Reputation: 355
How can I check if a string exists in:
I have tried this in batch:
FINDSTR "897516" decimal_output.txt
But as I said I need the faster and more efficient way to do this.
I also tried this code that I have found in stackoverflow:
$SEL = Select-String -Path C:\Users\fabio\Desktop\CONVERTIDOS\dec_output.txt -Pattern "123456"
if ($SEL -ne $null)
echo Contains String
echo Not Contains String
But I get the error below, and I don't know if this code is the most solid or adequate. The error:
Select-String : Tipo de excepção 'System.OutOfMemoryException' accionado. At C:\Users\fabio\Desktop\1.ps1:1 char:8 + $SEL = Select-String -Path C:\Users\fabio\Desktop\CONVERTIDOS\dec_out ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Select-String], OutOfMemoryException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.OutOfMemoryException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SelectStringCommand
Upvotes: 4
Views: 3532
Reputation: 842
This should do the job:
# Searches for a user defined string in the $input_file and counts matches. Works with files of any size.
# Adjust source directory and input file name.
$source = "C:\adjust\path"
$input_file = "file_name.extension"
# Define the string you want to search for. Keep quotation marks even if you only search for numbers (otherwise
# $pattern.Length will be 1 and this script will no longer work with files larger than the $split_size)!
$pattern = "Enter the string to search for in here"
# Using Get-Content on an input file with a size of 1GB or more will cause System.OutOfMemoryExceptions,
# therefore a large file gets temporarily split up.
$split_size = 100MB
# Thanks @Bob (
Set-Location $source
if (test-path ".\_split") {
while ($overwrite -ne "true" -and $overwrite -ne "false") {
$overwrite = Read-Host ' Splitted files already/still exist! Delete and overwrite?'
if ($overwrite -match "y") {
$overwrite = "true"
Remove-Item .\_split -force -recurse
$a = "`n Deleted existing splitted files!"
} elseif ($overwrite -match "n") {
$overwrite = "false"
$a = "`n Continuing with existing splitted files!"
} elseif ($overwrite -match "c") {
} else {
Write-Host "`n Error: Invalid input!`n Type 'y' for 'yes'. Type 'n' for 'no'. Type 'c' for 'cancel'. `n`n`n"
if ((Get-Item $input_file).Length -gt $split_size) {
while ($delete -ne "true" -and $delete -ne "false") {
$delete = Read-Host ' Delete splitted files afterwards?'
if ($delete -match "y") {
$delete = "true"
$b = "`n Splitted files will be deleted afterwards!"
} elseif ($delete -match "n") {
$delete = "false"
$b = "`n Splitted files will not be deleted afterwards!"
} elseif ($delete -match "c") {
} else {
Write-Host "`n Error: Invalid input!`n Type 'y' for 'yes'. Type 'n' for 'no'. Type 'c' for 'cancel'. `n`n`n"
Write-Host `n This may take some time!
if ($overwrite -ne "false") {
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path ".\_split" >$null 2>&1
[Environment]::CurrentDirectory = Get-Location
$bytes = New-Object byte[] 4096
$in_file = [System.IO.File]::OpenRead($input_file)
$file_count = 0
$finished = $false
while (!$finished) {
$bytes_to_read = $split_size
$out_file = New-Object System.IO.FileStream ".\_split\_split_$file_count.splt",CreateNew,Write,None
while ($bytes_to_read) {
$bytes_read = $in_file.Read($bytes, 0, [Math]::Min($bytes.Length, $bytes_to_read))
if (!$bytes_read) {
$finished = $true
$bytes_to_read -= $bytes_read
$out_file.Write($bytes, 0, $bytes_read)
while (Test-Path ".\_split\_split_$i.splt") {
$cur_file = (Get-Content ".\_split\_split_$i.splt")
$temp_count = ([regex]::Matches($cur_file, "$pattern")).Count
$match_count += $temp_count
$n = $i - 1
if (Test-Path ".\_split\_split_$n.splt") {
if ($cur_file.Length -ge $pattern.Length) {
$file_transition = $prev_file.Substring($prev_file.Length - ($pattern.Length - 1)) + $cur_file.Substring(0,($pattern.Length - 1))
} else {
$file_transition = $prev_file.Substring($prev_file.Length - ($pattern.Length - 1)) + $cur_file
$temp_count = ([regex]::Matches($file_transition, "$pattern")).Count
$match_count += $temp_count
$prev_file = $cur_file
} else {
$match_count = ([regex]::Matches($input_file, "$pattern")).Count
if ($delete -eq "true") {
Remove-Item ".\_split" -Force -Recurse
if ($match_count -ge 1) {
Write-Host "`n`n String '$pattern' found:`n`n $match_count matches!"
} else {
Write-Host "`n`n String '$pattern' not found!"
Write-Host `n`n`n`n`n
This will split a large file into mutliple smaller files, search them for $pattern
and count the matches (taking file transitions into account).
It also offers you to delete or keep the splitted files afterwards so you can reuse them and don't have to split the large file every time you run this script.
Upvotes: 4