Reputation: 5458
Hi I would like to parse some order_dicts. I have this following error
ipdb> for elem in my_orderdict['codeBook'].keys():
print("{0} ===> {1}".format(elem, my_orderdict[elem ]))
*** KeyError: '@xmlns'
So let's say that I create an Orderdict that I would like to iterate over later to get each items and values.
ipdb >>> from collections import *
ipdb >>> my_orderdict = \
OrderedDict([('@xmlns', ''),
('@version', '1.2.2'),
('@ID', '_71M0001XCB-F-1991-novembre'),
('@xml-lang', 'en'),
('@xsi:schemaLocation', 'http://www.johndoe.xsd'),
ipdb >>> type(my_orderdict)
<class 'collections.OrderedDict'>
ipdb >>> my_orderdict['codeBook'].keys()
odict_keys(['@xmlns', '@xmlns:xsi', '@version',
'@ID', '@xml-lang', '@xsi:schemaLocation', 'stdyDscr'])
I am creating a loop to access the value of each odict_keys
for elem in my_orderdict['codeBook'].keys():
print("{0} ===> {1}".format(elem, my_orderdict[elem ]))
The result that I would like should be
@xmlns ===> ''
@xmlns:xsi ===> ''
@version ===> 1.2.2
so that I could parse this orderdict. Right now my errors is :
ipdb> for elem in my_orderdict['codeBook'].keys():
print("{0} ===> {1}".format(elem, my_orderdict[elem ]))
*** KeyError: '@xmlns'
So I can't access the attribute of my first orderdict.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2633
Reputation: 96172
You are iterating over the subdict's keys: for elem in my_orderdict['codeBook'].keys():
but then using those keys on the parent-dict: my_orderdict[elem ]
you need to use my_orderdict['codeBook']
, so:
In [2]: data = OrderedDict([('codeBook',
...: OrderedDict([('@xmlns', ''),
...: ('@xmlns:xsi',
...: ''),
...: ('@version', '1.2.2'),
...: ('@ID', '_71M0001XCB-F-1991-novembre'),
...: ('@xml-lang', 'en'),
...: ('@xsi:schemaLocation', 'http://www.johndoe.xsd'),
...: ('stdyDscr',
...: OrderedDict([('stdyInfo',
...: OrderedDict([('subject',
...: OrderedDict([('keyword',
...: ['Chômage',
...: 'Emploi'])]))]))]))]))])
In [3]: for elem in data['codeBook']: #note, call to .keys is not necessary
...: print("{0} ===> {1}".format(elem, data['codeBook'][elem]))
@xmlns ===>
@xmlns:xsi ===>
@version ===> 1.2.2
@ID ===> _71M0001XCB-F-1991-novembre
@xml-lang ===> en
@xsi:schemaLocation ===> http://www.johndoe.xsd
stdyDscr ===> OrderedDict([('stdyInfo', OrderedDict([('subject', OrderedDict([('keyword', ['Chômage', 'Emploi'])]))]))])
However, in this case, you can just use items
, which iterates over key-value pairs:
In [4]: for k, v in data['codeBook'].items():
...: print("{0} ===> {1}".format(k, v))
@xmlns ===>
@xmlns:xsi ===>
@version ===> 1.2.2
@ID ===> _71M0001XCB-F-1991-novembre
@xml-lang ===> en
@xsi:schemaLocation ===> http://www.johndoe.xsd
stdyDscr ===> OrderedDict([('stdyInfo', OrderedDict([('subject', OrderedDict([('keyword', ['Chômage', 'Emploi'])]))]))])
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 46
looks like your loop is not accessing the right dictionary. You should be using:
for elem in my_orderdict['codeBook'].keys():
print("{0} ===> {1}".format(elem, my_orderdict['codeBook'][elem ]))
Note the my_orderdict['codeBook']
in the inside loop.
Basically: you are iterating on the elements of the dictionary my_orderdict['codeBook']
, but trying to access the values of my_orderdict
Hope this helps!
Upvotes: 2