Reputation: 3805
I have dataframe that has 6000 locations. For each location, I have 36 years daily data of rainfall in wide format.
A sample data:
mat <- matrix(round(rnorm(6000*36*365), digits = 2),nrow = 6000*36, ncol = 365)
dat <- data.table(mat)
names(dat) <- rep(paste0("d_",1:365))
dat$ <- rep(1:6000, each = 36)
dat$year <- rep(1980:2015, times = 6000)
What I want to do is for each location, generate the long term average rainfall for each month. For e.g. for = 1, mean rainfall in Jan, Feb, March... Dec.
Let' say this data is called df
which is a data table
Here's what I did:
loc.list <- unique(dat$
my.list <- list() # a list to store results
ptm <- proc.time()
for(i in seq_along(loc.list)){
n <- loc.list[i]
df1 <- dat[dat$ == n,]
df2 <- gather(df1, day, rain, -year) # this melts the data in long format
df3 <- df2 %>% mutate(day = gsub("d_","", day)) %>% # since the day column was in "d_1" format, I converted into integer (1,2,3..365)
mutate(day = as.numeric(as.character(day))) %>% # ensure that day column is numeric. For some reasonson, some NA.s appear.
arrange(year,day) %>% # ensure that they are arranged in order
mutate(month = strptime(paste(year, day), format = "%Y %j")$mon + 1) %>% # assing each day to a month
group_by(year,month) %>% # group by year and month
summarise(month.rain = sum(rain)) %>% # calculate for each location, year and month, total rainfall
group_by(month) %>% # group by month
summarise(month.mean = round(mean(month.rain), digits = 2)) # calculate for each month, the long term mean
my.list[[i]] <- df3
proc.time() - ptm
user system elapsed
1036.17 0.20 1040.68
I wanted to ask if there are more efficient and faster way to achieve this task
Upvotes: 0
Views: 162
Reputation: 67778
Another data.table
# change column names to month, grabbed from 365 dates of a non-leap year
setnames(dat, c(format(as.Date("2017-01-01") + 0:364, "%b"),
"", "year"))
# melt to long format
d <- melt(dat, id.vars = c("", "year"), = "month", = "rain")
# calculate mean rain by location and month
d2 <- d[ , .(mean_rain = mean(rain)), by = .(loc, month)]
This seems ~7 times faster than the answer by caw5cs. The result by Martin Morgan is in a different format though, which prevents a direct comparison of timings.
If you rather have unique column names in 'dat', you may use %b_%d
(month-day) instead of %b
only. Then use substr
in by
to grab the month part:
# change column names to month_day, using 365 dates of a non-leap year
setnames(dat, c(format(as.Date("2017-01-01") + 0:364, "%b_%d"),
"", "year"))
# melt to long format
d <- melt(dat, id.vars = c("", "year"), = "month_day", = "rain")
# calculate mean rain by location and month
d2 <- d[ , .(mean_rain = mean(rain)), by = .(, month = substr(month_day, 1, 3))]
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 46866
Use the cryptically named rowsum()
to sum daily rainfall at each site, over all years = rep(1:6000, each = 36) = rowsum(mat,
and use the same trick on the transposed matrix to sum by month (since there are 365 columns leap years must be ignored).
month = factor(
months(as.Date(0:364, origin="1970-01-01")),
levels =
) = rowsum(t(, month)
Calculate the average by dividing by number of observations; R's column-major matrix representation and recycling rules apply. Transpose so the orientation is the same as the data.
days.per.month = tabulate(month)
ans = t( / (36 * days.per.month))
The result is a 6000 x 12 matrix
> dim(ans)
[1] 6000 12
> head(ans, 3)
January February March April May June
1 0.01554659 0.002043651 -0.02950717 -0.02700926 0.003521505 -0.011268519
2 0.04953405 0.032926587 -0.04959677 0.02808333 0.022051971 0.009768519
3 -0.01125448 -0.023343254 -0.02672939 0.04012963 0.018530466 0.035583333
July August September October November December
1 0.009874552 -0.030824373 -0.04958333 -0.03366487 -0.07390741 -0.07899642
2 -0.011630824 -0.003369176 -0.00100000 -0.00594086 -0.02817593 -0.01161290
3 0.031810036 0.059641577 -0.01109259 0.04646953 -0.01601852 0.03103943
in less than a second.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 721
Grossly misread the question the first time, oops! Seems to be working as intended this time.
mat <- matrix(round(rnorm(6000*36*365), digits = 2),nrow = 6000*36, ncol = 365)
dat <- data.table(mat)
names(dat) <- rep(paste0("d_",1:365))
dat$ <- rep(1:6000, each = 36)
dat$year <- rep(1980:2015, times = 6000)
# convert to long format with month # as column name
date_cols <- colnames(dat)[1:365]
setnames(dat, date_cols, as.character(1:365))
dat.long <- melt(dat, measure.vars=as.character(1:365), variable="day", value="rainfall")
# R date starts at 0 for Jan 1, so we offset the day by 1
dat.long[, day := as.numeric(day) - 1]
setkey(dat.long, year, day)
# Make table for merging year/day/month
months <- CJ(year=1980:2015, day=0:365)
months[, date := as.Date(day, origin=paste(year, "-01-01", sep=""))]
months[, month := tstrsplit(date, "-")[2]]
setkey(months, year, day)
# Merge tables to get month column
dat.merge <- merge(dat.long, months)
# aggregate by location an dmonth <- dat.merge[, list(mean_rainfall = mean(rainfall)), by=list(, month)]
user system elapsed
14.420 4.205 18.626
> month mean_rainfall
1: 1 01 0.015546595
2: 2 01 0.049534050
3: 3 01 -0.011254480
4: 4 01 -0.019453405
5: 5 01 0.005860215
71996: 5996 12 0.027407407
71997: 5997 12 0.020334237
71998: 5998 12 0.043360434
71999: 5999 12 -0.006856369
72000: 6000 12 0.040542005
Upvotes: 0