) ]
      [ set vax-strain (-1 * random ((2 * drift-size) + 1)) ]

For that matter, I think the different values are simply different signs of the same value, so you could do:

if vaccine = "HEV" [
    let vax-turtles turtles with [color = blue]
    ask n-of prop-vax turtles with [color = white] [set color blue] 
    ask [vax-turtles] [
      set vax-strain one-of [-1 1] * (random ((2 * drift-size) + 1))

Also, I am not sure if you are doing this intentionally, but you are changing the proportion to blue after creating the vax-turtles agentset. This means that the newly changed turtles will not be given a vax-strain until the next tick or whenever the code is next run. Furthermore, the code you have will assign a new vax-strain to all the blue turtles, even if they were made blue in a previous steps. If you actually want the vax-strain to be assigned once only and the turtle to change colour to show this, try:

if vaccine = "HEV" [
    ask n-of prop-vax turtles with [color = white]
    [ set color blue
      set vax-strain one-of [-1 1] * (random ((2 * drift-size) + 1))
      type "drift-size is " type drift-size type " and vax-strain is " print vax-strain ;; new line here for diagnostics

UPDATE: ask gives a new random number to each agent. You can see this by running the complete model:

turtles-own [testnum]

to setup
  create-turtles 10
  [ set testnum random 5 ]
  print [testnum] of turtles

Upvotes: 2

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